When Do Puppies Start Barking?

Puppies are adorable, cuddly bundles of joy that we all love to have around. However, they can also be very noisy sometimes, which can annoy you and your neighbors.

It’s important to know when puppies start barking so you can prepare for unwanted barking from your canine. If you’ve been wondering, when do puppies start barking? 

when do puppies start barking

Keep reading to find out.

When Will My Puppy Start Barking?

Most puppies begin to bark when they’re 7 to 16 weeks old. The exact duration depends mainly on the specific dog and the breed. Until about 2 or 3 weeks after birth, most puppies won’t bark.

Pomeranian puppy on the couch

However, you might hear them making fruity noises or whining, typically expressing dissatisfaction or telling their mother they want milk.

A puppy’s initial bark will sound significantly distinct from its mature bark. That also applies to other sounds, such as growling or howling.

The puppy’s vocalizations will have progressed to the point they can generate their first bark somewhere around the sixth week. That’s just an estimate of how long a dog can reach maturity because some will reach adulthood much sooner than others.

Why Do Dogs Bark?

Barking serves as a means of communication. It’s your pet’s way of getting your attention or other canines. However, it would be best if you didn’t foster the behavior in any way.

a French Bulldog barks

Dogs and puppies can produce a variety of barks. Whereas a few need your undivided attention, others are habitual and don’t require active participation.

Most canine-like vocalizations center around play, excitement, alertness, or warning of potential danger. Barking is sometimes interpreted as aggressive behavior in dogs, although it can also result from restlessness, tension, irritation, or a habit. Understanding the distinction will help you train your puppy to avoid excessive barking.

It would help if you silenced your puppies only when they bark for inappropriate reasons. It’s not a good idea to reprimand a puppy too much, as that can make them lose trust in you. Consequently, they might start being restless or even fearful in your presence.

You can know what your puppy wants by listening to their barking and observing their conduct.

Can an Eight-Week-Old Puppy Bark?

By the time your puppy is eight weeks old, they’ll have had enough time to practice their vocalizations, and you may expect to hear a sharp increase. While loud, these barks won’t compare to those of a full-grown dog. Furthermore, they might be more piercing and edgy in tone.

Chihuahua barking and whining

Your puppy’s disposition will also influence how soon it’ll start barking. It’s possible that you won’t hear your puppy’s first bark for months. Puppies pick up behaviors from other canine companions they spend time with.

If you bring a puppy to a home where there aren’t any dogs, it might take them some time to start barking. However, if you already have adult dogs, your new puppy may start mimicking them immediately. Don’t be concerned if your puppy doesn’t bark because many puppies are quiet in the early weeks of their lives.

When Will My Puppy’s Barking Become Deeper?

Your puppy will start barking deeper from 5 months old. In most cases, a puppy’s early attempts at barking would sound more like whimpers than actual barks. Over time, they’ll develop stronger vocal cords, rendering their barks louder and heavier.

Sheepadoodle puppy looks cheerful

Then, they’ll acquire the vocalizations of an adult dog as they grow old.

When Will My Puppy Start Barking at Strangers?

Puppies may start barking at strangers when they’re as little as eight weeks old. It’s their primary method of alerting you about the presence of an intruder outdoors or close by. Your puppy might continue to bark at the stranger until they leave, making this the most common cause of excessive barking.

white Chow Chow puppy

Some puppies bark as a means of greeting other dogs. If you bump into another dog on the road and your puppy begins barking, it might be because they’re attempting to greet them.

If you walk through the front door and your puppy begins to bark at you, they’re happy to see you. They’ll only do the same with canines they know. Although it might appear antagonistic at times, you shouldn’t be alarmed.

Your puppy is just trying to alert the neighborhood dog that they’re there.

What Can I Do About My Puppy’s Nonstop Barking?

You’ll need to determine your puppy’s excessive barking root cause. There’re many explanations for why your puppy is persistently barking, including temperament and separation anxiety.

Labrador puppy inside a playpen

Their barking can signify that they’re bored or have excess unutilized energy. Anxious puppies might bark since they are startled by noises or are curious about the world beyond your front door.

If you have a highly active puppy, spending more time with them might help reduce the barking. For instance, you might take them on a stroll. After a long day of play, exhaustion will make them less active and less vocal.

You may also deal with nonstop barking by training your puppy early so they know what you expect. It may seem like a lot of work, but it becomes easier once you get into a daily training routine.

Reasons Your Puppy Barks While Sleeping

Your puppy is probably dreaming and acting up. Barking while asleep might raise some eyebrows, but it is very normal. It’s not advisable to wake your puppy up because they’re making noises while sleeping.

A Basenji puppy sleeping on the couch.

Interestingly, small dogs bark more when they are sleeping. Large dog breeds are less prone to regular barking. A smaller dog will have a dream once every ten minutes while sleeping, whereas a larger dog will have a dream after every ninety minutes.

Why Doesn’t My Dog Bark?

Dogs typically bark quite a bit, but some breeds are quieter than others. Some of the breeds that are known for their calm demeanor include:

  • Bulldogs

  • Greyhound

English Bulldog with flowers

Even the most vocal dog breed might become tired of the constant barking once in a while. That might happen when they’re still a puppy or later in life when they’ve lost their youthful vigor.

Older dogs can also experience behavioral changes. However, you should take your pet to the vet if the changes are dramatic or happen unexpectedly. Furthermore, some dogs are far quieter when placed in a new environment.

If your dog seems unusually quiet, it may be processing the many changes, such as relocation to a new home. If the behavior persists, anxiety might be to blame. That’s particularly the case if your pet has a history of barking.

What Breed of Dog Can’t Bark?

Basenji dog breeds don’t bark, but that doesn’t mean they are silent. Basenji lacks vital vocalizations that enable canines to bark, unlike other dog breeds.

hiking with a Basenji dog

In addition, the dogs’ voice boxes are shaped uniquely. While the dog doesn’t bark, it can still communicate with you through yodeling. A Basenji dog is a perfect alternative if you love quiet dogs or live in an apartment.

Is a Quiet Dog a Happy Dog?

No, just because your dog is extremely quiet doesn’t mean it’s happy. If your canine is quiet for long, it might be unwell. Ensure that your dog’s calmness isn’t a medical issue.

Goldendoodle at the park

Consult a veterinarian if you notice a sudden change in barking behaviors.

Final Thoughts

So, when do puppies start barking? Puppies start barking when they’re 7 to 16 weeks old. It can surprise first-time puppy owners when their puppies don’t yet have a distinctive bark.

Your puppy will produce various little sounds as it ages. Some breeds have an endearing tendency to make their first try at howling, but it takes some time for their mature bark to develop. Some puppies may never develop into loud barkers, but that might vary from breed to breed.

We hope the article helped answer the question, when do puppies start barking?