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Why Are Dogs Gentle With Babies?

One of the greatest joys in life is seeing the relationship between your family dog and your newborn child. Over time, many babies become best friends with dogs and vice versa. But why is it that dogs are so gentle with babies?

It can be confusing for many people because it seems like dogs have some instinct for human babies, even though they are a completely different species and look different from adults. 

why are dogs gentle with babies

Several different factors contribute to why dogs are so gentle with babies. Keep reading to learn about the special bond dogs have with babies and some tips on strengthening the bond between your dog and your baby.

Do Dogs See Babies As Babies?

One of the first questions you may have about why dogs are gentle with babies is whether or not they perceive infants as babies. The answer is yes – dogs can see and recognize babies as young children. Dogs can perceive this because dogs have a very developed sense of smell.

newborn baby and a dog

They can quickly pick up on babies’ unique scents easily, allowing them to recognize a baby’s presence in their vicinity.

In addition to their sense of smell, dogs can understand and empathize with babies. They can quickly pick up on the baby’s vocalizations and movements and naturally react gently. The ability to pick up these sounds and movements is why many dogs are so good with babies – they have an innate understanding of what babies need and crave.

Finally, dogs can see babies as tiny human beings because of humans’ extensive history with dogs. Dogs have been man’s best friend for thousands of years and have been exposed to human babies for a very long time. As a result, the ability to recognize babies has been bred into dogs so they can realize what a baby is innate.

Reasons Why Dogs Are Gentle With Babies

There are many different reasons why dogs are gentle with babies. These are some of the most common.

The Size and Appearance of Infants

One of the primary reasons dogs are gentle with babies is the size and appearance of infants. Since babies are so small and helpless, dogs do not perceive them as a threat. They will not lash out at babies even if they are upset or uncomfortable.

dog sniffs baby girl

Since your dog does not perceive infants as a threat, they are more likely to treat a baby with curiosity and interest. Over time, your dog will build familiarity with your baby, making them more comfortable interacting.

Protective Instincts

Another reason why dogs are gentle with babies is because of their protective instincts. Since babies cannot care for themselves, dogs naturally want to protect them, so your dog will be more cautious when interacting with your baby and may even feel responsible for caring for them.

Golden Retriever and baby

The Example You Set

It is important to remember that your dog is always watching you and your actions. Dogs learn a lot about interacting with their environment by observing the actions of their owners. The power of observation is another reason why dogs are so gentle with babies.

woman and child with their dogs

If you are gentle with your baby and treat them kindly, your dog will learn that babies should be treated gently. Conversely, your dog will likely react similarly if you are rough or aggressive with your baby.

If you want to keep your dog gentle with your baby, it is vital to be a positive role model.

Emotional Intelligence

Dogs are well known for their emotional intelligence. They can detect and understand your feelings based on your behavior, facial expression, and body language. Dogs’ ability to pick up on our emotions is also why dogs are very gentle with babies. 

father with baby and dog

Not only can they detect the emotions of a baby, but they can detect the emotions you direct toward your baby. As a result, dogs can understand how delicate they must treat babies and how important they are to you. 

Your Bond With Your Child and Your Dog

You are the common connection between your dog and your child. The bond you share with your dog will influence how your dog interacts with your baby.

Being kind and loving with your dog will likely be the same as your baby. Conversely, if you are aggressive or harsh with your dog, that behavior is more likely to be passed on to your child.

Pug and French Bulldog with owners

If you want your dog to be gentle with your baby, it is vital to maintain and foster a strong bond with your dog. You can develop this bond by spending time with them, giving them treats and praise, and providing regular exercise and care.

The Pack Mentality

Dogs naturally live in packs, and your canine companion will likely view your baby as another family member. As a result, your dog will probably see a baby as a baby dog and treat them with the same level of gentleness shown to other members of the pack.

mother and son with a dog

Overall, there are many different reasons why dogs are gentle with babies. Whether it is the size and appearance of infants, their protective instincts, or their natural pack mentality, dogs can interact gracefully with babies.

How Can You Strengthen the Bond Between Your Dog and Your Baby?

You can take several steps to develop the bond between your dog and your baby. The first and most important thing is ensuring that your dog is well-adjusted and comfortable with babies. You can accomplish this by socializing them early so they are used to being around infants.

owner holding a golden Labradoodle

It’s also important to consider your dog’s and your baby’s temperament. For example, a timid dog may be scared by an active infant, while a playful or boisterous dog may overwhelm the baby. Therefore, managing interactions between the two is crucial to ensure they can coexist peacefully and happily.

Another critical step is reinforcing the bond between your dog and your baby by spending time with each of them individually. You can accomplish this by taking your dog for walks, playing games with them, and giving them plenty of attention so that they know they are valued and loved. If your dog feels ignored because of all your baby’s attention, it may not develop a strong bond with your infant.

At the same time, it is also essential to understand your dog’s needs and limits regarding your baby. You cannot force your dog to have a strong relationship with your infant at first, so you may need to adjust how you feed, play with, and handle your dog based on their behavior around your baby.

Overall, by following these steps and being mindful of how your dog interacts with your baby, you can help to create a solid and supportive bond between the two that will last for years.

Wrapping Up

Ultimately, the bond between dogs and babies is unique and special. Dogs are naturally gentle with babies due to their incredible sense of smell, high emotional intelligence, pack mentality, and other factors.

You can do many things to help strengthen this bond, such as spending time with your dog and baby, providing plenty of positive reinforcement, and ensuring that your dog is properly socialized.

By building a solid and positive relationship with your dog and baby, you can enjoy all the benefits of this unique and loving bond.