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  • Is Bacon Grease Good for Dogs? [Safety]

Is Bacon Grease Good for Dogs? [Safety]

Bacon is a tasty meat meal made from pork cuts. It has a good flavor and a nice aroma. Bacon grease on the other hand is some fatty grease extracted from bacon.

So, it is expected that your dog may wanna have a taste. So, can my dog eat bacon grease? Is bacon grease good for dogs? Well, keep reading to find out. 

can my dog eat bacon grease

If you are asking about the ability of your dog to consume some amount of bacon grease, the simple answer is… Yes! In a matter of seconds. Dogs like to share our food, it is a gesture of affection.

But they are only animals, they don’t know if the food is good for them or not. In this case, we are saddled with the responsibility of filtering what goes to them. 

Some foods that are healthy for human consumption may prove otherwise for dogs. So, one can never be too careful. Bacon grease is one of these foods.

It can make your adorable pet sick, especially if he takes too much of it. 

How is Bacon Grease Harmful?

It should be noted that dogs have a delicate digestive system. Some food nutrients can alter their digestive system, and further disrupt their general health. What this means is that there are foods that when they are consumed by your dog, the condition of their stomach will get ruined.

Examples are salt and fat. 

Unfortunately, bacon grease contains a high amount of both salt and fat [Washington Post]. In other words, excess consumption of bacon grease by your dog can affect your dog’s digestive system and cause its health to deteriorate. 

is bacon grease bad for dogs

What Amount of Bacon Grease Can Harm My Dog?

Feeding your dog with some bacon grease is highly inadvisable and should be avoided. But if you catch your pooch licking a bit of this grease, there is no need to panic. It is not as threatening as you may think. Your dog will be fine.

Fat and salt are not good for dogs but only when taken in large proportions. 

Bacon in itself is not as harmful. But bacon grease is an extraction from bacon. It contains a lot of fat and salt.

While excess fat should be avoided, adding a piece of bacon to your dog food irregularly is not that bad. In fact, it may be a healthy practice your dog can benefit from. Although, we do not encourage it. 

dogs lick pan

What Health Problems Can Arise From Dog Consumption of Bacon Grease?

One very common health risk that is associated with the consumption of excess fat by dogs is pancreatitis. Pancreatitis is a condition where there is an inflammation of the pancreas gland. 

So… what is a pancreas gland?

The pancreas gland is a part of the digestive system that secretes digestive enzymes in the stomach. These digestive enzymes help the body to break down food and also absorb the necessary nutrients needed by the body. 

When a dog is affected by pancreatitis, his pancreas gland gets inflamed. This inflammation prevents the gland from functioning efficiently.  

The bigger the animal, the higher its chances of catching this disease. If your dog is a small-sized breed, you need to be extra careful. We advise that you maintain some good quality foods and treats that are low in fat.

These are much healthier alternatives your dog will love. 

Bernedoodle puppy

Symptoms of Pancreatitis

Sometimes, we can’t tell what our dog has eaten or how. Alex was a friend who had a picnic with his friends and family in his yard. There were a lot of smoked chicken wings and beverages for everyone.

After the event, Alex noticed that their dog, Max, was ill. He had diarrhea and severe fever, and he was not eating as he used to. 

Alex recognized the symptoms and immediately took Max to the vet where he was diagnosed with pancreatitis resulting from something he had eaten. Alex’s wife had accidentally spilled the bacon grease used for the grilled chicken and ribs at the party. She was going to clean it up but seeing Max licking it up, she just let him.

She never knew it could harm him. Max was treated and he was fine. 

If Alex had been ignorant of the symptoms, it could have been worse for Max. This is why it is very necessary to learn the symptoms to watch out for in your pets. 

sick dog sleeping

For pancreatitis, here are some of the most common early symptoms: 

  • Loss of appetite

  • Vomiting

  • Nausea

  • Lethargy

  • Fever

  • Diarrhea

  • Abdominal pain

In severe cases, your dog may develop attacks. Then, the symptoms are more acute. Here are the most notable symptoms in acute cases of pancreatitis: 

  • Acute shock

  • Severe depression

  • Death

What Do I Do When My Dog Has Eaten Some Bacon Grease?

Imagine getting home to discover that your dog had invaded your trashcan and eaten up the bacon grease that you had disposed of, what should you do? 

a boston terrier at a veterinarian office

Firstly you need not panic. Panic can push you to make rash decisions. Instead, you should take the following steps: 

1. Clean Up the Rest

The first step to take is to ensure he does not get any more of the grease. And you can do this by removing whatever remnant of it is left. If you find him in the process of eating, you should stop him immediately and take the rest of it away from him.

Make sure to keep the remaining bacon grease further away as you clean up. Make sure he won’t get access to it anymore. 

2. Figure Out How Much He Has Taken

After cleaning, you should try to figure out the amount of bacon grease he must have eaten. You can do this by comparing the amount of remnant left to the amount you dropped off. You should also find out if he has eaten other harmful substances alongside the bacon grease.

This will help you to answer questions appropriately at the vet. 

3. Look For Symptoms

This is a very important one. You need to check out the symptoms of sickness in the dog. This will help you to know how critical the situation is. You should check if he has been having stomach upsets, running stools, or having a fever.

You can also watch his behavior. If he is keeping up his hind legs while laying flat with his head and front limbs, this could be a sign of discomfort in the abdominal area

Dalmatian with owner

4. Reach to Your Vet

As soon as you have finished cleaning and checking for symptoms in the dog, you should immediately reach your vet. Steps 2 and 3 above would have helped you to get enough information that will be needed by the veterinarian. The vet will ask a series of questions to know what he has eaten, how much of it he has eaten when he ate it, and what else he had eaten. 

5. Do As The Vet Says

The veterinarian is a professional and they know best what your dog needs. The vet will analyze the situation and determine if the dog needs further examination or observation. However, you should pay close attention to your pooch and report any strange conservation back to the vet as soon as possible. 

6. Prevent Further Occurrence

It is said that a wise person is not the one that never makes mistakes, but the one that learns from a mistake and takes the necessary steps to prevent the same mistake from happening again. You should make arrangements to ensure that your dog does not get bacon grease or similar substances in the future. You can try to get a more secure trash can or locate your trash can in a place where it would be out of reach to your pets. 

Can My Dog Be Okay After Eating Bacon Grease?

Yes, of course, bacon grease in itself is not toxic to dogs. In fact, it is not more harmful than chocolate, raisins, or avocado. But they should all be avoided because excessive consumption of them by dogs can lead to complications. The only problem is that these complications can prove fatal, but only if ignored and left unattended. 

Many dogs have survived pancreatitis resulting from what they have eaten. So, it should not be a cause of panic for you when your dog eats bacon grease. All you need is to follow the steps given earlier in this article. 

If your dog happens to be large, it is a big advantage. It will take more grease to make him sick than it would the smaller dogs. 


Once again, bacon grease is not poisonous, but it is not a healthy food for your pets. Dogs would wanna have a taste of it, but it is up to you to draw that line. You should replace their treats with healthier non-fatty organic foods. 

Finally, do not hesitate to report any strange development in your dog to the vet. Your pooch’s health should be your priority.