How To Cook Chicken For a Dog?

Chicken for dogs is equivalent to the human remedy chicken soup you prepare for your loved ones, especially when unwell. It is enticing to lure picky eaters and bland enough for sensitive stomachs with digestive issues.

how to cook chicken for a dog

How to cook chicken for a dog safely

Additionally, chicken is suitable for your furry friend even when he is healthy since it is a rich source of proteins, omega six, and glucosamine. Moreover, it is fast and easy to prepare and store. 

As a dog parent, you can prepare a delicious chicken meal and retain as many nutritional benefits as possible.

Read on for details on how to cook chicken for your dog and make it a favorite dish.

Ways to Cook Chicken for Dogs

Similar to preparing chicken for humans, there is more than one way to prepare chicken for dogs. Nevertheless, in each of these ways, you do not use flavor or seasoning ( as it may upset your fur baby’s stomach. 

The most common and recommendable ways of preparing chicken for dogs are boiling, grilling, and baking.

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Choosing the best food for a German Shepherd can be tricky – they eat alot! Some people make food for their German Retrievers at home.

Boiling Chicken for Dogs

Sure, boiled chicken may sound bland and not as enticing for you. However, your dog will quickly devour the boiled chicken and ask for more. Boiled chicken and rice are highly recommended by vets, especially when the dog is unwell.

Boiling is also ideal since it retains most of the nutrients necessary for the dog. The steps you follow when boiling chicken for your dog are:

  1. Choose the right chicken. In most cases, the right chicken to use is chicken breast since they are lean. Additionally, ensure that the chicken breasts are skinless and boneless to make them easy to prepare. About three chicken breasts are enough.

  2. Put them in a pot and spread them to ensure that they aren’t touching. Add water, ensuring that you leave about two inches from the water to the lid to prevent the water from boiling over.

  3. Boil the chicken for about 13 minutes or until it is fully cooked. Watch out not to feed your dog undercooked chicken (UK Gov Advice).

  4. Remove the chicken and allow time to cool down. Save the water and use it for cooking rice or giving the dog to drink after it cools down.

  5. Shred the chicken into small pieces for easy chewing and swallow.

  6. Cook rice since it is a perfect accompaniment for the chicken, and when everything is ready and cool, give it to your dog.

Grilling Chicken for Dogs

Grilling is another excellent option for preparing dog chicken as long as there are no bones. To complement the meal, you can mix it with other healthy veggies or grains (USDA). 

Grilling the chicken makes the chicken a bit dryer than when using different methods, but this should not be an issue if the dog is well hydrated. Additionally, remember not to season the chicken when grilling. 

toy breed dog gets a treat

A toy dog breed gets a treat. Good boy!

Baking Chicken for Dogs

Baking is a quick and straightforward way to prepare chicken that your dog will love. Through baking, the chicken retains the flavor and does not dry a lot. The steps for baking chicken for dogs are:

  1. Heat the oven to about 400-degrees Fahrenheit (205 C)

  2. Use a non-stick cooking spray, silicone cooking mat, or foil underneath the chicken to keep it from sticking.

  3. Get three skinless and boneless chicken breasts and add them to the pan.

  4. Place the pan in the oven and bake for about 20 minutes. This time may vary based on the oven’s functionality and the size of the chicken.

  5. After the chicken is cooked, remove it from the oven and let it cool. You can test its internal temperature to make sure that it is well-cooked. Cooked chicken has a minimum of about 160-degrees Fahrenheit.

  6. Use a fork to shred the chicken into a small piece and serve it with rice or veggies.

Dehydrating chicken (or chicken feet) for dogs is another great way to safely preserve chicken for pups. Highly processed chicken like canned chicken or chicken nuggets should be avoided.

Preparing Rice For Dogs

As seen above, rice is one of the best accompaniments for chicken for dogs. The process of preparing the rice is:

i. Use the broth formed by the boiled chicken to boil the rice. In case you didn’t save the broth for boiling rice, you can use clean water. The ratio of rice to water should be 1:2. Remember not to add anything else to the rice when preparing it for your dog.

ii. Use white rice since it is easier on the dog’s stomach than brown rice. The ratio of rice to chicken should be 2:1

iii. Boil the rice until it is well-cooked to make it easy for digestion. You can also confirm the cooking instructions on the rice packaging for guidance on time to cook the rice.

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Choosing the best dog food for Poodles is tricky – got to look after that coat!

Other Accompaniments that You Can Use Instead of Rice When Serving Chicken for the Dog Are:

i. Dog food – A combination of dog food and freshly cooked chicken will result in a highly delicious and nutritious meal for your canine friend.

ii. Yogurt – Yogurt will make the food taste better and boost protein and calcium levels for your dog.

iii. Vitamin supplements – These are necessary, mainly if your dog eats chicken almost every day, ensuring that they get all the nutrients they don’t get from chicken.

iv. Canned pumpkin – Canned pumpkin will not only help in digestion but is also a good source of vitamin A.

v. Cooked vegetables – Accompany the chicken with vegetables such as carrots or broccoli, among others, to help add fiber and vitamins to the diet. 

What to Remember When Preparing Chicken for Dogs

i. Most dogs are allergic to chicken. The chicken falls among the ten top allergens for dogs (NIH Study). Therefore, ensure that your dog is not allergic to the chicken before feeding it to him.

ii. Chicken should not be an everyday meal for your dog.  Although it is safe, healthy, and delicious for the dog, it does not have all nutrients necessary for the dog to be healthy. 

Therefore, skip the chicken for a day or two and feed other meals such as vegetables, grains, or red meat to balance your dog’s diet.

iii. Too much chicken is not suitable for your dog. It may make the dog develop allergies, toxicity, and stomach upsets. Additionally, if your dog is not allergic to chicken, he may become allergic if he overeats it.

In case you are feeding the chicken because your dog is unwell, you can feed it every day since it makes feeding easier for him. However, gradually return to his old diet as he gets better.

iv. You can feed the dog on any chicken part and not just the chicken breast. However, although all parts are safe, make sure that there are no bones. All bones are choking hazards for dogs, whether raw or cooked.

v. If your dog is unwell, serve small, frequent meals. This will help avoid food wastage, especially since being unwell may lower his appetite.

Skip processed and seasoned chicken (aka don’t give your dog chicken nuggets).

a dog chows down on some good

A dog chowing down on some food. Some owners mix in proteins like salmon into their dogs kibble.

Storing Chicken for Dogs

As mentioned above, you can store the chicken for dogs for future use. Since the dish has no preservatives, you need to use a fridge or freezer to preserve it; and preferably a freezer.

Before storing, put it in an air-tight container or zipped bag. This way, you can safely store it for up to five days. To defrost, remove the chicken from the freezer to the fridge for several hours, or if you are in a hurry, put the chicken in a bowl of warm water.

Prepare Chicken that Will Leave Your Fur Baby Licking his Whiskers

Chicken is an excellent meal for your fur best friend, especially if he is unwell and needs to eat bland diets. Additionally, you can prepare chicken for the dog to boost his protein levels, especially if you don’t entirely trust the protein levels given on dog food bags.

Remember to check whether your dog has any adverse effects after eating chicken since most dogs are allergic to chicken.