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Why is My Goldendoodle Throwing Up?

When your Goldendoodle throws up or regurgitates its stomach – it can be worrying! 

Our dog went through a phase around one year of age, where he vomited almost every evening for a fortnight. He was otherwise well and energetic. We were worried. It took a little research and time to uncover the cause – but once we did the solution was simple.

why is my goldendoodle throwing up

When is Goldendoodle Vomiting a Concern?

Usually, when an adult dog vomits its stomach contents, there can be a little patience, and an apparent cause will become clear.

dizzy Goldendoodle with stick

When a Goldendoodle puppy vomits; however, you need to be more concerned. A puppy is much smaller, and the loss of electrolytes and energy can make your dog very ill. A cause for worry and a call to the Vet!

Like puppies, an adult Goldendoodle who throws up extensively can become dehydrated and unwell just from the vomiting – without even considering the original cause!

So what are the common causes of dog vomiting? When should we be concerned about our Goldendoodle?

Well, first, I need to make you think way more about dog spew than you perhaps thought you ever might.

The difference between dog vomit and regurgitation

The fastest way to learn the difference between dog vomit and dog regurgitation is to think of a burp.

groodle throwing up

A Goldendoodle that vomits will expel the contents of its stomach. There might be intestinal fluid, the abdominal muscles will clench, and it is a whole-body effort. The dog will be keenly aware it is vomiting.

Regurgitation is more of a “burp.” The abdominal muscles are not involved. It is food that was in the esophagus that has not made its way to the stomach yet. Charming!

We need to know the difference because regurgitation is less of a big deal. It typically occurs just as or after eating, and the food will not have made it to the stomach yet. The food will still look much as it did a few seconds or minutes earlier. 

Regurgitation is not ideal but typically not a cause for stress. Your Goldendoodle may experience this when they switch from puppy food to new good, or even if they eat too quickly.

Two ways to cut down on regurgitation issues are using a slow feeding bowl and slowly transitioning between old and new dog foods.

Why Goldendoodle Vomiting Matters?

A dog or puppy that vomits is a cause for concern. A deep-seated vomit will expel not only food but also stomach acids and electrolytes. On top of this, your Goldendoodle will become dehydrated rapidly, which in itself is a dangerous situation.

grooming labradoodle vs goldendoodle

There are several common causes of dog vomiting. Some of these are self-limiting, and most will go away with time. Some are very serious and will require treatment and Veterinary attention.

Any doubt in your mind? Contact a Vet. Essentially if you can’t identify an apparent cause, contact a Vet. If your Goldendoodle continues to vomit despite intervention, contact a Vet. If there is any blood in the spew, contact a Vet.

Why is My Goldendoodle Throwing Up?

Eating bad food – a rancid or off bit of food can cause an upset stomach. Similar to food poisoning for humans, dogs can vomit due to eating bad food. Even dog safe foods like eggs or pork can go off or have a bacterial issue if cooked incorrectly.

Eating human food – dogs are not designed to eat human foods, Specifically oils and carbohydrates. Carbs can be processed by dogs but only up to a point. Too much bread or sugars can result in vomiting (or runny dog poops). Excessively oily or fatty foods often result in vomiting. So if your Goldendoodles has stolen a piece of fried chicken, don’t be alarmed when you see it again later.

Specific food allergies – some Goldendoodles develop allergies to certain foods. The most common culprits are chicken, grains, or fillers. Choose a top-quality dry Goldendoodle food that avoids these. If it is chicken, switch up the diet for a week, and you will see a difference. For the others, just choose a premium brand, and it will typically be sufficient.

Motion sickness – some Goldendoodles get car sick. This may seem obvious, but it can catch some owners off guard, especially if the vomiting occurs 20-30 minutes later or the car ride itself is short. Keep them away from the windows and avoid as possible. Try the front seat, the back, and inside a crate. If they are a puppy, they may outgrow this phase. Older dogs may continue to become car sick for their whole life.

Gut infection – gut inflammation or any part of the digestive tract being inflamed can result in vomiting. This can be known as pancreatitis or digestive tract infections. Even inflammatory bowel disease can cause vomiting. This will not cease and needs Veterinary advice. 

Swallowed foreign object – A Goldendoodle that has swallowed something that cannot be digested can have a blockage somewhere in its system. These are commonly bits of bone, bits of plastic, or sometimes even fabric or sticks.

Intestinal parasites and worms – vomiting due to parasites, ticks, or worms are mostly preventable. If your dog is not protected, then this can be a cause of vomiting. A trip to the Vet will get your Goldendoodle up to date and back on track.

Viruses and disease– Unvaccinated dogs can vomit due to the Parvovirus or Canine Distemper. There are also diseases like diabetes and organ-borne illnesses that can induce severe and prolonged vomiting.

How Do They Treat Goldendoodle Vomiting?

Owners are not too phased by the occasional splash of dog vomit. In fact, it sometimes seems almost like a routine part of owning a dog.

goldendoodle is lethargic

If the vomiting is not out of control, many owners and Vets manage it by providing their dog with a simple and bland diet. Rice and boiled chicken is one of the most famous combinations. Return to a normal diet after a day or so.

You will also need to keep your dog hydrated if they are vomiting. A small amount of water supplied frequently is acceptable. 

Uncontrolled or unexplained vomiting is often treated with medication or prescribed foods by the Vet.

Common Causes of Dog Regurgitation

  • Eating too quickly

  • Over excitement

  • Overeating

  • Some dog breeds regurgitate more frequently

walk after breakfast

Eating too quickly – A dog that scarfs down its food in a short minute will often run into trouble keeping it down. This is especially true of young dogs that are transitioning from puppyhood to adult life. They can get very excited about food! We all know how food motivated our Goldendoodles are – so it is no surprise they often suffer from regurgitation caused by eating too quickly.

In terms of slowing down dog feeding, there are a few approaches to take. Encouraging calm and serene meal times is an excellent thought – but most Goldendoodles struggle to maintain the chill vibe when it comes time to actually eat.

As such, the two approaches that see success in slowing down eating are more mechanical and rely less on our energetic dogs’ maturity. Goldendoodles respond well to both slow feeding and portion control.

Splitting the food up into smaller portions can reduce the risk of your dog regurgitating the food. This is hands-on, though, and can take time.

Another highly recommended strategy is as simple as a plastic slow feeding bowl. These budget friendly dog bowls are also sometimes referred to as puzzle feeders. They have designs inside the bowl that stop the dog from being able to eat quickly. They work perfectly with dry kibble, regardless of size. 

A simple slow feeder like the Outward Hound Fun Feeder is typically all you need.

Over excitement – Another common reason Goldendoodles may regurgitate food before it hits the stomach is over excitement.

goldendoodle with straight coat vs labradoodle

We all know a Goldendoodle that has a zest for life and gets hyper-excited. Whether it is a treat, a walk, a new toy, or even just some tummy rubs – Goldendoodles are super excitable.

The trick with Goldendoodles is to make eating an unexciting chore. While we humans might like to grab a burger at a noisy bar or have a fancy teppanyaki meal where the chef throws egg and juggles knives – food for a dog needs to be unexciting.

How to avoid over-excitement at mealtimes

  • Don’t hype your dog up before mealtimes.

  • Use a quiet tone and do not announce mealtime – your Goldendoodle will know when you start preparing the meal anyway, so no need to announce it.

  • Send the dog to sit on their dog mat or in a specific place and wait.

  • Ask them to wait as you set the food down. Then allow your dog to eat only after waiting patiently.

Overeating – When we feel too full, we can feel bloated. Remember the last time you ate too many chips or delicious food at a BBQ? Well, when humans feel full, we (usually) stop eating. Some dogs will eat WHATEVER you put in front of them. They will eat everything on offer, and this can result in overeating.

Once a dog is full, they are… literally full. 

Their stomach cannot fill anymore. It is a hyper-inflated balloon. When your Goldendoodle tries to eat more, the body will reject it, and they will regurgitate the food.

The solution? Feed your dog less! If you pick a nutrient-dense Goldendoodle-appropriate dry food – they really don’t need to eat a considerable volume. Miniature and Teacup Goldendoodles also don’t need to eat as much as larger Medium or Standard Goldendoodles. 

Figure out the appropriate amount of food for your Goldendoodle, and don’t exceed it. Think about snacks and treats (which should not make up more than 10% of the dog’s diet).

Breeds that are prone to regurgitating – There are a few dog breeds that have a predisposition to regurgitating. Luckily neither the Golden Retriever nor the Poodle feature. 

best dog food for German shepherds

Dog breeds that are prone to regurgitating food