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  • 9 Puppy Must Haves Shopping List (What you NEED)

9 Puppy Must Haves Shopping List (What you NEED)

Did you go and get yourself a new puppy? If so, congratulations! We are extremely jealous. Puppy parenthood is such a fun, hilarious time. 

Everyone knows puppies are cute. But what people don’t realize is just how much work they are. From the moment you bring your puppy home, you’re in for a world of never-ending messes and lots of extra laundry. 

puppy must haves

Your new puppy is liable to test your patience every second of every day, and it’s going to take a whoooooole lot of willpower to keep all that inevitable frustration and annoyance in check. 

While nothing is cuter than a puppy, one sitting atop a pile of ruined furnishings and designer clothes in tatters certainly loses a little appeal. 

With some help (and a quick trip to the pet store), you’ll be able to get yourself a few things that will keep your puppy out of a lot of trouble, allowing you to hang onto your sanity.

In this blog post, we’ll look at what you need to keep your puppy (and your belongings!) safe until the “poop-and-pee-everywhere” and “destroy everything” stages pass. Hopefully.

Puppy Must-Haves!

1. Cleaning Supplies 

Every pup is different, but all young puppies share one thing in common – they don’t come house-trained. Pups are going to have accidents at home. A LOT of them!

You’ll have to do your best to manage the situation and clean up the best you can. Here are some things that can help:

Enzymatic Cleaner

Enzymatic cleaners are one of the best options for cleaning up pet messes. The enzymes in the cleaner break down biological matter and make it easy to clean up. 

Plus, enzymatic cleaners are safe to use around pets and children. These cleaners will attack messes made by poop, pee, and puke, attacking it on a cellular level and saving your precious carpets and rugs. 

cleaning dog urine with a product

Odor Eliminator 

Dogs are creatures of habit and will mark over the same spot. Meaning, if your pup has an accident on your favorite carpet, chances are, he’ll go again over that spot if you don’t neutralize the odor.

As any pet owner knows, accidents happen. Whether your pet is house-trained or not, there will inevitably be times when they make a mess. And when that happens, you need a reliable pet stain and odor eliminator to help clean things up. 

Not only do these products remove tough stains and odors, but they also help to prevent your pet from resoiling the same area. In other words, they’re a must-have for any dog-owned home. 

air freshener

Vacuum Cleaner

Even tiny puppy bodies start to shed, especially in older puppies that have their adult coat growing. If you have a high-shedding breed like a Husky or Retriever, you’ll be brushing heaps of hair off your furniture. 

A strong vacuum cleaner should fix that.

vacuum cleaning

2. Crate, Puppy Pen or Puppy Gates 

Leaving a puppy alone in your home is like leaving an undefused bomb, with similar consequences. You might come home to a wrecked home with crucial documents, cushions, and curtains ripped to pieces. 

Worse, your puppy could get seriously hurt by chewing electrical wiring, eating toxic food and substances, or other hazards around the house. 

You’ll need some way to confine your puppy unless you can keep an eagle eye on him 24/7. 

German Shepherd puppy crate training


When selecting a crate, get one that will be the size of your pup when he is full-grown. Use dividers at the start to limit the space, gradually increasing it until your pup is grown. A crate should only be big enough for your pup to stand up in, lie down comfortably, and turn around. 

When used correctly, crates are also an invaluable potty-training tool that an accelerate your house-training efforts. 

Puppy Playpen

Playpens give much more room to stash your pup’s bed, toys, food, water, and other things to keep him amused and out of trouble. 

Puppy Gates

As your pup grows more disciplined, you might want to give him access to parts of the house that have been thoroughly puppy-proofed, yet limit access to others. You can use gates to grant access to certain areas yet restrict access to dangerous ones, like the kitchen and your bedroom. 

3. Collar, Leash, and ID tag

Of course, you’ll want to take your pooch for a walk. You’ll need a leash and collar for that. Keep in mind to only take your pup out after he is fully vaccinated. Serious infectious diseases like parvo and distemper can be transmitted by unvaccinated dogs. 

Some pups are escape artists and can get out, so you’ll want to make sure you have an ID tag firmly attached to his collar at all times, and think about microchipping your pup if he starts to show a penchant for roaming. 

Boston Terrier running on a leash

4. Food 

Puppies need top-notch nutrition, so buy quality food from reputable brands that are specific to your pup’s breed. Certain breeds grow quicker than others and have different requirements. 

In addition, be sure to buy only puppy food, which has different nutritional contents and is higher in calories, since puppies need more energy to grow. Dog food, on the other hand, is typically lower in calories, since adult dogs don’t need as much energy. 

Puppy food also often contains smaller pieces, which can be easier for a puppy to chew and digest. And finally, puppy food often has a different flavor than dog food, which some puppies prefer. 

puppies eating

5. Grooming Supplies

The earlier you start grooming your puppy the better. Frequent grooming will get your pup used to being touched and handled and is an important part of desensitization and socialization. Plus, you’ll have one cute pooch! 

A clean coat is a healthy coat. Just like humans, puppies need to keep their skin and fur clean to prevent infection and other health problems. Regular baths and brushings will help to remove dirt, debris, and excess oils from your pup’s coat.

At the minimum, you’ll need a puppy-safe, gentle shampoo, nail clippers, a brush, and a vet-approved ear and eye cleaner. 

dog grooming products

6. Things To Chew On …LOTS of them! 

The more you can redirect your puppy’s enthusiastic chewing to their own toys and dental bones, the safer your shoes, clothes, and everything really, will be. 

Puppies LOVE to chew. It is a natural part of their teething process to ease the discomfort they feel in their gums as their teeth grow. 

In addition to chew toys that squeak, and dental bones, puppies will also benefit from interactive toys like a treat-dispensing ball or a Kong

These toys make pups work for their treats by swatting the ball around or trying to get at their food. The goal is to keep your puppers as occupied as possible so that he’ll leave your stuff alone! 

Labrador puppies play kong toys

7. Comfortable Bed and Bedding

If your pup is a notorious chewer, you might want to leave the expensive dog bed for a little later. However, your pup still will require comfortable bedding that is easy on those growing joints. 

A dog bed is essential for any puppy owner. Puppies are used to huddling up with their mothers and littermates, and sleeping alone all of a sudden can be jarring for them. A comfortable bed and bedding will provide snuggling comfort and mimic the feeling of coziness. 

puppy sleeping on a blanket

8. Puppy Treats 

You’ll want to start training as soon as possible, even in small, relaxed sessions. From house training to obedience training, there’s a lot to learn – and a lot of treats to be eaten. 

One popular option is freeze-dried liver treats . These are high in protein and highly palatable for puppies, making them a great option for training. 

Another popular choice is pup-peroni sticks. These are made with real meat and are full of flavor, making them another great option for treating your pup. 

Whichever type of treats you choose, just make sure to have plenty on hand – your pup is going to be very busy in the coming weeks!

Shih Tzu treat

9. No-Chew Sprays

No-chew sprays are a type of deterrent used to keep pups from chewing on objects. The spray is typically made from bitter-tasting compounds that make the animal want to avoid the area. 

Some animals are more sensitive to taste than others, so a no-chew spray might work for one pup but not another. In addition, animals can usually get used to the taste of a no-chew spray if they’re determined enough. 

Overall, no-chew sprays can be effective at deterring some animals from chewing, but they’re not always 100% effective. If you’re dealing with a persistent chewer, you might want to try another type of deterrent, such as a physical barrier or a training program.

woman spraying

Final Thoughts 

Even on the toughest days, it’s hard to stay mad at that little face. Puppies are also a lot of fun. 

They’re always up for a game of fetch or tug-of-war and they love to give kisses. They’ll also keep you entertained for hours with their silly antics. And as they grow, they’ll become a loyal friend who will always be by your side. 

So if you’re thinking about getting a puppy, be prepared for some challenges but also get ready to have your life filled with more joy than you ever thought possible.