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  • What Is a Fluffy Frenchie? (With Photos!)

What Is a Fluffy Frenchie? (With Photos!)

Finding the right dog for your family can be time-consuming yet a lot of fun. If you have children, you want a breed that loves people, is affectionate, and likes to play.  

French Bulldogs are one of the most popular breeds of dogs. What is a Fluffy Frenchie?

what is a fluffy frenchie

Fluffy Frenchies are French Bulldogs with longer, fluffy hair, deeming them a rare breed. Other than that, these dogs are like traditional French Bulldogs. Because of their rarity, Fluffy Frenchies are expensive.

If you are looking for a family dog that is affectionate and has a unique look, I recommend the Fluffy Frenchie Bulldog. 

Where Fluffy Frenchies Originate

Centuries ago, breeders bred French Bulldogs with ratter dogs, which had long hair. That breeding introduced the LH (long hair) gene into the French Bulldogs. 

French Bulldogs have a hair gene, Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF), that determines the length of the fur in puppies. Fluffy Frenchies are products of two French Bulldog parents, each possessing the rare long hair gene. Due to that, Fluffy Frenchies have two copies of the FGF. 

French Bulldogs with one dominant Sh gene (short hair) and one recessive LH (long hair) gene will most likely produce short-haired Frenchies.  

Short-haired French Bulldogs can produce offspring with long hair if both dogs possess the LH chromosome. However, if only one parent has the LH gene, there will only be one long-haired puppy. 

Their average lifespan is between eight and ten years, and breeding starts around age five or six. Before breeding can begin, DNA testing must occur to ensure the dogs are genuine purebreds. 

frenchie looking up

Physical Features

Fluffy Frenchies are very much like traditional Bulldogs except for the long fluffy hair. Their fur is medium-length and fluffy around the ears, neck, back, and chest, and they have extra folds in their skin. 

They have short, compact statures with short-muzzled, flat faces, square-shaped heads, and dark-colored eyes. Their ears stick up, much like bats. Their short, straight, or screw-like tails nearly touch the ground.


Female Frenchies weigh between 16 and 24 pounds while the males are heavier, around 20-28 pounds. They gain weight easily, leading to possible health problems, so it is important to keep them as close to their ideal weight as possible. Both genders can grow between 11 and 13 inches tall

what is a fluffy frenchie


The colors of their soft coats vary, such as yellowish-beige, brown, lilac, blue merle (blue-gray with black patches), chocolate, white, black, and a brindle pattern (tiger-striped)

Unfortunately, the beautiful rare colors are not accepted by kennel clubs, meaning the Frenchies are not eligible to participate in shows. 

Owners may decide to breed their Frenchies with other dogs with unique coats to get offspring with rare colors. Fluffy Frenchies with unique colors are expensive because of their rarity. 

Prices can range from $5,000 and up, depending on location, gender, color, and breeder. Females are more expensive than males. DNA testing and the amount of time it takes to breed them increases their value. 


The white Fluffy Frenchie Bulldog is easier to find and is as spectacular as other colors. Some dogs may also have some white spots on their ears and the chest. 

Black, Lilac, Fawn 

The solid, shiny black coat may occasionally come with some white markings. With or without streaks, the black fur is gorgeous. Lilac and fawn coats occur from a blend of two colors.

As puppies, these dogs have lighter eyes and coats that lighten as they mature. 

Blue and Tan

A blue and tan blend is rare in dogs. The silvery-gray highlights give the coats a nice shimmer. Some dogs may also have a few white spots by their ears and on the chest. 

tan fluffy frenchie ear


Like other dogs, Fluffy Frenchies are born with dewclaws, which are extra toes on each foot, much like a thumb and big toe. They are higher on the paw than the other toes and do not touch the ground. The extra toes consist of two bones, nerves, muscles, tendons, and blood supply

Many veterinarians recommend removing the dewclaws soon after the puppies are born. They serve little purpose for smaller dogs and can cause injury if they catch on something.  

The dogs can pull them off and hurt themselves. Since Fluffy Frenchie Bulldogs are not as active as other dogs, removing those extra toes will not hinder their activity.  

French Bulldog looks behaved


Due to their long, fluffy coats, Fluffy Frenchies can’t compete in kennel shows but are becoming more popular as pets. They adapt well to small spaces. They are gentle, affectionate dogs that bond well with people and other animals, rendering them perfect family pets.  

These small pooches make great companions for lounging around watching TV or napping. They crave attention and human interaction. 

They can become clingy and suffer from separation anxiety if you do not train them as puppies. If owners leave them alone for too long, they can be destructive. They rarely bark, deeming them unfit watchdogs, but they are very social. 

Fluffy Frenchie Bulldogs are trainable but require patience when working with them. They are not hunting or guard dogs but will follow simple commands. Training them as puppies will make their transition to adult life smoother. 

Physical Activity

Fluffy Frenchie Bulldogs need at least one hour of playtime a day. They like to be active but cannot tolerate strenuous activity. Pushing them to overexertion can subject them to respiratory problems due to their short snouts. 

They enjoy short daily walks and love to swim but have difficulty moving far in water due to their short legs. Allowing them some physical exercise, along with a balanced diet, helps keep them healthy. 

French Bulldogs playing


The Fluffy Frenchies are prone to illness, so they must have proper nutrition. They can become overweight and may need supervision on portion sizes. They should adhere to a strict diet, as they tend to develop allergies

Fluffy Frenchies thrive best on carbohydrate and protein-rich diets. To maintain the nutritional value of their diets, they need fresh chicken, fish, and beef. They require around 25 to 35 calories per pound of body weight each day.

If you are not sure what is best for your dog, ask your veterinarian.


Fluffy Frenchies are very prone to health problems, such as hip dysplasia (out of the socket), infections, knee luxation (dislocation at joint), spine disorders, dermatitis (a skin condition), and visual difficulties, among other ailments. 

Hip Dysplasia

French Bulldogs are prone to this condition due to congenital joint deformities. Signs of hip dysplasia may include difficulty standing or moving around, pain or sensitivity in the hip, or the inability to jump or climb. 

Heat Stroke

The design of their faces and snouts makes them vulnerable to breathing difficulties, so they should stay out of extreme heat conditions. If they display heavy panting, begin vomiting or convulsing, or you notice their gums are blue or bright red, call the vet immediately. 


Skin irritation tends to happen in the folds and crevices, especially the face, armpits, and genitalia. Dermatitis may include red, cracked, or open areas on the skin, causing dogs to excessively scratch or bite. 

Dermatitis can also be a result of allergic reactions, which Fluffy Frenchies are at risk of developing. These dogs should visit the vet regularly to prevent any future complications. 

Other ailments these dogs can experience are: 

  • Epilepsy: This is a disorder that is characteristic of repetitive seizures.

  • Cherry Eye: This occurs when a tear gland causes swelling in the eye. 

  • Perineal Hernia: This condition is a protrusion or displacement of pelvic organs.

Care of Fluffy Frenchies

Although they are low-maintenance, Fluffy Frenchies require a lot of attention to keep them happy and healthy. Owners must keep them clean to reduce the risk of infection. They tolerate grooming and need brushing about once a week to distribute their natural oils throughout the coat. 

They are shedders, so you may have to increase brushing to prevent the build-up of hair. They do not require regular bathing due to the risk of damaging their natural oils, but a wash about four times a year is recommended. 

Their faces need thorough daily cleaning and drying due to their flat skulls and wrinkly skin. Trapped water can lead to infections if the skin stays wet. 

French Bulldog bath

Final Thoughts

As relatives of traditional French Bulldogs, long-hair Frenchies are rare due to their long, fluffy fur of unique colors. Their physiques prevent them from being as active as other dogs, and their flat noses lead to breathing difficulties. 

The fact that they are docile, affectionate, and sociable makes them great family pets. They rely on a carb and protein-rich diet due to their vulnerability to obesity and other health problems. 

Fluffy Frenchie Bulldogs are mostly low-maintenance but still crave attention to keep them happy. They need to stay clean to avoid infections. 

Fluffy Frenchie Bulldogs are a wonderful option for companionship and will make great additions to any home.