When Is a Pomapoo Full grown?

Pomapoos reach half their total weight at 3-6 months. They attain their full-grown height and weight at 7 to 12 months, and their average lifespan is 12 to 15 years.

Pomapoos are toy or lap dogs, so growing beyond 12 inches in height is rare unless one parent is a Miniature Poodle.

Pomapoo full grown

If you are wondering, “when is a Pomapoo full grown,” I spent some time researching this cute and cuddly breed and will share all the information about a Pomapoo’s growth.

Pomapoo Growth Pattern

Pomapoos, also known as Pooranians, Pompoos, or Pomeroodles, are crossbreeds of Pomeranians and Toy Poodles

Pomapoos are smaller compared to other Poodles. They remain toy-sized due to the Toy Poodle parent.

Their ultimate size depends on the parents’ genes. If the resulting Pomapoo weighs below 7 pounds, it’s considered a Teacup. You can also have a large Pomapoo whose Toy Poodle parent is slightly bigger than average. 

A Pomeranian parent is usually 7 to 12 inches in height and 3 to 7 pounds in weight, while the Toy Poodle parent is less than 10 inches and may weigh a mere 4 pounds on the lower side.

Their offspring, a Pomapoo, stands at 6 to 10 inches in height and weighs 4 to 12 pounds. There may be minor differences, but males are often slightly bigger. Both males and females are fully grown at 12 months.

Since Pomapoos are toy dogs, they reach half their adult weight during their first three months. Some reach their adult height at this age though they will continue adding weight.

Weight of a Pomapoo compared to age: 

How To Calculate a Pomapoo’s Adult Weight?

To calculate a Pomapoo’s potential adult weight, take their weight at 15 weeks (when they are half their adult weight) and multiply it by two.

You can also use this formula:

  • Growth = Current Weight ÷ Current Age in Weeks

  • Adult Weight = Growth × 52 (Number of Weeks in a Year)

Development Milestones of a Pomapoo

Pomapoos grow fast in height and weight for the first 3-6 months. The growth rate steadily declines through adolescence, but they continue gaining muscle and fat. But when is a Pomapoo full grown?

A Pomapoo will be fully grown in 12 months. During this period, it can attain a height of 12 inches and a weight of up to 10 pounds.

Pomapoos reach adolescence at five months and are sexually mature at 7-8 months.

Here are the developmental milestones Pomapoos go through:

  • Birth – 2 Weeks – Pomapoos’ ears and eyes open, and they start crawling around.

  • 6 – 7 Weeks – Wean them at this stage and start training them on obedience.

  • 10 – 11 Weeks – The Pomapoo can begin exercising, vaccinations, and de-worming at this age.

  • 5 Months – At five months, the adult coat starts growing, and adolescence sets in. They are also disobedient and hyperactive, which makes training necessary at this stage.

  • 7 – 8 Months – I introduced adult food to my Pomapoo dog at this stage. You can introduce adult exercise too. At 7-8 months, your Pomapoo is ready for parenthood.

  • 14 Months – At 14 months, Your puppy is now full-grown, physically and mentally.

Pomapoo looks like a Poodle

When Do Pomapoos Become Mentally Mature?

Pomapoos are mentally mature at 12 to 14 months. At this age, you can expect them to give up puppy behaviors and act like adult dogs because they are more receptive to training.

A Poodle is one of a Pomapoo’s parents. Poodles are the second most intelligent dogs, which makes Pomapoos (their offspring) intelligent too. Pomapoos are quick learners who are keen to please their owners.

It’s advisable to begin training early (6 to 7 weeks) before destructive behaviors occur. I used positive reinforcement but remained loving in my approach while training my Pomapoo.

Factors Affecting the Growth of a Pomapoo

Let’s look at the factors influencing this tiny breed’s growth rate.

Health Challenges

Some medical conditions affecting Pamapoos are inherited, though they are not everyday occurrences.

A Pomapoo puppy can inherit the following health conditions:

  • Luxating patellas – The knee joint becomes unstable and moves out of place, causing lameness. 

  • Hypoglycemia – Low blood sugar caused by stress, parasites, excessive energy, or missing a meal, especially in younger puppies.

  • Epilepsy – Caused by metabolic disease or exposure to toxins.

  • Collapsing tracheas – Cartilage rings in the trachea collapse, causing harsh dry coughs or even a windpipe collapse.

Pomapoos can also suffer from hypothyroidism, eye problems such as cataracts, and dental problems. Such medical conditions can slow down your puppy’s growth.

dog with hairclip looks sad


Pomapoos come from different generations, which impacts their appearance and temperament:

  • First-generation crossbreed – Is a direct offspring of two purebred parents.

  • Second-generation crossbreed – Is the offspring of two first-generation crossbreeds.

Go for a second generation due to their distinctive looks.

Breeders usually backcross Pomapoos with Poodles to get desirable features, like a Poodle’s low-shedding coat.

Pomeranian and Toy Poodle dogs at the park


Toy dogs have a fast metabolism and should be on a diet formulated for puppies. Even with a fast metabolism, don’t feed them too much. If they are obese, the extra weight will strain their tiny skeletons.

Instead, feed them small meals at several intervals. Dry food (kibble) is recommended for convenience and easy digestion.

Keep their protein intake high (40-45%) by including liver, kidney, and lean white meat.

Avoid feeding your dog raisins, grapes, or chocolate because they are toxic to dogs. Spicy food will also upset their stomachs.

Guidelines on how much food to give a Pomapoo according to weight:

Overall, Pomapoos’ food should be high in protein, low in sugar, and free from grains, additives, or fillers

owner pouring dog food


Smaller dogs like Pompoos need less exercise. A 30- minute walk or two 15- minute walks in the morning and evening is sufficient. Otherwise, your dog may resort to excessive barking or chewing things if they lack exercise.

Puppies below seven months should not engage in running or jumping activities because their bones are fragile and may break. 

Pomapoos are lightweight (4 to 12 lbs). Look out for them because children can sit on them or squeeze them too hard, squashing their bones or internal organs.

white dog running on the grass

What Do Full Grown Pomapoos Look Like?

Adult Pomapoos are soft, fluffy, and cute. Their faces vary depending on the dominant parent’s genes, which means they can be narrow like the Poodle parent or wedge-shaped like the Pomeranian parent.

Pomapoos have short legs, a dainty well-proportioned body, and tiny paws. The ears are straight or floppy, the eyes are alert, and their nose is button-shaped.

Their coat length ranges from short to medium and can be straight, wavy, or curly. They come in shades of black, white, brown, fawn, sable, or red.

Pomapoo lying on the grass

How to Care for a Pomapoo?

If you want your Pomapoo to grow up healthy, you have to give them the best care. Here are my tips:

  • Don’t leave Pomapoos alone for too long. They are very affectionate and suffer separation anxiety.

  • Don’t let Pomapoos exercise too hard. These dogs are prone to injuries due to their small size. Keep an eye around your dog whenever there are children because they can handle them roughly.

  • Pomapoos are susceptible to plaque build-up. Ensure you brush their teeth frequently.

  • Brush your Pomapoo’s coat every other day to remove tangles and loose hair. You can take your dog for professional grooming every four to eight weeks.

  • Pomapoos get tear stains under their eyes, so be sure to wipe the face daily to stop tear stains from setting. 

  • Toilet training Pomapoos is more complicated because they have small bladders and may pee quite often.

bristle brush

So, When Is a Pomapoo Full Grown?

Pomapoos grow fast during the first months and reach half their total weight at three months. With the proper diet, exercise, and care, your Pomapoo will reach adult weight and height in 7 to 12 months

They are toy dogs, so it’s rare for them to grow beyond 12 inches. However, they have a long lifespan of 12 to 15 years.

Pomapoos may face some challenges while growing up, like inherited medical conditions. Children may also squash them due to their small size, which you can avoid by keeping an eye on your tiny dog.