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How To Raise a Puppy While Working? (Strategies)

Raising a puppy while working can be an incredibly challenging and rewarding experience. However, it requires a great deal of planning, organization, and dedication in order to ensure your pup’s individual needs are met every day.

While establishing routines and setting boundaries is key, it can be hard to find the right balance between providing enough care for your pup and making sure you are able to stay on top of your own work commitments.

how to raise a puppy while working

However, raising a puppy while working is doable with proper preparation, diligence, and understanding of how puppies learn.

Overview of the Challenges of Raising a Puppy While Working

Raising a puppy while working can present many challenges. It can be tough to balance providing your pup with the necessary amount of attention and care as well as keeping up with your job duties.

woman with a Corgi puppy

Establishing routines and training are essential for ensuring your pup’s individual needs are met on a daily basis, but it requires dedication and consistency.

Additionally, housetraining and dealing with separation anxiety can become challenging in this type of situation.

Finally, finding the time to take their pup to grooming appointments or veterinary visits may be difficult when you’re trying to work full-time.

Preparing to Bring Home a Puppy

Before bringing home a puppy, it’s important to plan ahead and prepare. If possible, create a space in your home dedicated to the pup and get all the necessary supplies.

dog bed

Research breeds compatible with your lifestyle and see what kinds of exercise, training, and socialization the breed needs throughout its life.

Additionally, research and decide on different methods for housetraining and crate-training your pup so you can start as soon as you bring them home.

Additionally, be sure to schedule vet appointments in advance so you can ensure their health checkups happen on time.

Choosing the Right Breed for Your Situation

Choosing the right breed of puppy for your situation is essential. Different breeds have different needs when it comes to exercise, grooming, and training – so pick a breed that matches your lifestyle.

different puppy breeds

Consider how much exercise your pup will need and how big they are expected to get. Also, research their coat type and maintenance needs, as well as any health issues that may be associated with the breed.

Additionally, consider the energy levels of different breeds and determine which one fits best with the amount of attention you can give them while still juggling other commitments.

Finding Quality Care and Utilizing Available Resources

Finding quality care for your puppy is essential. Research local vet clinics and check reviews online to ensure the one you choose is reliable and trustworthy.

training a tricolor Basenji puppy

Take advantage of all of the resources available to help educate, socialize, and train your pup. Consider enrolling them in classes or hiring a certified trainer specializing in the breed you’ve chosen.

Additionally, research pet-sitting services and other services available in your area so you can have peace of mind when things come up that require you to be away from home.

Establishing Rules and Training Routines for Your Puppy

Establishing rules and training routines for your puppy is essential in helping them understand their boundaries. Decide which behaviors are acceptable and which are not.

Jack Russell Terrier treat

Positive reinforcement is often the best approach for teaching proper behaviors; reward your pup when they do something you want them to do, and make sure to provide plenty of love and affection as part of their learning experience.

Additionally, it’s important to establish a consistent routine from the start, such as scheduled potty breaks, meals, and playtime. This will help teach your puppy that certain things yield certain results, making them better inclined to follow your rules.

Dealing with Separation Anxiety and Developing Potty Training Strategies

Dealing with separation anxiety for your puppy can be a challenge. Try sticking to a consistent routine and providing plenty of interaction and attention when you’re around.

When you’re away, provide lots of toys to keep them entertained, as well as treats that will help ease their fears. For potty training, make sure to keep the area where your pup is supposed to go clean and give them rewards each time they succeed in using it properly.

Finally, never punish your pup if they have an accident; instead, gently guide them towards the right spot and use positive reinforcement when they do it right. It may take some patience, but with consistency and love, your pup will learn quickly.

Crate Training

Crate training can be a beneficial way to help you manage your puppy while you are away at work. It provides a safe and secure space for them so they won’t get into any trouble while unsupervised.

German Shepherd puppy crate training

When introducing your pup to the crate, use positive reinforcement such as treats and praise. Start with short 5-minute sessions inside the crate and gradually build up their duration if needed.

To make their time in the crate more enjoyable, leave an appropriate chew toy or stuffed animal for them as well. With patience and consistency, your pup will soon come to love their crate and see it as a pleasant space!

Doggy Daycare

Doggy daycare is an excellent solution for pet parents who need to leave their pup home alone for extended periods of time. Not only do they provide your pup with socialization and exercise, but they also allow them to form meaningful bonds with other canine companions.

walks with a dog

When selecting a dog daycare facility, make sure to ask plenty of questions and tour the facility beforehand. Be sure to find one that is staffed by qualified professionals who know how to keep your pup safe and happy throughout the day.

With an appropriate dog daycare center, you can have peace of mind knowing your pup is in good hands when you are away at work!

Hire a Dog Sitter

Hiring a dog sitter can be a great solution for pet parents who need to be away from home for extended periods.

create paw inspired captions

Find someone you trust and who is experienced with the breed and energy level of your pup. Be sure to ask a lot of questions and have them spend time with your pup before making a decision.

Additionally, it’s essential to make sure you are comfortable with the accommodations they will provide during their stay. With careful consideration is taken when selecting a dog sitter, you can rest assured that your pup is in good hands while you are away at work!

Work From Home if Possible

Working from home is an excellent option if you own a puppy, as it gives you the flexibility to attend to their needs and provide them with plenty of attention.

dog owner with Poodle

Establishing a regular routine for potty breaks, playtime and training can help them stay on track and prevent boredom while teaching them respect for boundaries.

Additionally, it’s wise to create a designated space for your pup away from their sleeping area. Doing this helps keep distractions at bay during work hours and allows your puppy to settle in when it’s time to rest.

With the proper setup, working from home while owning a puppy is totally possible!

Balance Work and Active Playtime with Your Puppy

Balancing work and active playtime with your puppy can be challenging, but it’s essential for their physical and mental health. Start by establishing a routine of regular potty breaks in order to help with housebreaking.

how long to walk a labradoodle puppy

After that, you’ll want to dedicate some time each day for exercise and daily interactive games like fetch, tug-of-war, and agility training. Don’t forget the importance of mental stimulation as well.

Puzzle toys and brain games such as hide-and-seek can keep your pup occupied while you work or attend to other tasks. To ensure that your puppy gets the proper amount of activity throughout the day, try breaking up their playtime into short but frequent sessions throughout the day.

Keeping Up with Veterinary Visits and Grooming Appointments

It’s important to keep up with regular veterinary visits and grooming appointments for your puppy to maintain their health and wellbeing.

Maltese puppy and vet

Veterinary visits should happen at least once a year, depending on the instructions from your vet, while grooming appointments can vary depending on the breed and lifestyle of your pup. During these visits, make sure to discuss any changes in behavior or concerns that you may have.

It’s also a great opportunity to ask your vet about vaccinations and other preventative care. Don’t forget about brushing sessions either; some breeds will require more frequent brushing than others in order to keep their fur healthy and clean.

Planning for Holiday and Vacation Time with Your Puppy

Planning for holiday and vacation time with your puppy doesn’t have to be stressful. But, to ensure that your pup has a safe, fun, and stress-free experience, start making the necessary preparations ahead of time.

dog with hat and glasses

First of all, check with your veterinarian to make sure that their vaccinations are up-to-date and that they don’t need any special treatments prior to traveling.

Secondly, research pet-friendly accommodations in your destination so that you can book a room accordingly.

Finally, plan enough time for frequent potty breaks and activities such as walks and hikes, if possible. With some planning and preparation, holidays away with your pup can be an enjoyable experience for everyone!

Final Thoughts

Raising a puppy while working can be challenging, but it is certainly achievable. Creating a schedule and allocating sufficient time for your pup should always be the priority. It’s also important to set realistic expectations and provide ample physical and mental stimulation.

Additionally, enlisting family members and friends to help out or engaging a dog walker can give you the much-needed breaks you need in order to balance work and pet parenting responsibilities.

With focus, planning, and dedication, it is possible to raise a healthy and happy pup while juggling a career!