When Do Corgi Ears Stand Up?

Corgis are alert dogs who have a deep well of affection for their owners. These dogs are bright and thrive on giving and receiving affection. Many owners decide to get a Corgi because of their stunning look and upright ears that typically get pointed at an early age and remain pointed for the rest of their life.

You may be wanting to know: “When do Corgi ears stand up and how can I help them stand up?” 

when do Corgi ears stand up

Read on to learn the age that Corgi ears usually stand up and what you can do to help them get pointed.

At What Age Do Corgi Ears Stand Up?

Corgis are famous for their pointed ears that seem to constantly remain alert and ready for danger. However, your puppy Corgi likely won’t have pointed ears for several weeks. Most Corgi puppies won’t start to get their pointed ears until they’ve reached at least eight weeks old.

Corgi puppy running

Although your Corgi should get their pointed ears early, they may not develop pointed ears until they’ve reached 24 weeks old. Each Corgi puppy is different, and some will develop slower than others. Have patience and wait as long as possible for your Corgi’s ears to stand up.

Why Aren’t My Corgi’s Ears Standing Up?

Your Corgi’s ears may not stand up for a few reasons. Your Corgi may be too small and need more time to grow and mature into their full size. Additionally, your Corgi may not be receiving all the proper nutrition it needs to provide nourishment to every part of its body.

Corgi puppy stands and pants

The ears are the outer extremities and may suffer the most if your Corgi is malnourished.

Another reason for floppy ears in a Corgi is that they may have a circulation-related issue that may cause poor blood flow to the ears. Thankfully, each of these issues can be addressed with the help of a veterinarian.

How To Get My Corgi’s Ears to Stand Up?

Thankfully, you can do a few things to help your dog’s ears get pointed and stand up in a short time. Consider that your Corgi may need more time than their siblings and cousins. You may need to offer them more nutritionally dense foods.

Additionally, consider using the taping method if nothing else works.

Have Patience

Your Corgi may need more time than others to get their pointed ears. Some adult Corgis may have floppy ears in rare cases and may need veterinary supervision to rule out medical conditions. Always give your growing Corgi enough time to develop their pointed ears before becoming concerned and seeking out veterinary help.

woman with a Corgi puppy

Some Corgis may take more time to mature, especially if the litter was premature or there were many puppies. Your puppy may have been too small at birth, and these puppies may need more time to mature fully.

Check Nourishment

Evaluate your dog’s nourishment levels. Is your Corgi eating at least twice a day? Does your Corgi have access to high-quality foods without artificial dyes?

owner pouring dog food

Do you suspect your dog may have a tapeworm or other parasite in their intestines?

Each of these situations can cause your dog to lose out on vital nutrients from food and prevent them from getting everything they need to be healthy. Floppy ears may indicate a circulation issue or a food quality or quantity issue.

The Taping Method

If your dog is eating enough food and not suffering from a parasite, you may be able to use the taping method to keep your Corgi’s ears upright. In most situations, taping your dog’s ears is never recommended. However, taping your Corgi’s ears upright can improve the circulation of blood to the ears and keep them healthy.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi with a woman

Use gentle, non-adhesive tape around your dog’s ears to keep them upright. This method, when done consistently, can help your Corgi’s ears start to stand up on their own.

Why Does My Corgi Have One Floppy Ear?

Your Corgi may be too young to have fully pointed ears or your dog may be transitioning to their mature size. Your Corgi won’t wake up one day with fully pointed ears. As your Corgi grows and develops, they will likely have slightly floppy ears that will arch higher and higher until they stand straight up.

Corgi puppy looks up

One of your Corgi’s ears may remain floppy for a long duration until they are old enough and big enough to have straight ears.

Do Corgi Ears Start Floppy?

All Corgis will have floppy ears as puppies. As these dogs mature and grow, their ears will start to stand up straight and become pointed. Your Corgi puppy could have floppy ears for the first six months of its life, depending on their genetic makeup, nourishment, and development.

floppy ears of a Corgi puppy

Corgi puppies who were born smaller than usual will likely need more time for their ears to get pointed and remain pointed. Corgis typically don’t have floppy ears after they’ve turned six months old. If your Corgi reaches six months old and has floppy ears, it may need veterinary assistance to ensure its ears stay healthy.

Do All Corgis Have Pointed Ears?

All Corgis should have pointed ears. In rare cases, a Corgi may keep floppy ears for the rest of its life. Some Corgis may not have been born with enough cartilage in their ears to stand up straight, meaning their ears will flop over when they shouldn’t.

Corgis wait for food

Be on the lookout for any growth spurts, as these can cause your Corgi to finally develop pointed ears like the rest of their siblings and cousins.

Final Thoughts

Corgis are stunning dogs who will have pointed ears, thick fur, and short bodies. These small dogs are perfect companions for any home with small children or those who want to travel with their pets. However, when do Corgi ears stand up?

Keep an eye on how your Corgi ages and develops to decide if you need to use other methods to help your Corgi’s ears stand up after they’ve reached 24 weeks with floppy ears.