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  • 12 Myths About Labradoodles [Debunked!]

12 Myths About Labradoodles [Debunked!]

Labradoodles, with their adorably shaggy coats and charming personalities, have become a popular choice for many dog lovers. But as is the case with most things that gain public attention, this lovable breed has also attracted its fair share of myths and misconceptions.

You might have heard stories about Labradoodles being hypoallergenic miracles or having some mysterious, supernatural powers. Well, it’s time to set the record straight by busting some of these myths and help you get to know the real, lovable Labradoodle.

myths about Labradoodles

12 Labradoodle MYTHS (Debunked)

Labradoodles: More than just teddy bear dogs caught in a whirlwind of hype and hearsay. Let’s cut through the noise and debunk 12 pervasive myths clouding the truth about these beloved companions.

1. Myth: Labradoodles are Completely Hypoallergenic

  • Truth: No dog is 100% hypoallergenic. Labradoodles are often marketed as such due to their Poodle heritage, which is known for less shedding. While they may be a better option for allergy sufferers, they can still produce allergens through dander, saliva, and urine. Always spend time with a Labradoodle before bringing one home to see how your allergies react.

A portrait of a cream Labradoodle mid grooming

A portrait of a cream Labradoodle mid grooming

2. Myth: Labradoodles Always Have the Same Coat Type

  • Truth: The Labradoodle lottery! Their coats can vary widely, even within the same litter. From the curly Poodle to the straighter Labrador coat, and everything in between, their fur is a surprise package. This means grooming needs can vary significantly from one Labradoodle to another.

3. Myth: Labradoodles are the Perfect Dogs for Everyone

  • Truth: While Labradoodles are known for their friendly and loving nature, there’s no one-size-fits-all in the canine world. Their energy levels and size can make them a handful for some. They thrive in active households that can provide plenty of exercise, mental stimulation, and companionship.

lies down than eat

The Labradoodle prefers to lie down than to eat. (Image: Instagram/@baci_doodle)

4. Myth: Labradoodles Don’t Need Much Training

  • Truth: Despite their intelligent and eager-to-please nature, Labradoodles require consistent training and socialization. Their smart Poodle and loyal Labrador genes mean they learn quickly, but without guidance, they can pick up bad habits. Early training and socialization are key to a well-behaved doodle.

Tricolor Labradoodle. Almost Bernedoodle style.

Tricolor Labradoodle. Almost Bernedoodle style.

5. Myth: All Labradoodles are the Same

  • Truth: Every Labradoodle has its unique personality, quirks, and traits. While the breed is known for being friendly, sociable, and energetic, there’s a wide range within the breed. Some may be couch potatoes, while others are endless balls of energy. Getting to know your Labradoodle is part of the joy!

6. Myth: Labradoodles Are Always Easygoing

  • Truth: While many are laid-back, their temperament can vary. Some may inherit the high energy and drive of the Labrador, requiring more exercise and mental stimulation to keep them happy and out of mischief.

Happy Parti Labradoodle

A very happy Parti Labradoodle

7. Myth: Labradoodles Are Instantly Good with Kids and Other Pets

  • Truth: Their friendly reputation precedes them, but like all dogs, Labradoodles need proper introductions and socialization. Their size and playfulness mean supervision is wise, especially around young children and smaller pets.

8. Myth: Labradoodles Are Low Maintenance

  • Truth: Their coats can be high maintenance, requiring regular grooming to prevent matting, especially for those with curlier fur. Plus, their energy and intelligence mean they need plenty of engagement to keep them physically and mentally satisfied.

Mini Labradoodle with toy

A Mini Labradoodle got a toy as a reward for a positive response. (Image: Instagram/@ace.the.mini.labradoodle)

9. Myth: Labradoodles Are Perfect for First-Time Dog Owners

  • Truth: While they can be a great match for first-timers, their needs for exercise, training, and grooming can be challenging for those unfamiliar with dog care. Potential owners should consider whether they can meet these needs.

10. Myth: Labradoodles Are All Healthier Than Purebreds

  • Truth: Known as “hybrid vigor,” mixed breeds can sometimes be healthier, but Labradoodles can still inherit health issues from both Labrador Retrievers and Poodles, such as hip dysplasia and eye diseases. Responsible breeding and health screening are important.

11. Myth: Labradoodles Don’t Need Exercise

  • Truth: They may be cuddly, but they’re not couch potatoes. Labradoodles need regular exercise to keep them fit and prevent boredom-related behaviors. A mix of physical activities and mental challenges will keep them at their happiest.

two Labradoodles tired playing

The two Labradoodles tired playing and taking a rest on the grass. (Image: Instagram/@frenkie_labradoodle)

12. Myth: All Labradoodles Love Water

  • Truth: While many do enjoy a splash thanks to their Labrador heritage, not all Labradoodles are natural swimmers. Individual preferences can vary, and some may be hesitant or even dislike water. Always introduce water activities gently and safely.

Life Span and Health Myths

Common Health Issues

three labradoodles with curly coats

Labradoodles are known for being a healthy breed, but that doesn’t exempt them from some common health issues. However, many of these issues are exaggerated or misunderstood. One myth is that Labradoodles are prone to a laundry list of health problems.

red apricot Labradoodle

In truth, they may experience some of the same health issues as any other dog, but they aren’t more susceptible than any other breed.

For example, you may have heard that Labradoodles are prone to hip dysplasia. This is true, but it’s actually a condition that affects many dog breeds, not just Labradoodles. By selecting a reputable breeder who tests their breeding dogs for hip health, you can minimize the risk of your Labradoodle developing this issue.

Another common myth is that Labradoodles are prone to allergies. While some individuals may have allergies, this is not a breed-wide issue. As with any dog, it’s essential to monitor your Labradoodle for signs of food or environmental allergies and address them as needed.

Life Expectancy

Another myth that circulates about Labradoodles is that they have a shorter life span compared to other dog breeds. This is far from the truth. Labradoodles, with proper care and attention, can live up to 12-15 years, which is on par with or even longer than the life expectancy of some other breeds.

white Labradoodle sits in the garden

Both Labrador Retrievers and Poodles have similar life expectancies, so it’s no surprise that their adorable offspring also enjoys a long life. To ensure your Labradoodle lives a happy, healthy life, provide routine veterinary care, a well-balanced diet, regular exercise, and lots of love.

In conclusion, it’s crucial to critically assess the information you encounter about Labradoodles rather than just accepting myths at face value. When you know the facts, you can provide the best possible care for your lovable, curly companion.

Coat and Allergy Myths

Labradoodle kissed by owner

Hypoallergenic Claims

You might have heard that Labradoodles are hypoallergenic dogs, but let’s debunk that myth right away. While it’s true that some Labradoodles may produce fewer allergens compared to other breeds, no dog is 100% hypoallergenic. It primarily depends on the individual dog and its specific coat type.

Labradoodle and a child

Allergens, such as dander and saliva, can vary greatly between individual dogs. So, if you suffer from allergies, it’s essential to spend time with a Labradoodle before bringing one into your home. Remember, every dog is unique and may or may not trigger your allergies.

Coat Types

Labradoodles come in various coat types, which often leads to confusion about their hypoallergenic properties.

puppies on pink background

Here’s a brief look at the three common types of Labradoodle coats:

  1. Wool Coat: This type of coat resembles Poodle fur and is the least likely to shed. These Labradoodles usually produce fewer allergens and are often the best choice for allergy sufferers. They require regular grooming, which helps minimize allergens too.

  2. Fleece Coat: The fleece coat is a mix between the Poodle’s wool and the Labrador’s short, smooth coat. It can be wavy or curly, and like the wool coat, it sheds less. This coat type can also be suitable for allergy sufferers, but it’s essential to spend time with the dog beforehand to ensure it doesn’t trigger your allergies.

  3. Hair Coat: The hair coat is more like the Labrador’s coat and tends to shed more. This coat type is less likely to be suitable for people with allergies, as it produces more loose hairs and allergens. Regular grooming can help, but it’s best to consider other coat types if you suffer from allergies.

Remember, Labradoodles are fantastic dogs with unique coats and personalities. But it’s vital to separate fact from fiction when it comes to their hypoallergenic properties. Be sure to keep these coat and allergy myths in mind when choosing the perfect Labradoodle to join your family.

Behaviour and Intelligence Myths


You might have heard that Labradoodles are easy to train because they’re intelligent and eager to please. While there’s some truth to this, it’s important to remember that each Labradoodle is an individual. Some may be easier to train than others, and your experience will depend on factors like personality and your own training techniques.

Labradoodle close up photo

For example, imagine trying to teach your Labradoodle to “sit.” If you use positive reinforcement, like treats and praise, and keep training sessions short and fun, you’ll likely see progress. But if you expect your Labradoodle to magically master commands without effort and patience on your part, you might end up disappointed.


Another common myth is that all Labradoodles have the same friendly and outgoing temperament. In reality, there’s quite a bit of variation. Some Labradoodles are indeed social butterflies, while others may be more reserved or timid.

happy labradoodle puppy

This can be influenced by factors such as genetics, socialization, and individual personality.

For instance, let’s say you’re taking your Labradoodle to the dog park for the first time. You might expect your pup to run over and play with every other dog instantly. However, your Labradoodle might need some time to adjust and warm up to the new environment, and that’s okay.

To recap, it’s essential to recognize that Labradoodles, like any other breed, have their individual traits and quirks. This means that training and temperament will vary, and it’s essential to be patient and understanding when debunking these common myths.

Feeding and Exercise Myths


You might have heard that Labradoodles have very specific dietary requirements. In reality, your Labradoodle’s diet should be similar to other medium-sized dogs. Feed them high-quality food made with natural ingredients.

owner pouring dog food

Your vet can recommend the best diet tailored to your Labradoodle’s specific needs, but usually, a mix of protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals will keep them healthy.

Remember: Not all foods are created equal. Just because that bargain brand has a cute Labradoodle on the label, doesn’t mean it’s the best choice for your furry friend.

Physical Activity Requirements

Now let’s talk about exercise myths. You might have heard that Labradoodles need constant exercise and are bouncing off the walls at all times. This is not true.

labradoodle swimming in pool with ball

Your Labradoodle will be happy with 9, usually around 30-60 minutes.

Here are some examples of physical activity for your Labradoodle:

  • Playing fetch

  • Going for a walk or jog

  • Swimming

  • Visiting a dog park

Labradoodle runs so fast

Keep in mind, the amount of exercise your Labradoodle needs may differ based on factors like age, health, and fitness levels. Just like humans, dogs have unique needs when it comes to staying active.

So, don’t worry if your Labradoodle isn’t running a marathon every day. As long as you’re providing them with the right balance of food, exercise, and love, they’ll be just as happy as can be.

Breeding and Adoption Myths

Finding a Responsible Breeder

You may have heard that finding a responsible Labradoodle breeder is like searching for a needle in a haystack. Relax, it’s not that difficult! Just do your homework and ask the right questions. For example, inquire about the breeder’s experience, health testing, and breeding practices.

question and answer portion

Don’t be afraid to ask for references and visit their facility in person. Remember, you want a breeding program that prioritizes health and temperament, not just adorable curly fur.

Beware of these red flags:

  • Lack of health testing: Responsible breeders will test their breeding dogs for common genetic issues.

  • No proof of vaccinations: A good breeder will provide up-to-date vaccination records and deworming treatments.

  • No contract or guarantee: A reputable breeder should offer a contract outlining the terms of sale and a health guarantee.

Adopting From Shelters

Another common myth is that you can’t find a Labradoodle at a shelter or rescue group. Don’t let this misconception deter you from checking out local shelters and rescue organizations. While it’s true that you might have to be patient and persistent, Labradoodles do occasionally end up in shelters.

taking care of dogs

Here’s how you can tilt the odds in your favor:

  • Contact Labradoodle-specific rescue groups: They often have waiting lists, so getting your name on one is a smart move.

  • Reach out to your local shelters: Let them know you’re interested in adopting a Labradoodle, and ask them to contact you if one becomes available.

  • Utilize social media: Join Labradoodle or doodle adoption groups on Facebook where rescues and private owners frequently post about available dogs.

Fun Fact: Did you know that Labradoodles are often surrendered to shelters because their owners underestimated the grooming requirements of the breed? It’s important to research and understand the needs of a specific breed before adopting.

In conclusion, don’t let myths about Labradoodle breeding and adoption lead you astray. Do your research, ask questions, and be patient – you’ll increase your chances of finding the perfect fluffy companion for you.