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  • 13 Noises Dogs Hate The Most (and Why)

13 Noises Dogs Hate The Most (and Why)

There are some noises dogs just hate. And while you may think that they’re just being a little bit too sensitive, the truth is that dogs have highly acute hearing and can hear noises that humans can’t. 

noises dogs hate

That’s why it’s essential to be aware of the noises that bother your dog and avoid making them whenever possible. Some of the most common noises dogs hate are fireworks, thunderstorms, and vacuum cleaners.

Read on to learn more about why dogs can’t stand certain sounds and how you can help calm them down.

Why Do Dogs Hate Certain Noises?

recently groomed cavapoo puppy

A dog’s ears are more than twice as sensitive as a human’s. They can hear sounds we can’t, and they react to them in the same way we do: with fear or anxiety. This is why it’s so important to understand what noises your dog hates and avoid making those noises around them whenever possible.

Dogs have a highly acute sense of hearing. They can hear high-frequency sounds which humans cannot, including ten times better at what is known as “ultra-high” frequencies (beyond 40 kHz).

Dogs can hear sounds from great distances, much further than humans can. It’s been estimated that they may be able to differentiate the sound of a particular footstep from up to 100 meters away!

Dog hearing is so keen, in fact, that if you have more than one dog, it is a good idea to keep them separated in rooms with different levels of sound. This is because they will hear the same sounds at different volumes, and one could think another dog is in distress.

Of course, dogs can’t “hear” as humans do. Dogs detect high pitch sounds through their main hearing organ, the auditory (or inner) ear, located on each side of their head. But they also detect it through “vibrations” in the ground caused by such noise and their sense of smell. (There are even smells that dogs hate, just as much as sounds!)

Main Noises Dogs Hate

sad poodle

These are the noises that dogs universally hate the most: 

  • Vacuum cleaners

  • Lawnmowers

  • Car alarms

  • Fireworks

  • Thunderstorms

  • Construction noises

  • Children playing loudly

  • Barking dogs

  • Doorbells ringing

  • Alarm clocks

Tips to Help Your Dog’s Fear of Noises

If your dog is afraid of fireworks or thunderstorms, you don’t have to put him into a crate for hours during these times. You can get fireproofing and thunder-proofing doggy pajamas to help your dog feel more relaxed during these times.

You can also do some things around the house that will help minimize your dog’s sensitivity to certain sounds. You can get a white noise machine for him, which drowns out unpleasant noises with calming sounds. If he’s afraid of vacuum cleaners, you can buy one with a silencer feature.

Also, if your dog is afraid of barking dogs, you can boost his confidence by socializing him to these kinds of noises in safe settings where he’s comfortable and supported.

What Is Noise Phobia?

greyhound dog

Noise phobia is a type of anxiety disorder that causes a dog to be fearful or stressed out when they hear certain noises. This can cause the dog to become hyperactive, bark excessively, or even urinate or defecate in inappropriate places.

Some dogs may even become so terrified that they will refuse to leave their owner’s side during a noise event. While the cause of noise phobia is not entirely understood, it is believed that genetics and early exposure to loud noises may play a role.

How to Help Your Dog With Their Noise Phobia

There are several things you can do to help your dog deal with this condition, such as avoiding loud noises whenever possible, training your dog to respond to commands such as “quiet” or “stay,” and providing them with plenty of positive reinforcement when they do well.

It’s essential for owners of noise-phobic dogs to be aware of the noises that bother their pets and avoid making them whenever possible. 

f1bb bernedoodle dog smiliing


Just like many other animals, dogs become fearful during fireworks displays because they think they’re being threatened. This can cause them to bark, try to escape from their surroundings, or hide somewhere to get away from the noise.

Being in a house with other dogs or people makes them feel more vulnerable and increases their stress levels, making it even more difficult to calm them down.

One solution is to schedule your fireworks display at a time when you know your dog will be safely out of hearing range. However, if that’s not possible, then another option is to muzzle your dog for their safety. This will not only protect them from the loud noise of the fireworks, but it’s also important because dogs are very likely to try and run away if they see them going off nearby.


Just like with fireworks displays, dogs think that they’re being threatened, and it causes them to feel extremely stressed out and anxious.

Some symptoms you may notice include:

  • Panting

  • Drooling excessively

  • Whining or howling incessantly

  • Scratching at doors and windows or trying to escape from their surroundings

One solution is to talk with your veterinarian about using prescription drugs to help ease your dog’s anxiety. This is especially helpful if they experience noise phobia quite frequently or the condition is causing them to become unmanageable at home.

Just as humans have a basal level of tension, so do dogs. Thunderstorms can trigger this response in them, and they feel very threatened by the noise.

To comfort your pup during storms, you can leave on some calming music or cover his crate with a blanket for an extra sense of safety and security. You can also distract him from outside stimuli by giving him something to focus on, like a favorite toy or old shirt that smells like a family member or person he loves.

An airedale terrier


Your dog hates some noises because they are too scary for them and cause them to be afraid and anxious. Make sure you try to avoid making these noises around him, and if that’s not possible, help your dog feel more comfortable by using fireproofing and thunder-proofing pajamas and a white noise machine. By doing this, your dog will hopefully learn to trust new sounds as they come into your home.

Noises that bother dogs can range from fireworks and thunderstorms to vacuum cleaners. Luckily, there are ways you can help your dog avoid or cope with these noises. By being aware of what bothers your dog and avoiding making those noises when possible, you can help make your pup a little bit more comfortable during times that tend to scare them.