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  • Why Do Dogs Bring You Toys? (Meaning Explained)

Why Do Dogs Bring You Toys? (Meaning Explained)

One of the things I love most about my dog is that she always brings me a toy when I come home. Even if I’ve only been gone for a few minutes, she’ll run to meet me at the door with a ball or a stuffed animal in her mouth.

And if I’ve been away for a while, she’ll make sure to bring me two or three toys! I’m not sure why she does it, but I like to think she’s trying to tell me how much she missed me.

why do dogs bring you toys

After all, what better way to say “I’m glad you’re home!” than by sharing your favorite toys? Whatever the reason, I’m just happy that my dog always greets me with a wagging tail and a toy in her mouth. It’s one of the many things that make her such a special furry friend.

You’re not alone if you’ve ever wondered why your dog always brings you a toy. It’s a common question that dog owners ask, and a few possible explanations exist.

10 Reasons Your Dog Brings You a Toy

1) It’s Your Dogs Way of Welcoming You Home

One of the most likely reasons your dog brings you a toy is because they see it as a way to welcome you home. Just like how we might greet our friends and family with a hug or handshake, dogs often greet their owners with a toy.

For many dogs, bringing you a toy is their way of showing how happy they are to see you. It’s their way of saying, “I missed you!” and “I’m glad you’re home.”

If your dog always seems extra excited to see you after you’ve been gone for a while, this is probably one of the reasons why.

why does my dog chew his toys on me

2) They Want You to Play With Them

Another common reason that dogs bring their owners toys is because they want to play. Dogs are social creatures that love to play and interact with their humans.

For many dogs, playing with their favorite toy is the best way to spend time with their owner. And what better way to get someone to play with you than by bringing them a toy?

If your dog brings you a toy and drops it at your feet, they’re probably asking you to play with them. So, if you’re ever feeling bored or need a break from work, consider taking a few minutes to play fetch with your furry friend. You might just have more fun than you thought!

Miniature Dachshund bites a toy

3) They Want Your Attention

Just like humans, dogs can sometimes feel attention-seeking. If your dog feels like they’re not getting enough attention from you, they might try to get your attention by bringing you a toy.

Dogs are very intuitive creatures and can pick up on when their owners are busy or preoccupied. If you’ve been ignoring your dog or haven’t had much time for them lately, they may try to get your attention by bringing you a toy.

Of course, this isn’t the only reason dogs seek attention, but it’s definitely one of the most common. So, if you find that your dog is constantly bringing you toys, make sure to give them some extra love and attention. They’ll appreciate it!

Bernese Mountain dog plays with owner

4) They’re Showing You Their Affection

Another common reason dogs bring their owners toys is that they’re trying to show their affection. Just like how we might give our loved ones a gift to show them how much we care, dogs often do the same thing with their favorite toys.

For many dogs, giving you their favorite toy is their way of saying, “I love you.” It’s their way of showing you how much they care about you and how much they appreciate your friendship.

If your dog is always bringing you toys, it’s likely because they want to show you how much they love and care for you. So, next time your furry friend brings you a toy, make sure to give them a big hug and tell them how much you love them too!

German Shepherd nudge owner

5) They’re Trying to Tell You Something

In some cases, dogs may bring their owners toys as a way of trying to communicate with them. But unfortunately, dogs cannot speak like humans, so they often have to resort to other means of communication.

For example, if your dog is bringing you a toy and dropping it at your feet, they might be trying to tell you that they want to play. Or, if they bring you a toy and place it in your lap, they might be trying to show you how much they care about you.

German Shepherd plays with his toy

6) Your Pup Wants to Share Their Toy With You

In some cases, dogs may bring their owners toys because they want to share their favorite toy with them. But, just like how we might offer our friends a bite of our food or a sip of our drink, dogs often do the same thing with their toys.

For many dogs, sharing their favorite toy shows their affection and appreciation for their owner. It’s their way of saying, “I want to share this special thing with you because I care about you.”

If your dog seems always to want to share their favorite toy with you, it’s likely because they see you as a special part of their life and want to share everything with you.

Miniature Schnauzer toys

7) They’re Introducing You to Their Favorite Toy

Another common reason dogs bring their owners toys is that they’re trying to introduce them to their favorite toy. Just like how we might show our friends our favorite book or movie, dogs often do the same thing with their toys.

For many dogs, their favorite toy is a special part of their life that they want to share with their owner. By bringing you their favorite toy, they’re hoping you’ll take some time to get to know it and maybe even become as attached to it as they are.

If your dog is always bringing you toys, it’s likely because they want you to share in their enjoyment of playing with their favorite toy. So, next time your furry friend brings you a toy, make sure to take some time to play with it with them. They’ll appreciate it!

Pembroke Welsh Corgi playing

8) Your Dog is Showing You They Trust You

Your dog may bring you toys as a way of showing their trust. But, just like how we might offer our friends a valuable item to hold onto, dogs often do the same thing with their toys.

Giving their owner their favorite toy is a sign of trust for many dogs. They’re trusting you to take care of their favorite toy and not lose it or damage it in any way.

If your dog is always giving you their favorite toy, it’s likely because they see you as a responsible and trustworthy person. So, the next time your furry friend gives you their favorite toy, take good care of it! They’ll appreciate it.


9) It Could Be an Inherited Behavior

In some cases, dogs may bring their owners toys because it’s a behavior that’s been passed down to them from their ancestors. For centuries, dogs have been bred to work alongside humans in various ways.

Over time, certain behaviors and traits have become more common in certain breeds of dogs. For example, herding dogs are more likely to try to herd people and other animals, while hunting dogs are more likely to try to track down and catch prey.

Similarly, some dogs may have inherited the behavior of bringing their owner gifts, such as toys. So if your dog is always bringing you toys, it may be simply behavior passed down to them from their ancestors.

German Shepherd plays with a ball

10) It Could Be a Sign of Separation Anxiety

In some cases, dogs may bring their owners toys because they’re experiencing separation anxiety. Separation anxiety is a condition that can affect dogs of all ages and breeds.

If your dog is suffering from separation anxiety, they may become anxious and restless when you leave them alone. As a result, they may start to exhibit certain behaviors, such as pacing, destructive chewing, and barking.

In some cases, dogs with separation anxiety may also try to escape from their home or yard in an attempt to find you. And in other cases, they may bring you their favorite toy as a way of asking you to stay with them.

sad dog with owner

What Should You Do When Your Pup Brings You a Toy?

Here Are Some Great Tips:

  • Pay attention to them. Try to see what they’re trying to communicate to you.

  • Be grateful. Show your dog how much you appreciate their gesture by giving them a big hug or a treat.

  • Don’t go overboard with rewards. You don’t want your dog to think they only get rewards when they bring you toys.

  • Play with them. If they bring you a toy, take some time to play with it with them. They’ll appreciate the bonding time!

  • Be careful with their favorite toy. If your dog gives you their favorite toy, be sure to take good care of it! They’re trusting you not to lose or damage it.

  • Make sure the toy is really theirs. In some cases, dogs may try to bring you toys that don’t belong to them. If this happens, be sure to give the toy back to its rightful owner.

  • Make sure your dog doesn’t show too much possessiveness of the toy. If your dog is showing possessiveness of the toy, it’s best to avoid playing with it with them. You don’t want to encourage any negative behaviors.

playing with Border Collie


As you can see, there are a number of different reasons why dogs bring their owners toys. Whether they’re trying to communicate with you, share their favorite toy with you, or show you how much they trust you, it’s important to pay attention to what your dog is trying to tell you.

By doing so, you can ensure that you’re showing your furry friend the love and appreciation they deserve.