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Why Does My Dog Bite My Nose? (Meaning Explained)

When your dog is young, it is crucial to train them so that they do not develop bad habits as adults. Unfortunately, most puppies have several bad habits you need to undo. Notably, you might ask yourself the question, why does my dog bite my nose? 

Unfortunately, this problem is common in young dogs. If you do not address it, it will persist into adulthood. 

why does my dog bite my nose

To address your dog’s nose-biting problem, you must determine the cause. There are several reasons your dog could be biting its nose, so you must figure out which is affecting your dog.

Reasons Your Dog Could be Biting Your Nose

Here we will look at several things that could answer your question if you’re asking, “Why does my dog bite my nose?” 

They Want To Play with You

The first thing to understand about biting in dogs is it is not always an act of aggression. Dogs bite for several reasons, and only one of them is to harm. Dogs bite because they want to play, especially when they are young.

Labrador Retriever nibbles nose

You might have noticed that dogs will nibble at each other’s necks and ears, but they do not bite hard enough to harm each other. They do this because they want to play with their friends.

Dogs do not know that humans do not necessarily understand what biting means to them. So, if they want to play with you, they might try to bite your ears. They probably will not bite hard, so it will not hurt.

However, most dogs do not understand how strong they are, so even if they are not trying to hurt you, they might do damage to your ear. With that in mind, it is crucial to eliminate this habit before they grow up.

They Are Trying To Ease Teething Pains

If you get your dog when they are still a puppy, you will watch as they go through the teething process. Unfortunately, it is painful for dogs to teethe, and as a result, they will do anything they can to relieve their pain. Their instincts tell them to chew on anything they can. Human babies do the same thing, biting down on fingers, crackers, or anything pliable. 

Bernese Mountain puppy chews

If you let your puppy, they will chew on your nose to ease the pain of teething. It will not hurt you because their teeth have not fully grown in yet, but you should not let it continue. Buy them some toys to bite on to replace your nose.

Establishing that biting while your dog is young is crucial to ensuring they behave like an adult.

It is crucial to note that teething will only be the cause of nose biting while your dog is under eight months old. Once your dog reaches eight or nine months of age, it will be done teething. At this point, you would expect them to stop biting your nose.

However, if you let them persist non-stop at a young age, they may continue doing it to comfort themselves.

They Want Your Attention

Unfortunately, your dog cannot speak to you directly to get to you to get your attention. Well, they can bark at you, but many dogs learn that they will not get a friendly response after barking at their owner. So, they will turn to other tactics to get your attention.

dog licks her little girl owner

Notably, some dogs will bite their owner’s noses to get attention

Your dog will probably not bite enough to hurt you, but you should not allow this tactic to work. If your dog bites your nose, do not give them what they want. Instead, encourage them to ask for things in more acceptable manners by only rewarding them when they do good things.

You can give them attention when they get under your feet, bring you a toy, or stare at their leash. However, you must teach them that biting is not an acceptable way to ask for attention.

They Are Too Riled Up

Unfortunately, sometimes dogs bite when they get too excited or riled up. It is common for people to wrestle or play aggressively when their dogs. This fact is especially true with big dogs

dog excited

When dogs get excited, they do not think about what they are doing. Instead, they let their instincts take over. They might bite your nose for no other reason than it is there and they are excited

While you might not think it is a big deal if your dog gives you a love bite every once in a while you are playing, it can be bad with guests around. Dogs are smart and they remember people they have met before. So, your dog will get excited when its friends come to visit.

As a result, they can lose control of their emotions and bite their friends on the nose. If those friends are children, it can be very bad. So, it is best to eliminate this habit.

They Are Aggravated

Although most of the time your dog will only bite you to get something or because their excited, sometimes they will do it because they are aggravated. If your dog is upset or scared after you do something, it might bite you. Biting is one of a dog’s only self-defense tools, so if they bite you, they could be scared or upset. 

fluffy cavapoo puppy with white chest looks at owner

Unfortunately, if your dog bites you because of aggravation often, it is probably because they do not trust you anymore. Winning back the trust of your dog is challenging, so it is crucial to be kind to them at all times. Do not lose your temper or be aggressive with them. 

What Should You Do About Your Dog’s Nose Biting?

If your dog is biting your nose, you need to address the problem. There are several things you can try to get your dog to stop biting. Fortunately, most solutions are easy to apply.

Give Your Dog Toys To Chew On

Instincts drive dogs to chew on things. It gives them comfort because it is similar to feeding as a puppy. When they grow into adults, chewing on things allows them to simulate feasting on the prey they caught and killed.

Yorkie chewing toy

You cannot get rid of your dog’s instincts. Instincts are in place because of thousands of generations of dogs. So, the only thing you can do is give them an outlet.

One of the best things you can do is give your dog things to chew on other than your nose. Fortunately, you can buy lots of cheap toys from your local pet store. 

Do Not Reward Bad Behavior

Dogs will bite more often if they are rewarded for it. If you always give your dog what they want after they bite you, it will continue to bite you. So, rather than giving your dog attention when they bite your nose, put them in time out.

walk away

Only reward them with attention or play time when they do positive things. They will learn to do good things rather than bite you to get what they want.

Give Them Plenty of Attention, So They Do Not Need To Ask for It

If you play with your dog regularly and give them the attention they need every day, it will not need to ask for it. While it is smart to not give your dog attention after they bite you, an even better solution is to keep them happy so that they never need to ask for attention. Dogs are social creatures and need playtime, so do not ignore them all day.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi with a woman

Consult with an Expert

Unfortunately, some dogs are worse behaved than others. As a result, your dog might need expert training to break its habits. If you suspect that is the case, you should book a consultation.

A Basenji being asked to wait during training

Why Does My Dog Bite My Nose? Answered!

Your dog biting your nose might be cute when they are a puppy, but it will not be when they are fully grown. Your dog may be biting your nose for several reasons from wanting to play to displaying aggravation. Nonetheless, it is crucial to ensure your dog does not bite you to try to get what they want.

Fortunately, this article has provided several ways to discourage nose-biting in dogs. Give them a try, and let me know what works for you!