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  • When to Get a Goldendoodle Spayed? (Age Guide)

When to Get a Goldendoodle Spayed? (Age Guide)

Does your best friend have four legs, a tail, and a non-stop playful spirit? Well, you are not alone! Only the lucky ones get to call their dog their best friend.

If you are extra lucky, your best friend is a Goldendoodle, the most intelligent and most loving breed around. They can bring a smile to your face even on your worst days, and their energy is unmatched by any other dog. 

when to get a goldendoodle spayed

They take care of you and love you, and can positively affect your physical and mental health. They are your best friend and your loyal companion, so why wouldn’t you want to take care of them as best as you can? 

One of the best decisions you can make for your Goldendoodle to set them up for a long, healthy life is to get them spayed. You probably have some questions about the process, though, so we are here to tell you everything you need to know about when to get a female Goldendoodle spayed.

When to Get a Goldendoodle Spayed?

brown Goldendoodle puppies

The most common age Goldendoodles get spayed is around six months old, but the age at which you should get your Goldendoodle spayed depends on their size. Research shows that you should wait until your Goldendoodle is between five and fifteen months old to spay them if they weigh over fifty pounds or that they should be spayed when they are around four to six months old if they weigh under forty-five pounds. 

According to the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA), smaller dogs that weigh less than forty-five pounds should be spayed before their first heat cycle. A Goldendoodle’s first heat cycle usually happens when they are between five and ten months old, but veterinarians typically advise spaying your dog early to decrease their chances of developing mammary cancer. 

Studies show that the risk of your Goldendoodle getting mammary cancer is decreased by about ninety percent if they are spayed early. However, if you have a bigger dog that weighs over fifty pounds, veterinarians usually advise waiting until after they have had their first heat cycle, but before they have their second one when they are between five and fifteen months old. 

Waiting to spay your bigger dog until then reduces their risk of urinary incontinence, developing different cancers such as mammary cancer, and their chance of experiencing ligament, joint, and bone issues. Sadly, these health issues are common for large breed dogs. 

Benefits of Spaying Your Goldendoodle

always good mood Goldendoodle

As we mentioned, it is beneficial to know when to get a Goldendoodle spayed because it can help reduce their risk of developing several different health issues, including cancer, joint problems, urinary incontinence, and pyometra. This is an infection your Goldendoodle can get in their uterus that commonly occurs in older female dogs who have not been spayed.

A pyometra can cause dogs to get extremely sick and requires emergency surgery to treat them. In some cases, a pyometra may even be fatal. However, there are several other benefits to spaying your Goldendoodle.

Did you know that male dogs can smell female dogs in heat from up to a mile away? Spaying your Goldendoodle stops them from producing the pheromones that alert other dogs when they are in heat and prevents male dogs from trying to mate with them. That means you can worry less about finding male dogs in your yard, sniffing around your Goldendoodle. 

Spaying your Goldendoodle also helps with overpopulation issues. Every year, far too many unwanted puppies end up in shelters, but spaying can help decrease the number of litters in these facilities.

How a Goldendoodle Gets Spayed?

goldendoodle is lethargic

When a Goldendoodle is spayed, the veterinarian will perform one of two surgeries. Typically veterinarians will perform an ovariohysterectomy which is when the Goldendoodle’s ovaries and uterus are removed. The second type of procedure a veterinarian may perform is called an ovariectomy which is when only the Goldendoodle’s ovaries are removed. 

Although an ovariectomy is a faster procedure, both surgeries are equally effective in preventing any unwanted litters or infection in your Goldendoodle’s uterus. Obviously. their uterus cannot get infected if it is removed.

Before and During Surgery

Your veterinarian will do a complete health check-up on your Goldendoodle to check for any underlying health conditions before they get spayed. They will also request that you not feed your Goldendoodle after 10 P.M. the night before their surgery to help prevent them from throwing up during the procedure. 

This is because your Goldendoodle will be put under general anesthesia during their surgery which may cause them to vomit. During their surgery, your Goldendoodle will also be monitored with equipment as well as by a veterinarian technician. 

Surgery Aftercare

After you get your Goldendoodle spayed, they will spend about two weeks recovering. Here are some tips that can help your Goldendoodle recover quickly and rest easily after they get spayed.

  • Make sure that you give your Goldendoodle their pain medication as instructed by your veterinarian. This could account for as little as the day of their surgery or may be needed even for a few days after their surgery.

  • Do not let your Goldendoodle run or jump around. Keep them as calm and quiet as possible so as not to exacerbate their stitches. 

  • Do not let your Goldendoodle lick their stitches. If you are having a hard time keeping them from messing with their incision, you can always put a cone around their neck. 

  • Do not give your Goldendoodles any baths for two weeks after they get spayed. 

  • Your Goldendoodle should take it easy and stay inside as much as possible for two weeks after their surgery. Your dog should only go outside to go to the bathroom or for super short walks.

  • Monitor your Goldendoodle’s behavior and check their stitches every day while they are recovering. If your Goldendoodle’s incision smells or there is any discharge coming out of it, or it seems to be showing any other signs of problems, you should contact your veterinarian. If your Goldendoodle has diarrhea or they are vomiting, not eating, or appear lethargic, you should contact your veterinarian immediately.

Cost to Get a Goldendoodle Spayed

how much do goldendoodles cost per year

When you are considering when to get a Goldendoodle spayed, you are probably wondering how much the surgery may cost. In general, the price does depend on where you live because veterinarians in bigger cities tend to charge more than veterinarians in smaller towns. There may also be a few expenses added to your bill other than the cost of surgery. 

It will cost more to get a female Goldendoodle spayed than it male dog neutering.

For example, most veterinarians will suggest that your doodle dog get pre-operative bloodwork done before their surgery to check their kidney and liver function, especially if they are young. If your Goldendoodle is born with any congenital defects and they are not caught before any type of surgery, they could face severe or fatal consequences. 

A F1 Goldendoodle is a cross breed with hybrid vigor, but is not immune to genetic problems (same with F1b back cross Goldendoodles). A dog owner should be mindful of these risks before organising a spay (or neuter for male Goldendoodles).

Your licensed Veterinarian also needs to check your Goldendoodle’s bloodwork to make sure they can handle anesthesia. In some cases, dogs may develop slower or have abnormalities on their bloodwork, so veterinarians have to make changes to the amount or kind of anesthesia they use.

Your Goldendoodle will also receive pre-operative and post-operative pain medications which can vary in price and may affect your final bill. 

If you are concerned about the cost, there are low-cost clinics that may be available to perform the procedure for your Goldendoodle at a discounted rate. However, it may be worth noting that they are typically funded by the state and use minimal monitoring equipment. They also usually will not perform surgery on overweight or oversized breed dogs. 

Speaking of overweight dogs, most veterinarians will charge extra fees for performing spaying procedures on overweight Goldendoodles or a female dog who is going through a heat cycle. Veterinarians charge these fees because the procedures take longer and are more labor-intensive. 

Goldendoodle Spaying Age Conclusions

stop goldendoodle fleas

Spaying your Goldendoodle puppy gives them a healthy start to their life! It helps them live longer by reducing their risk of developing health conditions. Plus, it stops them from going into heat and having unwanted litters that may end up stretching shelters resources. 

Dogs produce way faster than humans, and there’s no telling how many puppies your Goldendoodle could end up having in their lifetime. Spaying your Goldendoodle will also save you money in the long run. Rather than pay for the cost it takes to get your Goldendoodle spayed, you could end up paying for a laundry list of medical issues down the line. 

Why would you want your Goldendoodle, or your wallet, to suffer? If you want what is best for your Goldendoodle, it is not a question of how, but when. Hopefully, our age guide has helped you better understand the procedure and answered the question of when to get a Goldendoodle spayed.

When it comes to considering when to get a Goldendoodle spayed, the choice is pretty clear. There are so many benefits to spaying your Goldendoodle, and I mean, who wouldn’t want their best friend to live a longer, happier, healthier life?