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  • Why Does My Dog Not Want to Sleep With Me Anymore?

Why Does My Dog Not Want to Sleep With Me Anymore?

Cuddling up with your puppy in bed can be one of the most satisfying things about having a dog. They’re warm and soft, and having them nearby can be reassuring and comforting, especially in the middle of the night. 

why does my dog not want to sleep with me anymore

However, some dogs may abruptly stop sleeping with their owners for reasons unknown. If this is happening to you, you might start wondering, “Why does my dog not want to sleep with me anymore?” 

You aren’t alone. In this article, we’ll cover dog sleeping behavior, signs to look for that there’s something wrong, and whether you should do anything to change what’s happening. 

Sometimes, though, dogs prefer to sleep on their own, and you just have to let them do their thing. 

Typical Dog Sleeping Behaviors

As you may have already guessed, dog sleeping behaviors aren’t the same as humans. They might seem to sleep the full eight hours at night just as we do. However, they’re waking up and falling back asleep quite a few times within that period, a lot more than you might think. 

Dogs on average have 23 sleep-wake instances over eight hours. That means that for every 16-minutes your dog is asleep, they’re awake for five. Being awake can cause them to be interested in something other than sleep, and leave your bed to check it out. 

Your pup also needs to sleep way more than you do. Dogs often sleep around 12 hours per day, waking and napping morning, afternoon, and night. Puppies have to sleep even more. A 3-month old puppy sleeps almost 19 hours per day. 

After all those daytime naps, they might just be used to sleeping somewhere else. 

f1 cockapoo puppy sleeping bed wavy

Reasons Why Your Dog Doesn’t Sleep With You Anymore

There are quite a few reasons why your dog might not want to sleep with you anymore. 

1. They’re Used to a Harder Surface

If you adopted an older dog or your puppy is still relatively new to your home, they might not be used to a bed as soft as yours. Dogs are often more comfortable sleeping on hard surfaces, and beds are anything but. Your dog might choose your bed at first, but realize they prefer sleeping on the floor or a doggie bed. 

2. They Need More Space

It could be that your bed is too small for both you and your dog. While you might be comfortable, your dog may need some more room to stretch its paws. If they keep bumping into you, they might opt to just hop down and sleep where they have more room. 

3. They’re Not Tired

As you know, dogs tend to sleep a lot during the day. When it comes time for you to go to bed, they might not be ready to sleep just yet. They could choose to sleep somewhere else later because your sleep cycles aren’t in sync.

4. Something Is Going On

There might be something happening outside, or even inside that your dog is keenly aware of, but you’re not. Often, dogs are more interested in other animals, cars, or people going about their business outside than sleeping with you. 

labradoodle puppy sleeping

5. You Snore or Make Noise As You Sleep

Humans aren’t the only ones who can’t sleep with a loud snorer in the room. If you snore, sleep talk, or even sleepwalk, your dog might need to move away from you to catch some z’s. You may want to set up a camera to find out for sure. 

7. Your Dog Isn’t a Puppy Anymore

Your dog may have liked to sleep with you when they were young, but they might need more space now that they’ve grown up. Or, they may have developed a preference for sleeping alone, and it has nothing to do with space. Just like people, a dog’s sleeping habits may change over time and reflects their individual personalities more than anything. 

8. There Is Something Wrong

If your dog has been sleeping with you for years and suddenly stops altogether, then there might be an undiscovered health issue causing the problem. Keep an eye on your dog for any pain or discomfort. See your vet if you think there’s a real issue. 

Should I Be Worried That My Dog Doesn’t Sleep With Me Anymore? 

In general, you shouldn’t be worried that your dog doesn’t sleep with you anymore. Most of the reasons listed above aren’t anything to be worried about. It’s perfectly natural and probably has nothing to do with your dog’s health or wellbeing. 

However, you should check to see what you’re dog is doing aside from sleeping with you; if they’re sleeping peacefully in a corner, great. But if they’re throwing up in the corner and trying to hide it from you, not great. 

Take note of any abnormal pooping, eating, or stress-related behavior after your dog stops sleeping with you. Also, be aware of any pained expressions, as there could be an internal issue that’s preventing them from sleeping.  

If you do notice that something is wrong with your pup, make an appointment with your vet. They can help clear anything up and give you a better idea of why your dog isn’t sleeping with you anymore. A vet can also prescribe any medicine or behavioral treatments that could solve the problem. 

dog sleeping in human bed

What Are Some Ways I Can Get My Dog to Sleep With Me Again?

If you really want your dog to sleep with you and there’s nothing medical holding you back, there are some ways to entice them back to bed. 

  • Bribe them with treats – Treats are always a fast way to a dog’s heart. You can use them to convince your dog that your bed is a safe space for them. 

  • Love and affection Showering your dog with praise near your bed is another way to make them comfortable sleeping with you again. 

  • Use a mattress cover – You can use a hard mattress cover to make your bed more appealing to your dog. They may prefer a hard surface to a very soft bed, which is what’s causing them to sleep somewhere else. 

  • Turn on a fan or aircon – It could be that your dog is just too hot to sleep with you and all of your covers. Try sleeping with a fan or aircon blowing towards your dog’s spot and see if that makes a difference. 

  • Solve the underlying health problem – Your dog may have a gastrointestinal problem or some other issue that’s preventing them from sleeping with you. Visit your vet to see if you can’t solve the problem. After it’s cleared up, they’ll be more than happy to sleep with you again. 

  • Fix your snoring – If possible, find a way to stop snoring. Then, your dog might be able to sleep in your bed again.

why do some dogs sleep on top of us

Should I Let My Dog Sleep Somewhere Else?

If your dog really wants to sleep somewhere else, then there’s probably no harm in letting them do that. We know it’s tough, but even your little furball might need some space to sleep comfortably. 

In most cases, unless you’re crate training or want to keep them off some furniture, you should let your dog sleep wherever they want. It’s especially important for rescue animals to have room to grow comfortable in your house. They might want to sleep with you one night, then somewhere else another night. Let them figure it out. 

Some studies indicate that it’s beneficial for humans and dogs to sleep together. However, don’t take that as a requirement to sleep with your dog. You and your dog can remain perfectly healthy while sleeping apart. 


Hopefully, we’ve helped put your mind at ease about why your dog doesn’t want to sleep with you anymore. Whether you’ve decided to let them do their thing or pay the vet a visit to see if something is up, you should now have a clear course of action in mind. 

In short, some dogs like to sleep with their owners, and others don’t. You shouldn’t force your dog to sleep with you, but if you’re concerned that something is wrong, get them checked out by a vet. Always better to be safe than sorry, especially when it comes to your little fur baby’s health and happiness.