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  • Help! Why is My Dog Uncomfortable After Grooming? (4 Causes)

Help! Why is My Dog Uncomfortable After Grooming? (4 Causes)

Did you pick up your beloved pooch from the groomer’s and notice that something about him was a little off? Maybe he’s moping around the house and more lethargic than usual, or he seems jumpy and on edge.

You aren’t alone in thinking you might be imagining things. Many dog owners are concerned about their pet’s safety and well-being when they drop them off at the groomers. 

dog uncomfortable after grooming

There could be several reasons why your dog is acting strangely after a trip to the groomer, and it is not necessarily anyone’s fault. And even if it were, don’t forget groomers are fellow dog lovers and the last thing they want to do is hurt your dog, but accidents DO happen. 

Here are some reasons why Fido might be acting a little weirdly post-grooming. 

1. Your Dog’s Skin Is Irritated

No one likes to see their dog scratch incessantly. Not only is it painful to watch, but it can also lead to open wounds and hot spots. And if your dog spends a lot of time outdoors, they may also be at risk for flea bites, which can cause even more itching and scratching. 

why does my dog scratch his face

Because a dog’s skin is much thinner than a human’s, it is also much more sensitive. When you groom your dog, you are essentially stripping away the top layer of protection that their skin provides. This can leave their skin feeling raw and irritated, especially if harsh chemicals or detergents are used.

In addition, dogs have a lot of hair follicles, which can easily become clogged when they are being groomed. This can cause inflammation and irritation, leading to itchiness and discomfort. 

Finally, grooming can also remove the natural oils that help to keep a dog’s skin healthy. This can leave their skin feeling dry and cracked, which can be very painful for them. As a result, it is important to be careful when sending your dog to the groomer and try using only natural and organic products that will not damage their delicate skin.

If your dog’s skin is already irritated, there are a few things you can do to help soothe your pooch. 

face scratching in dogs and anxiety 

Anti-itch cream or spray

There are a number of anti-itch creams and sprays available that can provide relief for your furry friend. These products usually contain ingredients like hydrocortisone or colloidal oatmeal, which help to soothe and protect the skin.

Some products also contain insect repellents to help keep fleas and other pests away. When used as directed, these products can provide much-needed relief for your dog – and may even help them avoid further irritation and skin damage.

Omega-3 fish oils and turmeric supplements

Many people are unaware of the benefits of omega fish oils and turmeric for skin irritation. Omega fish oils are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for maintaining healthy skin. The fatty acids in omega fish oils help to reduce inflammation and keep the skin moisturized. 

Turmeric is another effective treatment for skin irritation. It contains curcumin, which has anti-inflammatory properties. Curcumin helps to reduce redness and swelling associated with skin irritation. In addition, it helps to speed up the healing process. 

a dog chows down on some good

Lavender and tea tree oil

Essential oils are extracts from plants that contain the plant’s distinctive aroma and flavor. These oils have been used for centuries in traditional healing practices. Today, essential oils are gaining popularity as a natural way to support overall health and wellness. 

When it comes to skincare, lavender, and tea tree oil are two of the most popular essential oils with anti-inflammatory properties that can help to soothe irritated skin with applied topically. 

In addition, lavender oil has a calming effect that can help to reduce stress and anxiety. 

Aloe vera

This wonder plant has been used for centuries to treat a variety of skin conditions in humans, and it can also be effective for dogs. Aloe vera contains anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that can help to soothe irritated skin. 

It also provides a cooling effect that can help to reduce swelling and redness. If your dog is suffering from dry, itchy skin, try applying some aloe vera gel or lotion to the affected area. 

aloe vera plant

Ground oatmeal

If you’re looking for a natural way to soothe your dog’s skin, oatmeal may be the answer. Ground oatmeal has long been used as a remedy for dry, itchy skin, and it can be just as effective for dogs. 

Oatmeal contains key nutrients that help to hydrate and protect the skin, and it also has anti-inflammatory properties that can help to reduce swelling and irritation. Best of all, oatmeal is gentle enough for even the most sensitive skin. 

dog eats coconut

Coconut oil

Unlike many other oils, coconut oil is non-toxic and hypoallergenic, making it safe to use on even the most sensitive skin. In addition, coconut oil contains natural antibacterial and antifungal properties, which can help to prevent infection. 

Coconut oil is also rich in lauric acid, a saturated fatty acid that helps to moisturize and protect the skin. Just a small amount of coconut oil rubbed into your dog’s coat can make a big difference in their comfort level. 

2. They Are Hurt 

Try as they might, accidents happen, even with experienced groomers that might shave a dog’s coat too short, or nick a quick when clipping nails. 

Here are some minor injuries that can be sustained during a grooming session. 

dog groomers with dogs

Shaver Burn – Shaver burn is a form of skin irritation that can occur when dogs are shaved with electric clippers. The blades of the clippers can cause redness, swelling, and hair loss. In severe cases, blisters may form. 

The best way to prevent shaver burn is to use a sharp blade and take care not to press too hard. If your dog does develop shaver burn, you can treat it at home with a soothing lotion or cream. However, if the irritation is severe, you should consult your veterinarian.

They Got Nicked – While most clippers are designed to be safe for use on animals, there is always the potential for injury if the blades are not sharp enough or if the person using them is not careful. 

Dogs with thick or double coats are especially susceptible to getting nicked, as the blades can catch on the hair and pull it instead of cutting cleanly through.

dog nail clipping

The Quick Of Their Nails Got Cut – Many dog owners have clipped the quick of their precious pooches, and it is an extremely unpleasant experience for both humans and dogs! The quick is where the blood supply to the nail is, and if you cut a nail too short, you’ll nick the quick and cause the dog pain. (and you a whooooole lotta guilt). 

Don’t worry, a nicked quick heals super fast especially if you stop the bleeding quickly with styptic powder or baking soda. However, your dog isn’t likely to forget, and might object to future nail clipping sessions. 

3. They Are Traumatized 

Many dog owners dread the thought of taking their beloved pet to the groomer. In fact, some dogs may suffer from anxiety or even PTSD after a grooming session. This is typically due to the fact that they are restrained in a small space, and they may feel panicked or uncomfortable. 

As a result, it’s important to choose a groomer who is experienced and gentle, and who takes the time to make your dog feel comfortable. If you’re concerned about your dog’s safety, consider bringing along a friend or family member to hold your dog while he or she is being groomed. 

Finally, be sure to communicate your dog’s needs and temperament to the groomer so that they can be taken into account during the grooming process. By taking these precautions, you can help to ensure that your dog has a positive experience at the groomers.

why do dogs lick their butt

4. Are They Scooting Their Butts?

Many grooming packages include expressing their anal glands. Dogs have two small glands located just below their tail, on either side of the butt. These are called sacs, and they produce a smelly, oily substance that is kinda like a doggy ID card. 

The fluid is used to mark territory and as a means of identifying other dogs. Each time a dog poops, a small amount of the fluid is expelled. In some cases, the ducts that connect the sacs to the anus can become blocked. 

This can cause the sacs to become impacted, which can be extremely painful for the dog. Impacted anal glands need to be expressed by a veterinarian or groomer in order to relieve the dog’s pain. 

It’s possible that your dog is experiencing some anal gland discomfort after the glands have been expressed. 

Akita wearing a costume

Final Thoughts

If you’re like most pet parents, the thought of taking your dog to the groomer can be a bit daunting. After all, it’s not always easy to find a reputable groomer who will treat your furry friend with the care and attention they deserve. 

Do some research and make sure to go to reputable groomers with stellar reputations. It’ll also help if you gave the groomer as much information as possible about your dog. Good luck! 

why is my dog uncomfortable after grooming