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  • Labradoodle Heavy Breathing [Why it Matters]

Labradoodle Heavy Breathing [Why it Matters]

Are you excited about your new Labradoodle? We can not blame you there. Energetic, cute, and expressive, Labradoodles represent one of the most lovable pets for anyone who adores animals.

labradoodle heavy breathing

Labradoodles bring joy and happiness into people’s lives. Their cheerful nature makes them a perfect companion whenever you feel low. However, sometimes, you may notice your Labradoodle breathing heavily and showing signs of lethargy. Find out more about your dog’s breathing condition and if it requires attention below.

Is Your Labradoodle’s Breathing Normal or Heavy?

Checking your Labradoodle’s breathing represents one of the best ways to discover if your dog has a problem. Most dogs tend to breathe heavily for several reasons. Labradoodles breathe heavily when they feel excited, energetic, or hot. If your dog pants because of the above reasons, you do not need to worry about it. 

long haired white wavy labradoodle

However, if your Labradoodle shows signs of stress or anxiety, becomes tired quickly, or pants heavily, you may need to take a closer look at its condition. Your Labradoodle may breathe heavily because of dehydration or heat. It may also point to your dog suffering from a chronic or fatal disease.

Labradoodle Breathing Pattern   

Dogs usually take around 30 breaths per minute. However, serious illnesses can lead to an increase in your Labradoodle’s breathing. In such cases, your dog may breathe at a rate of 300 or more breaths per minute. It represents an increase of almost ten times the normal breathing rate.

panting after hours of physical activities

An understanding of this breathing pattern can help you identify serious issues with your Labradoodle. Let’s take a closer look at the reasons why your Labradoodle breathes heavily.

Reasons for Heavy Breathing in Your Labradoodle 

Your Labradoodle may breathe heavily because of several reasons. Take a look at some of the main reasons leading to this condition in your beloved pet.


Dogs also fall victim to obesity like humans. Experts point out that about 50% of the dogs in the USA suffer from obesity or being overweight. Problems like laziness, anxiety, heavy breathing, and heavy panting can arise from obesity or weight issues. Weight gain can cause your dog to become inactive. In such cases, the dog may pant heavily even with a small amount of exercise. 

labradoodle looks up at camera

Lack of Exercise

Labradoodles tend to possess a lot of energy and love to play. As the owner, you need to stay active yourself to ensure your furry friend receives all the exercise it needs.  Make sure your Labradoodle receives the required amount of exercise to keep it fit, happy, and healthy.


Every dog loves a treat. Pampering your dog with treats does not imply a harmful thing. However, if your Labradoodle consumes unhealthy amounts of food daily, it can result in obesity. Restrain yourself from handing out fatty treats to your dog as much as possible. 

Other Factors

Neutering and spaying can cause your dog to gain weight. Hormonal issues like hypothyroidism can also cause the Labradoodle to suffer a weight increase. Slow metabolism represents another factor why your dog gains weight. 

Heavy Exercise

A simple thing like a session of heavy exercising can result in your Labradoodle panting heavily. Labradoodles possess a lot of energy. Exercise them properly to keep them healthy. After a heavy exercise, your dog may breathe heavily to maintain proper body temperature and keep itself cool. 

recently shaved Labradoodle

Excessive Heat

Excessive heat may also cause your Labradoodle to breathe heavily. This represents a serious issue because it may point to heatstroke in most cases. In extreme cases, heatstroke may result in death. 

wearing scarf breathing heavy

To check your Labradoodle for signs of heatstroke, observe if it breathes heavily in an irregular manner. Excessive and irregular panting leads to problems like periodic heart rate and can result in death.

Labradoodles come covered in fur. This fur may further increase the chances of your dog falling victim to heatstroke in hot weather. Check the points below for some sure signs of heatstroke in your Labradoodle:

  • Increased heart rate

  • Excessive or heavy breathing

  • Puking and diarrhea

  • Deep red gums

  • High body temperature

  • Disorientation

Take necessary measures yourself or visit a veterinarian if you see these signs of heatstroke in your Labradoodle.

Labradoodle Heavy Breathing at Night

Did you know your Labradoodle breathes or pants heavily at night too? Apart from daytime activities that cause heavy breathing, Labradoodles also breathe heavily at night for the reasons below.

puppy at the vet with owners one adult one child


Labradoodles breathe heavily at night when they feel hot. Check the area where your Labradoodle sleeps if this happens. A lack of air at night or poor air circulation in the dog’s sleeping area might represent a possible reason. The material your dog sleeps upon may also cause it to feel the heat. 


As unusual as it sounds, dogs pant at night when they dream. Your Labradoodle may pant heavily when dreaming of themselves chasing something or engaging in strenuous activities. However, this should not present a problem if the dog does not whimper or display anxiety.

Anxiety and Stress

Labradoodles may also breathe heavily because of anxiety and stress. Labradoodles represent a social dog species that rely on humans for support. The reasons below highlight why Labradoodles experience anxiety and stress.


As highly social dogs, Labradoodles tend to harbor the fear of separation from you at night. Dogs that sleep alone at night tend to display this fear more than others.


Anxiety tends to arise in older dogs because of mental and physical changes. It can lead to heavy panting or breathing.


Dogs generally feel scared of loud noises coming from speakers and other sources. Your Labradoodle may pant heavily if you like throwing loud parties or love listening to loud music on your speakers.


Some dogs fear strangers and may suffer from stress and anxiety when you receive new guests at your home.


If your adopted Labradoodle shows signs of stress and anxiety, it may point to the trauma it experienced at the previous owner’s hand. Dogs do remember their previous owners. Quality Labradoodle rescues will try to identify potential issues and give you coping strategies.


Your Labradoodle may also suffer stress and anxiety when in a new environment.

Poisonous Food

Sometimes, your Labradoodle may eat something it should not. Simple things like chocolate to harmful substances like xylitol (e.g. in some jelly beans) can cause your Labradoodle to pant heavily. Vegetables like onions also pose a threat to your dog’s health. They may puke and display increased heart rates when they eat these food items

If your Labradoodle breathes heavily because of something it ate, we recommend seeing a vet as soon as possible.

Medical Conditions  

Your Labradoodle’s breathing can also help you understand if it suffers from a chronic disease. It may breathe heavily because of diseases like cancer, pneumonia, tumors, or other respiratory diseases. Visit a vet if you suspect your dog suffers from a disease.

two labradoodles in the dog park

How Do You Stop Your Labradoodle from Breathing Heavily?

So how do you stop heavy breathing in Labradoodles? The points below show different ways you can stop or lessen this.

relaxed at the couch

Temperature Checks

Check the temperature indoors and outdoors. Do not take your Labradoodle outdoors in hot weather. It may result in heatstroke. Ensure your dog remains hydrated throughout the day. Check the temperature of the areas where your dog sleeps. Change its sleeping area if you notice too much heat in that particular area of the room. 

Proper meals and regular exercises

Avoid feeding your Labradoodle with sugar or fatty food. Also, take it for regular walks to keep it healthy and fit. 

Stress-free Environment  

Make sure your dog receives an anxiety-free environment to live in. If your Labradoodle pants heavily, it may point to stress and anxiety. Avoid touching your dog. Instead, use gentle commands or take it to its favorite spots to calm it down.

Visit a Vet 

If your Labradoodle continues to pant or breathe heavily, make a visit to the vet to help diagnose and understand the problem. We also recommend consulting a vet in cases like food poisoning or heatstroke.


Most dogs pant or breathe heavily to maintain body temperature. Do not worry if you see heavy breathing in your Labradoodle after strenuous activities or exercises. If, however, it breathes heavily with symptoms of stress, coughing, or breathlessness, you should take it to the vet for a thorough check-up.