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  • When Do English Bulldogs STOP Growing? (Growth Chart)

When Do English Bulldogs STOP Growing? (Growth Chart)

Bulldog puppies are undeniably adorable, but many people are curious about how big they will get when they reach adulthood. While there is some variation in size, most English Bulldogs will stop growing by the time they are about one year old.

Males generally reach a height of about sixteen inches, while females typically fall somewhere between fourteen and fifteen inches. However, weight is a more reliable indicator of size than height, and English Bulldogs typically fall into the range of 45 to 55 pounds. With their short legs and stout bodies, these dogs may not be the most graceful creatures on the planet, but they more than make up for it with their quirky personalities.

when do English Bulldogs stop growing

So if you’re looking for a small-to-medium-sized dog with lots of love to give, an English Bulldog might just be the perfect match.

Stages of Growth

It’s always exciting to watch a puppy grow. They change so much in such a short period of time! If you’re the proud owner of an English Bulldog, you might be wondering how big your pup will get and how long it will take them to reach their full size.

Here’s a look at the different stages of growth for English Bulldogs, from newborns to adults: 

Newborn to 2 Weeks (4 to 5 ounces) 

  • At this stage, your English Bulldog puppy will be very small. They’ll likely weigh between 4 and 5 ounces

  • Puppies at this age need to be fed frequently, usually every two to three hours. 

  • They’ll also need to be kept warm since they can’t regulate their own body temperature yet. A good way to do this is by placing them on a heating pad set on low or wrapping them in a blanket. 

  • Your puppy’s eyes and ears will be closed during this stage. 

  • Puppies this age spend most of their time sleeping since they don’t have the energy to do much else. 

newborn English Bulldog puppy

3 Weeks to 12 Weeks (5 to 15 lbs) 

  • By the time they’re three weeks old, your English Bulldog puppy should start gaining weight quickly. They may even double their birth weight

  • Puppies typically begin teething around four weeks old, which means they’ll start chewing on anything and everything they can get their little teeth on! So be sure to provide your pup with plenty of chew toys during this stage. 

  • At six weeks old, your English Bulldog puppy will start getting their vaccinations. It’s essential to keep up with their shots so that they stay healthy and protected from diseases. 

  • During this stage, your pup will also start becoming more active and playful as they gain energy and learn new things about the world around them. This is an ideal time to begin socializing them with other dogs and people. 

English Bulldog puppy crawls

4 Months to 9 Months (30 to 45 lbs)

  • During this stage, your Bulldog will start to become more independent and should be able to start spending time away from you.

  • They’ll also start teething, so make sure you have plenty of chew toys on hand!

  • Around this time, you can start introducing them to short walks and training them on basic commands. 

  • They’ll be full of energy and ready to play. This is a great time to start socializing them with other dogs and puppies.

English Bulldog puppy on a chair

10 Months to 18 Months (50 to 55 lbs)

  • By ten months old, your Bulldog should be close to their full adult weight.

  • Bulldogs usually reach sexual maturity around this time as well, although they may not be ready for breeding until they’re a bit older.

  • At this age, they should have all of their adult teeth, and the majority of their wrinkles should be fully developed. 

  • Their personality will start to develop fully, and you might see signs of their adult temperament coming through.

  • This is a great time to work on training your Bulldog to become the best dog possible.

English Bulldog stretches


  • Once your Bulldog reaches 18 months old, they are considered an adult. Your Bulldog may continue to fill out a bit during this stage but should otherwise remain at their full adult size and weight.

  • Personality and intelligence continue to develop.

  • Socialization and training will be ongoing.

English Bulldog in a gray background

Factors Affecting Growth

There are a number of factors that can affect a Bulldog’s growth, including diet, genetics, health, and exercise. Let’s take a closer look at each of these factors.

Diet: What Your Bulldog Eats Matters 

When it comes to diet, what your Bulldog eats matters. A high-quality diet rich in proteins, fats, and carbohydrates will help your pup grow to their full potential. Avoiding processed foods and opting for fresh, whole foods is always the best option.

owner pouring dog food

You should also make sure that your Bulldog is getting enough water each day. A general rule of thumb is to provide your pup with one ounce of water per pound of body weight. 

Genetics: Some Bulldogs Are Just Born Smaller 

There’s no getting around it – some Bulldogs are just born smaller than others. Unfortunately, this is primarily due to genetics, and there’s not much you can do about it. If you’re concerned about the size of your Bulldog, talk to your veterinarian or breeder about the average size of pups from the same litter. 

three English Bulldogs together

Health: Health Problems Can Lead to Slow Growth 

If your Bulldog is dealing with any sort of health problem, it can lead to slow growth or even stunted growth. That’s why it’s so important to take your pup for regular checkups with the veterinarian and to immediately address any health concerns that arise. The sooner any problems are caught and treated, the better off your Bulldog will be. 

English Bulldog sleeping soundly

Exercise: Getting Enough Exercise Is Important 

Another factor that can affect a Bulldog’s growth is exercise. Like all dogs, Bulldogs need plenty of exercise to stay healthy, and they also need a chance to burn off excess energy. Without enough exercise, Bulldogs can become overweight or obese, which can lead to all sorts of health problems down the road.

English Bulldog walks outdoors

So make sure your pup is getting at least 30 minutes of exercise each day – more if possible

Will Spaying or Neutering Affect Growth?

Many pet owners choose to spay or neuter their animals in order to help control the pet population. But some people worry that this surgery will affect their pet’s growth and development. So, will spaying or neutering your English Bulldog pup cause any problems?

English Bulldog having a check-up

The short answer is no. Spaying or neutering will not interfere with your Bulldog’s growth or development. In fact, these surgeries can actually have some health benefits for your pet.

For example, spaying can help to prevent certain types of cancer, and neutering can help to reduce aggression.

Of course, you should always talk to your veterinarian before making any decisions about your Bulldog’s health. But if you’re worried about how spaying or neutering might affect your pup’s growth, you can rest assured that these surgeries will not cause any problems.

How to Weigh and Measure Your English Bulldog?

If you own an English Bulldog, it’s important to know how to weigh and measure them properly. This information can be useful for a number of reasons, including keeping track of your dog’s health, monitoring their weight, and even estimating how much food they should be eating. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it.

English Bulldog with flowers

Step 1: Gather your supplies. You’ll need a bathroom scale that can accommodate your dog and something to use as a makeshift stool (a small stool or chair will work perfectly). Place the stool in the middle of the scale and write down the weight of the stool.

Step 2: Pick up your dog and place them on the stool in the center of the scale. Make sure that all four paws are on the stool. If your dog is especially wiggly, you may need someone to help hold them still for this step.

Step 3: Read the weight on the scale and record it. Unless you have a very large breed of dog, chances are the weight will be displayed in pounds. 

Step 4: Measure your dog’s height. The easiest way to do this is to use a tape measure and measure from the ground to the top of their shoulders (also called the withers). Alternatively, you could place your dog next to a wall and use a ruler or yardstick to mark off their height from head to toe and then measure that distance with a tape measure. 

Record this measurement in inches or centimeters. 

That’s all there is to it! With these simple steps, you’ll be able to keep track of your English Bulldog’s weight and height with ease. This information can be useful for knowing if they’re within a healthy range, monitoring their growth over time, or even just estimating how much food they should be eating each day.


Whether you just got an English Bulldog puppy or you’ve had one for a while, it’s always interesting to see how much they change as they grow! Keep in mind that all dogs grow at different rates, though, so don’t worry if yours doesn’t follow these milestones exactly; as long as they seem healthy and happy, then they’re probably right on track!