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  • Help! My Dog Barks All Day While I am At Work!

Help! My Dog Barks All Day While I am At Work!

When you come home from a long day at work, it can be tough to find that your dog has been barking all day. Not only are you exhausted, but now you also have to deal with angry neighbors who may have called the police.

Don’t worry. There are a few things you can do to help alleviate the situation. First, try to tire your dog out before you leave for work by taking them on a long walk or playing fetch.

my dog barks all day while i am at work

This will help to burn off some of their energy so that they’re not so antsy during the day. You should also ensure they have plenty of toys and bones to chew on to keep them occupied.

Lastly, try to find a dog-sitter or dog-walking service to provide companionship during the day. With a little effort, you can help your dog learn to stay calm while you’re away.

Common Reasons Why Dogs Bark When Left Alone

Dogs are social creatures, so it’s no surprise that they often bark when left alone. After all, loneliness can be tough for any of us to handle. However, there are a few other common reasons why dogs may start barking when left alone.

  • Boredom: Dogs often bark when left alone because they are bored. If your dog is used to having a lot of attention from you, they may become restless when you leave them alone for long periods. Try to give your dog some toys or bones to chew on to keep them occupied, and make sure that they have plenty of water to drink.

  • Anxiety: Another common reason why dogs bark when left alone is that they are anxious. If your dog is anxious about being left alone, they may start barking as soon as you leave the house. This can be a challenging behavior to change, but there are some things you can do to help ease your dog’s anxiety. For example, try leaving them with a familiar toy or blanket that smells like you, and make sure to give them plenty of exercise before you leave so they’re tired out.

  • Feeling abandoned: is another frequent cause of why dogs bark when left alone. To help your dog feel less abandoned, try not to make a big deal of leaving or coming home. This means no long goodbyes or big welcomes home. If you act like it’s no big deal, your dog will likely start to feel the same way.

  • Built-up energy: is often the root cause of why dogs bark when left alone. Dogs have a lot of energy, and if they don’t have an outlet for it, they may start to bark. So make sure to give your dog plenty of exercise before leaving so they’re tired. You can also try leaving them with some toys or bones to chew on to help keep them occupied.

If your dog is barking while you’re away, it’s essential to figure out why. Once you know the reason, you can start to work on finding a solution. With a little bit of patience and effort, you can help your dog learn to stay calm while you’re away.

Chihuahua barking and whining

Best Ways to Keep Your Dog From Barking When Left Alone

If you’re looking for ways to reduce your dog’s separation anxiety, here are a few things you can try:


Provide your dog with plenty of exercise. Exercise is one of the best ways to prevent this type of problem behavior. A tired dog is a calm dog, and a daily walk or play session can help to burn off excess energy and relieve boredom.

In addition, regular exercise can help to build a strong bond between owner and dog, making your pet more likely to feel secure when left alone.

So next time your dog starts barking when you leave the house, go for a run instead of yelling at them – it just might be the best solution for everyone involved.

Dogo Argentino plays with a toy

Alone Time

Give your dog some “alone time” while you’re still home. This might mean crating your dog for short periods or simply setting up a special space in your home where they can relax and feel comfortable.

pros and cons of crate training

Toys and Chews

Make sure your dog has plenty to keep them occupied. Toys and chews are a great way to do this. Not only will they provide your dog with some entertainment, but they’ll also help to keep their teeth and gums healthy.

When choosing toys and chews, it’s important to select ones that are safe and non-toxic. You should also avoid giving your dog anything that could pose a choking hazard. With a little planning, you can rest assured that your dog will stay happy and healthy while you’re away.

dog busy chewing bone

Turn on the TV for Familiar Sounds

If your dog is barking because of anxiety, try leaving the TV or radio on for background noise. This can help provide your pet with some security and make them feel less alone.

You can also try playing recordings of familiar voices (including your own) or sounds that your dog enjoys. This can help to soothe and calm them while you’re away.

dog listens music

Desensitize Your Dog to Your Departures

If your dog starts barking as soon as you leave the house, they’ve likely become anxious about your departure. To change this behavior, you’ll need to desensitize them to the idea of you leaving.

Start by practicing short absences – such as going into another room for a few minutes. Once your dog is comfortable with this, you can gradually increase the amount of time you’re gone.

It’s important to be patient during this process and not to rush things. If your dog becomes anxious or stressed, simply reduce the amount of time you’re gone. With a bit of patience and effort, you should be able to successfully desensitize your dog to your absences.

Toy Poodle with toy

Crate Training

If your dog is particularly anxious when left alone, crate training can be an effective solution. Crate training involves confining your dog to a small space (such as a crate or kennel) when you’re away from home.

This might sound cruel, but done correctly, crate training can provide your dog with a sense of security and help to reduce their anxiety.

When crate training, it’s important to take things slowly and not to force your dog into the crate. You should also ensure that the crate is comfortable and inviting – fill it with blankets and toys to make it a cozy space for your pet.

With a little patience and effort, you can successfully crate train your dog and help reduce their separation anxiety.

Pug in a crate

Find a Buddy

Many dog owners choose to find a buddy for their pet – one who can keep them company while they’re away. Having another dog in the house can provide your dog with the companionship they crave and help relieve boredom and destructive behaviors.

In addition, having a playmate can help your dog to stay active and healthy. If you’re considering finding a buddy for your dog, choose a pup that is compatible in size, energy level, and personality.

With a little patience and effort, you’ll soon have a two-dog household that is happy and well-adjusted.

two dog breeds interaction


Supplements can be a helpful tool in managing your dog’s anxiety. There are a variety of calming supplements available, and the best one for your dog will depend on their individual needs.

Some common ingredients include CBD, chamomile, and L-theanine. CBD is a compound found in hemp plants that have been shown to have anti-anxiety properties. Chamomile is a common herb used for centuries to promote relaxation.

L-theanine is an amino acid found in green tea leaves and has been shown to reduce stress and promote calmness.

Talk to your veterinarian about which calming supplement would be best for your dog.

giving Siberian Husky a food supplement

Professional Dog Trainer

A good trainer can teach your dog to bark less, or even not at all when left alone. This is usually accomplished through behavior modification and positive reinforcement techniques.

The first step is to identify the triggers that cause your dog to bark – for example, is it when you leave the house, or someone comes to the door? Once you know the triggers, you can begin working on desensitizing your dog to them.

This may involve gradually acclimatizing your dog to being left alone or teaching them to “speak” and “quiet” on cue.

With patience and consistent training, you can help your dog learn to control their barking – and enjoy the peace and quiet in your home once again.

owner trains his dog

Can My Dog Get Sick by Barking Too Much?

While it’s unlikely your dog will get sick from barking too much, excessive vocalization can indicate an underlying health issue. Therefore, if your dog is barking more than usual, it’s essential to consult with your veterinarian to rule out any possible medical causes.

Additionally, chronic or excessive barking can lead to behavioral issues such as separation anxiety. If your dog is experiencing any distress, it’s vital to seek professional help from a certified animal behaviorist or trainer. With the proper care and training, you can help your dog to feel happier and healthier – and reduce their tendency to bark excessively.

aggressive Yorkshire Terrier

Are There Laws Against My Dog Barking Too Much?

In some cases, yes. If your dog’s barking is excessive and disruptive, you may be in violation of a noise ordinance. Additionally, if your dog’s barking is causing distress to your neighbors, you may be considered to be in violation of a nuisance ordinance.

If you are found to violate either of these ordinances, you may be subject to a fine or other penalties. You may even be required to give up your dog in severe cases.

Therefore, it’s crucial to take measures to reduce your dog’s barking – not only for their sake but for yours as well.

Dachshund barks

Final Thought

With patience and consistency, you can teach your dog to feel comfortable being alone, so they don’t need to bark excessively.