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  • Why Did My Dog Poop on My Bed (Yikes)?

Why Did My Dog Poop on My Bed (Yikes)?

Our dogs are the light of our lives. Whether it’s making us laugh with their antics or cheering us up after a hard day at work, sometimes, though, our precious pups can be a bit naughty and leave us unexpected presents where we least expect them.

It’s always a shock when you find poop on your bed. It can be unpleasant to deal with at any time of the day. However, there are many reasons your furry buddy had an accident.

why did my dog poop on my bed

Before getting upset, let’s answer the question: “Why did my dog poop on my bed?”

What Causes My Dog to Poop on the Bed?

There are a wide variety of reasons that could be the cause of your dog pooping in your bed. Let’s identify whether your pup is upset with you or has an underlying condition that needs to be addressed.

Your Dog Might Be Scared

If your dog is scared, it might be experiencing emotional issues, such as fear. For example, many dogs suffer from “storm phobia.”

Storm phobia is a fear of storms. Your pet can sense the change in barometric pressure, and the bright lights and loud sounds of thunderclaps are startling.

Your dog’s fear of storms can be so severe that it’s paralyzing. Several signs indicate your pet is suffering, including shaking, excessive licking, and even using the bathroom in the house.

Storms aren’t the only thing that can cause your dog to be scared. Fireworks are loud and can startle animals who don’t understand what is happening. Aside from fireworks, other fear-inducing situations include:

  • Take your pet to the vet.

  • Introducing new animals to your home.

  • An aggressive run-in with a strange dog.

Boston Terrier looks scared in blanket

Your Dog Might Be Anxious or Nervous

Rather than fear, your dog might be nervous or suffering from anxiety. Anxiety affects all breeds, and it manifests differently in every dog. If your dog is experiencing anxiety and it’s left untreated, it could develop into an anxiety disorder.

Causes of anxiety in dogs include separation and aging. For example, if you leave your dog alone for an extended time, it may become anxious and act out by destroying items around the house or even, you guessed it, pooping in unexpected places.

On the other hand, if your dog is aging, it may be affected by cognitive issues that affect its memory and awareness. Unfortunately, not only does it confuse your dogs, but it can also make them feel anxious.

Dalmatian lying in bed

Your Dog Needs More Bathroom Breaks

It might seem obvious, but your dog may not be going to the bathroom often enough. You might want to try walking your fur buddy more frequently or for a more extended period.

If your dog is getting older, it may need to go more frequently because it can’t hold it in anymore. If you can’t take your dog out regularly, you will want to consider a doggy door or a type of doggy pad for it to use when it’s urgent.

potty training French Bulldog

Your Dog Is Bored

Certain breeds need more entertainment than others. If your dog is bored and has too much pent-up energy, it may end up pooping or peeing in places it isn’t supposed to.

dog lying on the floor

Your Dog Is Upset

There’s always the possibility that your dog may be upset. I don’t mean it’s vengeful or angry, but upset due to emotional distress. It’s also possible that your pup could be upset over missing a bathroom break if you missed a scheduled walk.

barks beside the owner

Your Dog Is Suffering From an Underlying Health Condition

Your dog may be suffering from a food allergy or have parasites that are causing an upset stomach. In addition, it could have bowel cancer or a virus.

Yorkshire Terrier lying in bed

Your Dog Is Not House Trained

House training requires a lot of dedication from both parties involved, and it can be easy for your dog to not thoroughly pick up the habit.

If your dog was previously house-trained, it might be time for a refresher. You may even want to try crate training your dog to help it with potty training.

On the other hand, if your dog was never house trained before, it’s never too late to start. Many articles, YouTube, and TikTok videos teach you how to train your pet to let you know when it’s time to “go.”

white dog in bed

How To Stop Your Dog From Pooping in Your Bed?

You’ll first need to approach the situation with love and patience. After all, your dog isn’t necessarily pooping on your bed to spite you. Determining the root of the issue will best help you resolve it.

If you find poop in your house, don’t make a big deal out of it. Here are some steps you can take to help stop your dog from pooping in your bed:

1. Take Your Dog to the Vet

If pooping on your bed is new to your pup, you should take it to see the vet. The veterinarian can determine whether health issues are the root of the issue and suggest a treatment plan for your dog.

If your poor pup is experiencing diarrhea, it may be something as serious as parasites or even bowel cancer. However, it’s also possible that your dog ate something that doesn’t agree with it.

a boston terrier at a veterinarian office

2. House Train Your Dog

House training your dog takes dedication and patience on your part, but it’s worth the effort. You need to ensure your fur buddy knows that it needs to use the bathroom outside.

To do this, you should establish a routine by taking your dog out first thing in the morning, after meals, and before bedtime. You can also train your pup to alert you when it needs to go outside.

If walking your dog until it poops isn’t feasible, you could always create a backyard potty area for it.

Dachshund walks with owner

3. Help Keep Your Dog Calm

If your fur baby experiences anxiety, nervousness, or fear, the best thing you can do is to help keep it calm. If your dog can remain calm, it is less likely to poop or pee in an unfamiliar location.

If you can’t be home with your pup, you could leave something that smells like you to help comfort it. You could also adopt another dog so that it can enjoy companionship.

If your dog suffers from chronic or extreme anxiety and fear, you might consider discussing its condition with its veterinarian. The vet may prescribe medication or recommend holistic approaches to help calm your dog’s nerves.

owner pets Border Collie

4. Start Training Your Dog

In addition to potty training, you can train your dog not to poop in your bed or any other place inside the house. To begin this training, you should prevent your dog from entering your room.

You can use the time your pup doesn’t have access to your room to clean up your bed and any other areas covered in poop or urine. By cleaning any residual odors, you deter your dog from coming back to a spot that it has marked.

dog curious behind the door


Before reading this article, you may have been wondering, “Why did my dog poop on my bed?” Together, we’ve learned that it could be anything from your dog feeling anxiety or it needing more bathroom breaks.

To remedy the situation, you can take your dog to the veterinarian for a check-up to make sure all is well. You can also try potty training or even crate training to help your dog overcome this behavior.