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  • Why Does My Dog Lay On My Clothes?

Why Does My Dog Lay On My Clothes?

I don’t know what it is, but my dog just loves sleeping on my clothes. I’ll come home from work and find her curled up on my sweater or draped across my jeans. It’s not like she doesn’t have her own bed – she just seems to prefer mine.

I guess she likes the smell of me, or maybe she’s just trying to keep my clothes warm for me. Either way, it’s kind of a pain having to constantly move her before I can get dressed.

why does my dog lay on my clothes

But I guess I shouldn’t complain too much. After all, we are the people they love the most, so it makes sense that they want to be close to us – even when we’re not there. And who knows, maybe she’ll let me sleep on hers one day.

While it may be annoying at first, there are actually a few reasons why dogs do this.

11 Reasons Why Your Dog Lays on Your Clothes

1) Your Dog Feels Secure Laying on Your Clothes

One of the main reasons why dogs like to sleep on our clothes is because it makes them feel secure. When they’re close to our scent, it calms them and makes them feel safe. This is especially true for dogs that suffer from separation anxiety.

For these dogs, sleeping on your clothes can be a way of coping with their anxiety. It’s a way of staying connected to you even when you’re not there.

Additionally, the act of laying on your clothes can be calming for dogs in general. The pressure of being hugged has been shown to have a calming effect on both humans and animals. And since we can’t exactly hug our dogs all the time, they may turn to our clothes as the next best thing.

So, if you find your dog sleeping on your clothes, there’s no need to worry. They’re just trying to feel close to you and stay calm. And who knows, maybe one day you’ll find them curled up on your bed instead.

Papillon sleeping

2) Your Dog Loves Your Smell

Another reason why dogs like to sleep on our clothes is that they love the way we smell. To them, we smell like home. And there’s nothing that they love more than being at home with their pack.

When your dog sleeps on your clothes, she’s essentially surrounding herself with your scent. This makes her feel happy and safe and reminds her of you.

So, if they’re ever feeling down, they just take a sniff of your dirty laundry. It might not smell great to us, but to our dogs, it’s the best fragrance in the world.

dog and clothes

3) Your Dog Wants to Keep Your Clothes Warm

Another reason why dogs like to lay on our clothes is because they want to keep them warm for us. This is especially true in the winter months when it’s cold outside.

Our dogs are always looking out for us, and they know that we need to keep warm. So, by sleeping on our clothes, they’re doing their part to ensure that we’re comfortable.

Of course, this means we have to be extra careful about not leaving our clothes out in the cold. Otherwise, we might come home to find our dog sleeping on a frozen pair of jeans. But that’s a small price to pay for their warmth and affection.

Cute sleepy cavapoo

4) Your Dog Loves the Softness of Your Clothes

Your dog may lay on our clothes because they simply love how they feel. Our clothes are soft and comfortable, and they make for the perfect place to take a nap.

Additionally, many dogs suffer from joint pain or other health problems that make it challenging to find a comfortable sleeping position. But by sleeping on our clothes, they can get the support and comfort they need.

So, if you find your dog sleeping on your clothes, there’s no need to worry. They’re just trying to relax and be comfortable.

chocolate goldendoodle puppy

5) Your Pup Doesn’t Like Their Dog Bed

Of course, there’s always the possibility that your dog simply doesn’t like their dog bed. If this is the case, then you may need to invest in a new one.

There are a variety of different dog beds on the market, so you’re sure to find one that your pup will love. Just make sure to do your research and choose one that’s comfortable and supportive.

Your dog may also be sleeping on your clothes because they’re trying to tell you something. For example, if their bed is in a location they don’t like, they may sleep on your clothes as a way of telling you to move it.

Or, if their bed is too small or too big, they may sleep on your clothes to let you know they need a new one.

brown and white puppy on dog bed

6) Your Dog Likes the Warmth of Your Clothes

Your dog may sleep on your clothes because they simply like the warmth they provide. This is especially true in the winter months when it’s cold outside.

Dogs are warm-blooded creatures, so they need to be extra careful about not getting too cold. And what better way to stay warm than by snuggling up against your clothes?

So, if you find your dog sleeping on your clothes, there’s no need to worry. They’re just trying to stay warm and comfortable. And who can blame them?

After all, we would do the same thing if we could.

white dog in bed

7) Your Pup Might be Seeking Attention From You

It’s also possible that your dog is sleeping on your clothes because they’re seeking attention from you. Dogs are social creatures, and they crave attention from their owners.

So, if your dog is sleeping on your clothes, they may be trying to get your attention. They may want you to pet them or play with them, and they know that sleeping on your clothes is a surefire way to get your attention.

Of course, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. After all, it’s always nice to feel loved and needed by our furry friends.

Cavapoochon puppy getting belly rub

8) Your Dog May be Experiencing Anxiety or Stress

Unfortunately, some dogs lay on their owner’s clothes because they’re experiencing anxiety or stress. This can be caused by a variety of different things, such as separation anxiety or a move to a new home.

If your dog is experiencing anxiety or stress, it’s important to seek professional help. A veterinarian or animal behaviorist can help you identify the cause of your dog’s anxiety and come up with a treatment plan.

In the meantime, give your dog plenty of love and attention. This will help them feel more secure and may prevent them from sleeping on your clothes.

Boston Terrier looks scared in blanket

9) Your Dog Might be Marking Their Territory With Their Scent

Another possibility is that your dog is sleeping on your clothes to mark their territory with their scent. Dogs have a strong sense of smell and use it to mark their territory.

By sleeping on your clothes, your dog is essentially claiming you as their own. So, if you find yourself with a dog that’s always laying on your clothes, it might be because they’re trying to mark you as their territory.

Of course, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. In fact, many people find it flattering when their dog claims them as their own.

Maltese puppy laying on clothes

10) Your Dog May be Bored or Lonely

Another possibility is that your dog is bored or lonely. If you’re not around much, your dog may sleep on your clothes to get some companionship.

Dogs are social creatures who need companionship to stay happy and healthy. So, if you find yourself with a dog that’s always sleeping on your clothes, it might be because they’re bored or lonely.

In this case, the best thing you can do is make sure to spend more time with your pup. Take them for walks, play with them, and give them the attention they need.

dog lying down

11) Your Dog May be Sick or Injured

If your dog is suddenly laying on your clothes more often than usual, it might be because they’re sick or injured. Dogs will often seek comfort from their owners when they’re not feeling well.

So, if you find yourself with a dog that’s always sleeping on your clothes, it might be time to take them to the vet for a checkup.

Of course, this isn’t always the case. For example, some dogs simply prefer to sleep on their owner’s clothes. But if you notice a change in your dog’s behavior, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and take them to the vet just to be safe.

sick brown poodle


So, there you have it! These are just a few of the reasons why dogs like to sleep on our clothes. Whether they’re trying to keep us warm or simply love the way we smell, it’s clear that our pups just can’t get enough of us.

Whatever the reason, if your dog is sleeping on your clothes, it’s important to pay attention to their behavior. They may be trying to tell you something. So, next time you find your dog curled up on your clothes, just know that they’re doing it out of love.