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  • 5 Yorkie Anxiety Symptoms (Signs You NEED to Know)

5 Yorkie Anxiety Symptoms (Signs You NEED to Know)

Like other dog breeds, Yorkies feel anxious too.

Unfortunately, these fur babies can’t communicate their feelings. As dog owners, it is one of our responsibilities to be better fur parents.

Yorkie anxiety symptoms

One way to do it is to be aware of Yorkie anxiety symptoms which will help us act immediately to ease our dogs’ stress.

Common Types of Dogs’ Anxiety

Before you learn the Yorkie anxiety symptoms, it is vital to understand the common types of anxiety in dogs. Doing so allows us to understand our dogs better and give them the best treatment we can offer.

Noise Phobia

Yorkies and other dog breeds are usually afraid of loud noises. The sound of fireworks and thunderstorms could be stress triggers for your dogs. Once dogs hear these things, they are likely to escape from the noise, such as running away or jumping through windows.

Yorkshire Terrier lying in bed

According to the American Kennel Club Canine Health Foundation, Inc., here are the symptoms of noise phobia in dogs:

  • barking

  • chewing

  • drooling

  • defecating

  • hiding

  • pacing

  • panting

  • shaking

  • trembling

  • urinating

The Canine Health Foundation also stated that 40 percent of dogs with noise phobia are more likely to have separation anxiety. This is based on the American Animal Hospital Association’s national web conference about separation anxiety management.

Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety is one of the most common forms of anxiety in dogs. Dog breeds like Yorkies value their owners, so they are most likely to stick with them. If your Yorkie doesn’t want to be separated, your fur baby might experience separation anxiety whenever you leave.

light coated Yorkshire Terrier

If your Yorkies are still young, teaching them how to cope when they are away from you is advised. This way, they can learn how to entertain themselves with their own company, reducing the risks of experiencing stress.

Environmental Changes

Little changes in your dogs’ environment can also cause anxiety to them. This includes taking away their toys or any valued item, moving to a new home, and even traveling. Any change in their routine can also trigger anxiety.

Yorkie wears a collar

Yorkie Anxiety Symptoms and Treatment

Anxiety in dogs comes in many forms. Usually, they have similar symptoms. Although there are several ways to tell your Yorkie is stressed, here are five Yorkie anxiety symptoms you need to look out for:

1. Aggression

Yorkies are protective of the things they value. They guard their territory and protect their owners. This is also common to other dog breeds.

Yorkie barking

But when your dog becomes aggressive, it means it could be experiencing fear and frustration

Dogs have several behaviors which can lead to aggression, such as fear, reactivity, and resource guarding. As dog owners, aggression should not be overlooked because it can cause destructive behaviors to other animals and individuals.

A dog is aggressive if it:

  • Barks that sound threatening

  • Bites that tear the skin or cause wounds

  • Charges at the person with no contact

  • Growls and shows teeth

  • Punches the person with a nose

If you see your Yorkie becoming aggressive, it is essential to tell the people around them to stay away from your dog. This way, you can prevent the individuals from being bitten by your pet.


It is best to consult a veterinarian to treat your dog’s medical condition. Behavior modification is a safe and effective way to treat aggression problems in dogs. If your dog becomes aggressive due to anxiety, ask for professional help.

2. Drooling

When dogs become anxious, they tend to drool excessively. They could also yawn and lick abnormally. For instance, you can identify a stressful yawn if it is more prolonged and intense than a sleepy yawn.

Yorkie with black collar

Drooling caused by anxiety can accompany panting, restlessness, and diarrhea. Dog owners should pay attention to this symptom because excessive drooling can also indicate other serious problems. It can also be life-threatening when left untreated. 


If you find Yorkies drooling excessively, you should see your vet for proper medication. This way, you can discover if your dog has other conditions besides anxiety. Here are some of the medicines that your veterinarian could recommend:

  • Antibiotics

  • Dental treatment

  • Medicated mouthwash

  • Pain medication

  • Surgical intervention (if the case is severe and caused by a traumatic experience and congenital effects)

3. Excessive Barking

Barking is common to dogs because they use it for communication. Its meaning varies depending on the situation. However, a dog’s bark becomes a problem if excessive, which is caused by different factors.

aggressive Yorkshire Terrier

Excessive barking is one of the common symptoms of anxiety in dogs. Yorkies bark when they hear a loud noise that might startle them or catch their attention. This can happen anywhere, not only in their homes. 

If you find your dogs bark abnormally, try not to shout at them to make them stop. Shouting only triggers your dog to bark more because they might think you’re doing the same thing. Besides, dogs will not understand what you are yelling, so you better avoid shouting at them.


Train your dog to keep quiet whenever you say a word. For instance, you can say “Quiet” to make them stop barking. If they do, give them a treat. Do this repeatedly and make it a habit so they will be trained to stop barking whenever you say the magic word.

Rewarding them is an effective way to help them ease their stress.

4. Panting

It is common for dogs to pant, especially when they feel hot or excited. But if your dog is panting for no reason, it is more likely caused by stress. 

dog panting and looks at her owner


It is best to distract your pet by allowing it to perform an activity. Doing routine commands like sitting and catching a ball can give dogs a sense of normalcy. You can also pamper your fur baby and give it some delicious treats.

Seeking professional help is advised if your dog is excessively panting.

5. Restlessness

As mentioned earlier, noise phobia is one of the common forms of anxiety in dogs. Thunderstorms, fireworks, and other loud noises can startle dogs and make them feel agitated. If your fur baby becomes restless, check for other symptoms too.

Yorkshire Terrier in the forest

A restless behavior can also indicate other severe health conditions and some pain levels in dogs.


If you find your Yorkie in a stressful situation, it might find ways to escape from the owner and do things it finds comfortable. Respect it, especially if your dog is not hurting anyone. Don’t force your pet to play with other dogs.

Final Thoughts

Like humans, dogs feel stressed too. Many things can trigger their anxiety, so as dog owners, we must be aware of how our dogs feel and identify their stressors. This way, we can help them overcome their anxiety and feel relaxed again. 

Owning a dog is indeed fun and fulfilling. However, you might experience difficulties, especially if you’re a first-time fur parent. It can become less challenging when you know your dog’s behavior.

Remember the Yorkie anxiety symptoms to help your dogs whenever they feel uneasy. Dogs are wonderful pets, so it’s great if we can also be responsible fur parents.