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  • 6 Teacup Dogs That DON’T Shed (Pictures) 2024

6 Teacup Dogs That DON’T Shed (Pictures) 2024

From puppies to cats and even pet rabbits, we all love our furry friends and want to spend time with them cuddling or playing after a long day. Pet allergies affect more people than you know. According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, almost 10 million people in the United States alone are allergic to their pets. 

It is a sad state of events if you love dogs and yet your immune system won’t let you be close to them. 

teacup dogs that don't shed

Pet allergies are caused by exposure to animal dander, which is a fine powder made up of dead skin cells, hair, and saliva. When dander gets into the air, it can be breathed in and trigger an allergic reaction. 

Symptoms of a pet allergy include sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, and difficulty breathing. There are several different ways to manage pet allergies. One option is to take medication such as antihistamines or nasal steroids to reduce symptoms.

Another thing you can do is get a dog that sheds so little that it is unlikely that its shedding triggers an allergic reaction. 

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at six adorable non-shedding breeds that are available in Teacup size – the littlest of dogs intentionally bred down in size, and hopefully, help you find the pooch of your dreams! 

1. Teacup Chihuahua

If you aspire to be a fancy dog mom like Paris Hilton, then Teacup Chihuahuas are the way to go. The blonde socialite has been spotted on multiple occasions sporting a Chihuahua in her handbag while out and about.

Teacup Chihuahua on grass

Just like their regular-sized counterparts, Teacup Chihuahuas are known for their feisty nature, but they are also affectionate to their owners and love being close to them. Due to their popularity, they may come with a hefty price tag. They are, however, ideal for small apartments, as they do not grow to a large size and won’t take up any space at all. 

Hailing from Chihuahua, Mexico, the Chihuahua’s claim to fame is holding the position as the smallest breed of dog, and the Teacup Chihuahua is the smallest of them all

2. Bichon Frisé

These types of dogs are big balls of fur and fun. Bichon Frises are quite friendly and enjoy spending time with their owners, be it indoors or otherwise. 

Bichon Frise so white

Despite their curly fur coat, these Teacup dogs do not shed, making them a good choice if you live in an apartment. Keep in mind, however, that again due to their fur coat they will require some extra effort in grooming and frequent brushing to keep out the mats and tangles.

The Bichon Frise is a popular breed of dog that has a long and interesting history. The breed is thought to have originated in the Mediterranean, and it is believed that the dogs were brought to Europe by Italian sailors during the Renaissance. 

The Bichon quickly became a favorite of European nobility, and it was often seen in royal courts. The breed eventually made its way to America, where it became equally popular. Today, the Bichon Frise is cherished for its playful personality and low-shedding coat

3. Teacup Poodle

One of the smaller sizes of the bunch, the Teacup Poodle is a tightly curled, non-shedding furball. They are ranked as one of the most intelligent pups in the dog family, which makes them easy to train and learn new tricks. 

Teacup Poodle with ball

Prized for its intelligence and hypoallergenic coat, the Poodle is a breed that has been constantly bred down in size. In fact, they have a long and interesting history dating back to the 16th century. Originally from Germany, Poodles were bred as water dogs and used for retrieving game from rivers and lakes. 

Over time, they became popular companion animals for European nobility, and their distinctive look was achieved through selective breeding. Today, Poodles come in a variety of sizes and colors, but they all share the same intelligence, playful personality, and love of water. 

4. Teacup Yorkshire Terrier

This little ball of energy is full of excitement and fun, as they are pretty playful. Yorkshire Terriers weigh about 2 to 4 pounds, and Teacup-sized Yorkies are the smallest of them all.

Their long coats need frequent brushing and you’ll need to take them to a groomer every once in a while, but Yorkies are relatively easy dogs to maintain.  

Teacup Yorkshire Terrier sitting

The Yorkshire Terrier was developed during the 19th century in Yorkshire, England, and is a direct descendant of the larger Celtic Terrier and Paisley Terrier. Nearly all present-day Yorkshire Terriers can trace their pedigree back to a dog called Huddersfield Ben, born in 1865. 

During the 1870s in Yorkshire, there was a mining boom, and many new coal mines were opened; with them came an influx of miners from all over Britain and Ireland. These miners often brought their dogs with them when they moved to find work, resulting in cross-breeding occurring between different types of Terriers and Toys. 

5. Shih Tzu

Shih Tzus have a short, stout physique and adorable floppy ears. Warm and gentle, Shih Tzus are excellent companion dogs that are suitable in most households, even those with seniors or young children. 

Their long coats constantly grow, and they’ll need a regular haircut in addition to frequent brushings to keep away the mats and tangles. 

cute Shih Tzu runs

This breed was originally bred in China, and prized as lap-warming companion dogs with a long, luxurious coat. In the centuries since, the Shih Tzu has become one of the most popular breeds in the world, beloved for its distinctively fluffy appearance and outgoing personality. 

Today, these dogs are still cherished as family pets and are widely considered to be one of the best breeds for first-time dog owners. With their charming dispositions and relatively small size, Shih Tzus make ideal companions for people of all ages

6. Teacup Maltese

Malteses are very playful and energetic dogs, making them excellent companions for children. Pure breed Malteses have a nice white curly coat and due to their playful nature, they are prone to getting dirty easily. 

The Maltese’s ancestors can be traced back over 2,800 years to the island of Malta in the Mediterranean Sea. The breed’s name comes from the region of Malta where they were first bred. Maltese dogs were kept as lapdogs by upper-class ladies and gentlemen in ancient Rome, Greece, and Egypt. 

Teacup Maltese standing pose

These tiny dogs were also popular in Chinese and Japanese palaces. In more recent history, Queen Elizabeth I owned a Maltese dog named “Jasper.” In the United States, the Maltese was first recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1888. 

Since then, they have become one of the most popular toy breeds. Today, the Maltese is still prized as a lapdog and companion. They are known for their playful personality and silky white coat. 

What Are Teacup Dogs?

Teacup dogs are becoming increasingly popular as pets, but there is a lot of misinformation out there about what they are and how to care for them. First and foremost, it is important to understand that Teacup dogs are not a specific breed. 

Teacup Pomeranian sleeping soundly

Instead, they are simply very small dogs that have been bred to stay small. While there are many different breeds of teacup dogs, they all share one key characteristic: their size. Teacup dogs typically weigh less than five pounds and stand less than twelve inches tall at the shoulder

Because of their small size, Teacup dogs require special care. They are fragile and delicate, and they can get easily hurt.

Why Are These Teacup Dogs So Popular?

Teacup dogs are non-shedding and their hypoallergenic coats will suit the millions of people worldwide that are allergic to their pets.

In addition, Teacup dogs are the littlest of all dogs, being bred down in size from other Toy breeds. Smaller dogs take up less space and are easier to clean up after, making them suitable for rented apartments or those that live in a way more limited space

Teacup Yorkshire Terrier standing

Teacup dogs are also easier to rent with. Many landlords have problems with larger dogs but would allow smaller dogs. 

In addition, they will cost significantly less money in dog food, grooming supplies, and all other pet essentials. 

Their low-shedding coats also make them way easier to live with compared to say, a Husky or German Shepherd, where you constantly have to brush fur off your furnishings and bed! 

Lastly, many people like the aesthetic value of a small dog, which is why dogs are constantly bred down in size to achieve a much smaller breed. For example, the Standard Poodle evolved throughout the year, resulting in the now-recognized Toy and Miniature Poodle. 

Final Thoughts 

People with allergies, fret not. There are plenty of options for hypoallergenic dogs and these Teacup dogs will easily fit your bag and into your hearts. 

Just be sure to take the time to learn more about the dog you’re intending to get, and if you’re in doubt, talk to a dog professional that can help you decide what’s best for you and your lifestyle. Good luck!