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  • Why Do Dogs Hate Being Blown on the Face?

Why Do Dogs Hate Being Blown on the Face?

Dogs are such funny creatures. They love sticking their heads out the window of a moving car, but they hate it when you blow on their faces.

Perhaps you were trying to get their attention or dry them off after a bath. Whatever the reason, you might not have realized that this seemingly innocent act can actually be quite irritating to your furry friend.

why do dogs hate being blown on the face

That’s because, to a dog, having something blown in their face is the equivalent of having someone unexpectedly shout in your ear. It catches them by surprise, and it is not comfortable. In addition, dogs interpret blowing as an aggressive act.

So, if you want to build a bond with your pup, it’s best to avoid blowing in their face. And, on a related note, you might want to be mindful of your breath when around your dog. Their sense of smell is so acute that they might take exception to the smell of your morning coffee!

Reasons Your Dog Does Not Like Their Face Being Blown On

Your Dog Wasn’t Expecting It

Have you ever been startled by someone blowing on your face? It’s not a pleasant feeling, is it? You can imagine how your dog feels when you do the same thing to him.

Dogs have an acute sense of smell and use their noses to explore the world around them.

When you blow on your dog’s face, you are interrupting his ability to smell, which can be confusing and frustrating for him. In addition, dogs rely heavily on their vision to orient themselves in their environment.

Blowing on your dog’s face can obscure his vision and disorient him. It’s no wonder he gets irritated when you do this. So next time you feel the urge to blow on your dog’s face, resist the temptation and let him enjoy the world through his own senses.

Great Pyrenees and owner

You’re Invading Their Personal Space

Dogs are social creatures, but they still appreciate having their own space. When you blow on your dog’s face, you are invading their personal space and crossing a boundary that they are not comfortable with.

Think about it this way: would you like it if someone came up to you and blew in your face? You would probably find it intrusive and rude. Dogs feel the same way.

So, if you want to build a trusting relationship with your dog, it’s important to respect his personal space. This means not blowing in his face or invading his space without invitation.

owner pets Border Collie

It Might Be Intimidating

In addition to invading personal space, blowing on your dog’s face can be interpreted as threatening or aggressive.

Dogs are very sensitive to body language and can pick up on even the subtlest of cues. They might interpret it as an aggressive act when you blow on your dog’s face. This is especially true if you have a history of being rough with them or regularly shouting at them.

If your dog perceives you as being aggressive, he is likely to respond in kind. So, if you want to avoid aggression from your dog, it’s best to avoid blowing in his face.

Jack Russell growls

It’s Not Comfortable

In addition to being confusing, intrusive, and potentially intimidating, blowing on your dog’s face is just plain uncomfortable.

Dogs have sensitive noses, and they can be easily irritated by strong smells or sudden gusts of air. So when you blow on your dog’s face, you are bombarding them with an onslaught of sensation that they are unprepared for.

It’s no wonder he doesn’t like it! If you want to make your dog comfortable, it’s best to avoid blowing in his face.

covers eyes with paws

Maybe Your Breath Smells Funny When You Blow on his Face

Dogs have a highly developed sense of smell, and to them, your breath probably smells pretty bad. There are a few reasons for this.

  • First of all, dogs have a much stronger sense of smell than we do, so what might not seem stinky to us can be pretty rank to them.

  • Secondly, our diets are different from theirs. We eat a lot of processed foods and sugars that can cause our breath to smell differently than theirs.

  • And finally, we produce a lot more saliva than dogs, which can also change how our breath smells.

So next time your dog turns away when you try to give them a kiss, don’t take it personally – they just don’t like the way your breath smells!

senior owner and Beagle

How Can You Tell When Your Dog Hates Having Their Face Blown On?

Dogs communicate their feelings through their body language, and there are a few telltale signs that your dog doesn’t like being blown on the face.

  • If your dog turns his head away when you try to blow on him, this is a clear sign that he is not enjoying it.

  • He may also close his eyes or open his mouth in an attempt to avoid the sensation.

  • If your dog starts to growl or snap at you when you blow on his face, this is a sign that he is feeling threatened or aggressive. This behavior should not be tolerated, as it can quickly escalate into something more dangerous.

If you see any of these signs, it’s best to stop blowing on your dog’s face and give him some space.

dog eyes closed

Does It Hurt My Dog When I Blow on Their Face?

No, blowing on your dog’s face will not physically hurt him. However, as we mentioned before, it can be uncomfortable and irritating.

It’s also important to remember that dogs are very sensitive to our body language and tone of voice. If you blow on your dog’s face aggressively or threateningly, it can scare them or make them feel threatened.

So, if you want to avoid frightening or upsetting your dog, it’s best to avoid blowing in his face altogether.

woman holding Dachshund

Is a Blow Dryer Okay to Use on My Dog?

For the most part, it’s probably best to avoid using a blow dryer on your dog. While they may not be strong enough to cause physical harm, they can certainly be uncomfortable for your pet.

Dogs have sensitive skin, and a blow dryer’s strong stream of air can irritate them. In addition, many dogs dislike having their face blown on, so using a blow dryer is likely to cause them some stress.

If you absolutely must use a blow dryer on your dog, try to keep the setting on low and hold it several inches away from their skin. And, of course, be sure to give them plenty of treats afterward!

Blow drying your dog can be an attractive option. However, if not done carefully, blow drying can be very frightening for your furry friend.

Here are a few tips to help you successfully blow dry your pup without scaring them:

  • Start with the head and work your way down. Dogs are very sensitive to air and noise, so it’s important to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity as you move down the body.

  • Use a low setting. Dogs have very sensitive skin, so using the lowest setting is essential. Slowly increase the heat if necessary, but always err on the side of caution.

  • Hold the dryer at a distance. Dogs are also sensitive to heat, so holding the dryer several inches from their skin is essential. Only move closer if absolutely necessary.

  • Use your other hand to calm them. Dogs are often comforted by touch, so using your other hand to pet or hold them while you blow dry can help to keep them calm and relaxed.

Be prepared for a struggle. No matter how well you follow these tips, there’s a good chance your dog will still be scared of the blow dryer. So be patient and keep calm.

Eventually, they’ll get used to the noise and heat and hopefully even enjoy their post-bath blow-dry!

dog hair dryer

Your Dog Loves to Stick Their Head Out The Window – But Why?

Even though they dislike you blowing on their face, dogs will often stick their head out of the car window because they enjoy the wind and smells so much.

It’s not just because they love the wind in their face (although that’s certainly part of it!)

Dogs have a powerful sense of smell, and sticking their head out the window allows them to take in all sorts of new and exciting smells. To a dog, the world is one big sniff fest, and they love nothing more than exploring all the different scents that are out there.

So, next time you’re on a road trip with your dog, don’t be surprised if they want to stick their head out the window the whole way! Just make sure you don’t try to blow on their face while they’re enjoying the wind.

happy dog in the car

Bottom Line

So, there you have it! You should avoid blowing in your dog’s face for several good reasons.

Blowing on your dog’s face is not a good idea. It’s intrusive, uncomfortable, and potentially aggressive. If you want to build a bond with your dog, it’s best to avoid this seemingly innocent act and find other ways to show your affection.