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  • How Much Are Labradoodles? (Labradoodle Cost Guide)

How Much Are Labradoodles? (Labradoodle Cost Guide)

A cross between Labrador Retriever and Poodle, Labradoodles are among the most popular crossbreed dogs. They’re a perfect fit for you if you’re looking for a playful, fun-loving, easy-going, and intelligent dog.

However, before you decide to get yourself a Labradoodle puppy, you also need to consider important factors like costs and maintenance needs. From food, grooming, and vet fees to breeder costs, medical costs, and training costs, there are extensive expenses involved in taking care of a Labradoodle.

cute labradoodle photo

A close up face image of Labradoodle puppy Max

So if you’re thinking of getting home a Labradoodle but are unsure if it fits your budget, this article will help clear all your doubts and queries.

Labradoodle Costs in 2022

We surveyed both breeders and hundreds of actual Labradoodle owners, we have found that the price of a Labradoodle in the USA typically ranges anywhere between $900 and $2800 USD.

puppies on pink background

Two Labradoodle puppies stay together on a pink background.

The price depends on many factors and can vary from breeder to breeder. Today, the average cost of a Labradoodle is around $1500 USD.

While this might seem like a hefty price to pay for a puppy, the low prices that you find on social media or other ads are usually from puppy mills that try to over-breed these beloved animals in inappropriate and unethical ways.

 Low-quality living conditions notwithstanding, puppies from such places have a high probability of suffering from ailments and issues caused by genetic mutations occurring from rapid breeding.

Labradoodle costs around the world

  • In Australia the average prices for non-shedding Labradoodles ranged from 2500-3500 AUD. There were some niche breeders that charged much more.

  • In Canada the owners and breeders we surveyed revealed that Labradoodles cost between $1400-3000 CAD

  • In the UK the Labradoodle costs surveyed averaged between 750-1700 pounds

long haired white wavy labradoodle

This wavy coat white Labradoodle has very long hair.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Labradoodle Puppies

Physical Features

The two major determinants of a Labradoodle’s price are its coat color and texture. Depending on how unique the coat color is, the price will vary.

Labradoodle getting few rubs

Labradoodle getting few rubs from owner. (Image: Instagram/@henry_n_oscar)

Parti-colored Labradoodles like Tuxedo Labradoodle or Phantom Labradoodle cost significantly more than a solid-colored cream, black, or gold Labradoodle.

Sometimes, depending on your location, you may have to shell out extra dollars if you specifically want a multi-colored Labradoodle. Moreover, puppies with unique color patterns can be even more expensive as it’s a difficult outcome to attain.

Coat texture is another influencing factor. Shiny, sleek coats are more attractive and an indication of a superior bloodline. Hence, they are going to cost more. Curly and wavy-haired Labradoodles will be more expensive than straight-haired ones as they are almost non-shedding and hypoallergenic.

Blue-eyed Labradoodles can be even more expensive, owing to their rarity and beauty.

Labradoodle Size

As they are crossbred, there are no specific breeding standards for Labradoodles. Most breeders classify Labradoodle puppy sizes as standard, medium, and miniature.

Toy, teacup, miniature, and maxi are some other terms used to describe the size of Labradoodle dogs. The smaller the puppy size, the higher its price. This is because of the increased demand for smaller-sized dogs.

Some breeders have their own standards and classifications when it comes to dog size and weight. While some breeders consider 20-pound dogs as petite, others see them as miniature.

Micro and petit are other terms that are used, both interchangeably and independently by different breeders. Usually, petit dogs fall in the 10-25 pounds range, and micro dogs under 10 pounds.


Typically, most people prefer buying a young puppy rather than a full-grown dog. Hence, prices are higher for puppies than dogs.

puppy just finished eating

The Labradoodle puppy just finished eating his meal. (Image: Instagram/@rizzo.labradoodle)

For instance, a 6-month-old puppy is going to cost less than a 6-week-old one.

Generation Type

Another determining factor is the percentage of each parent breed in the Labradoodle puppy. This is important to most pet parents as it becomes a vital indicator of the puppy’s potential characteristics.

Generally, breeders categorize Labradoodles into three generation types — F1, F1B, and F2.

F1 generations have a 50% possibility of being hypoallergenic since they have fully purebred Poodle and Labrador Retriever parents.

F1B generations have a purebred Poodle and an F1 generation Labradoodle as their parents. Their possibility of being hypoallergenic is 75%.

F2 generations are bred from either one F1 and one F1B Labradoodles or two F1 Labradoodles. While this is a rarer generation, they are cheaper as their chances of being hypoallergenic is lesser than that of others.

Generally, F1B Labradoodles are the most expensive generation as they have the highest chance of being hypoallergenic.

Location and Demand

The Labradoodle breed is one of the most popular crossbreed dogs, a close second to the Goldendoodles. This has significantly increased their value and demand.

puppy with brown nose

A brown-nosed Labradoodle puppy just finished drinking milk. (Image: Instagram/@jaxxonthemini)

Moreover, since it’s unethical and cruel to pressurize dogs to breed more pups, most reputable breeders have been forced to increase the price of a Labradoodle to match the demand.

Dog breeders of bigger cities will have a large client pool and higher earnings. They usually have a hard time keeping up with the demands and hence have to increase their price. Breeders from rural areas have comparatively lower demand and charge less for their puppies.

Nevertheless, the demand for low-shedding, hypoallergenic dogs is high everywhere, regardless of the size and popularity of a place.

While it might be cheaper to buy your Labradoodle puppy from a rural breeder, you might still have to beat your budget to travel the extra distance or to have the puppy transferred to you.

Breeders’ Reputation

As with everything in life, you get what you pay for. Although the low prices advertised at puppy mills might be tempting, getting a Labradoodle puppy from a reputed breeder is always a better option.

Besides being spayed, neutered, and vaccinated, puppies from reputed breeders will also be appropriately socialized. This will make it easier for them to adapt to their new home.

Most reputable breeders establish their prices based on their experience, investment, knowledge, credentials, and reputation with previous customers.

Some breeders even incorporate training from a young age, and some puppies are potty trained at just eight weeks old. Reputed breeders also have health certificates and genetic records of both parent dogs in place. These certificates are proof that your Labradoodle is in the best of health and hygiene.

Other Costs Associated With Labradoodles

The preliminary cost of a Labradoodle will be substantially less than the total expenses involved throughout its life. From food and grooming to medical and training, you will incur many costs, and you must be prepared to spend at least $1000+ every year on your dog.

Here’s a summary of the possible costs:


Food costs will vary based on your dog’s size and food habits. The budget for top-quality dog food can come up to $500 annually, while cheaper food can cost around $300. Additionally, you might have to spend more on training foods and treats.

commercial dog food and raw dog foods

The commercial dog food and raw dog foods are good for dogs if you choose high quality ingredients.


The grooming needs of Labradoodles may vary depending on the type and length of their coat. Although Labradoodles are almost hypoallergenic, they need regular brushing and bathing. Professional grooming costs can range from $100 to $150 each session, and you may have to do this a minimum of two to four times a year. Hence, the annual grooming cost of Labradoodles can range from $300-500, including nail, trimming, teeth brushing, haircuts, ear care, etc.

labradoodle grooming

A rich Apricot coat Labradoodle at the groomer.

Medical Costs

Most crossbreed dogs are usually less prone to ailments and diseases. Their larger gene pool also reduces their risk of inheriting diseases.

However, if and when there’s a need, the medical expenses of a Labradoodle are rather significant. One of the most common health issues with Labradoodle is hip dysplasia. And the surgical procedure to fix this is expensive, which is especially necessary for older Labradoodles.

Besides this, there are other health care costs like vaccinations and regular veterinarian check-ups (Ohio State Veterinary School source). Overall, the total medical cost for Labradoodles can be anywhere between $700 to $2,000 annually.

vet payment

The customer pays for the dog’s procedure at a vet clinic.

Pet Insurance

Though this is an optional expense, considering how expensive some of the treatments are, you’re always advised to get pet insurance for your dog.

It safeguards you against any unforeseen situations that may arise in the future with regard to its health. Pet insurance can cost anywhere from $200 to $500, based on the coverage you choose.

question and answer portion

A dog breeder and a prospect owner talks about dog adoption.

Training and Boarding Costs

Although Labradoodles are very intelligent and highly trainable, it is advisable to enroll them in a professional training program to ensure their all-round development. It also helps address their excessive barking and jumping, which is common in Labradoodles.

Labradoodles are high-energy dogs that can turn destructive when left alone for a long time. So whenever you go on trips, you will have to leave them at a doggie care center. And if you’re someone who travels often, these costs can be significantly higher. Usually, it costs around $100 per day to board a dog.

All these costs together can range anywhere between $700 and $1000 annually.

happy labradoodle puppy

Can Labradoodles smile? its hard to argue against when you see a happy puppy like this!

Dog Crate, Toys, and Bed

Crate training can make your and your dog’s life a lot easier. Ideally, you should purchase an adjustable crate whose length you can adjust as and when your puppy grows. A good quality crate with a divider panel can cost about $45-$100.

Labradoodles are highly energetic dogs who need toys to maintain their mental stimulation and to keep them from getting destructive due to boredom. Based on your dog’s needs, you might have to spend anywhere between $35 and $200 per year on toys.

You might also have to make a one-time investment on a good quality bed as they often tend to chew and scratch at it. This might cost you about $50-$100.

different dog toys on the grass

Dog toys should be cleaned and sanitized.

Labradoodle Adoption Price

While you may want to get your Labradoodle puppy from a shelter, the chances are slim as Labradoodles are highly sought-after breeds that are usually kept in tight breeding groups.

Labradoodle Rescue shelters usually price a Labradoodle puppy between $50 and $500. This is usually done to cover the cost of medical and maintenance care.

Adopting a puppy from a rescue shelter is a noble idea, but you must also prepare to deal with any possible future problems with their health and temperament, as rescue dogs usually have health and behavior problems.

The best way to avoid any unpleasant surprises is to adopt an adult Labradoodle so that you’ll have more clarity in terms of size and personality.

labradoodle in raincoat

My Miniature Labradoodle Max wearing a stylish rain coat

Avoiding Disreputable Breeders

The pet business has now emerged as one of the biggest industries worldwide. Unfortunately, this has also birthed unethical puppy mills, backyard breeders, and online pet stores, who have little to no knowledge about raising and nurturing puppies.

Often, unsuspecting pet lovers trying to save some money fall prey to these tricks and end up with an unhealthy puppy with health and temperamental issues. This leads to them spending a lot of money on the treatment and maintenance of these puppies down the road.

So, is there a way to distinguish between good and bad breeders and avoid paying exorbitant prices by accidentally supporting these puppy mills? Yes!

Start by doing plenty of research on the breeder and consciously avoid backyard breeders, pet stores, and online stores. Additionally, look out for these red flags:

  • Unusually low-priced puppies.

  • The breeder refuses to show the living conditions of their dogs and puppies.

  • Adult dogs are kept in harsh conditions and small cages.

  • Puppies seem reserved, edgy, and nervous around people.

  • There’s a foul odor around the place.

  • You’re pressurized to make a quick purchase.

  • The breeder has no health certificates of puppies and its parent dogs.

  • Breeder refuses to provide any paperwork.

A Labradoodle running on the beach

A Labradoodle running on the beach

Finding Good Labradoodle Breeders

Finding good breeders is not that hard, but you’ll need to put some effort into spotting them. Here are some standards and conventions practiced by trustworthy breeders:

  • They breed puppies indoors and will take equal care of the parent dogs.

  • They offer ample space and freedom to their puppies and dogs to run, play, sleep, and do everything they desire.

  • They periodically clean and groom the dogs.

  • They promote a healthy bonding of puppies with their mother and littermates.

  • They try to gauge if you are capable of raising a particular dog breed.

  • They offer tips and tricks on puppy care and maintenance.

  • They have health and vaccination certificates from a licensed veterinarian.

  • They don’t rush to make a quick sale but take time to assess your needs and queries.

  • They offer proper legal protection like providing a guarantee for puppy replacement after around 1.5 years.

Going through previous testimonials and customer reviews is another way of determining the credibility of a breeder. Find out how long the breeder has been in the business. Have a proper conversation with them and get all your puppy-related questions answered before you decide to get your puppy from them.

(see our article on how much Goldendoodles cost)

Final Words

Raising a Labradoodle is not a cheap deal, but the tradeoff is worth it. With their love and affection, these bundles of joy can not only turn your bad days into wonderful ones, their high intelligence and alert minds also make them great guard dogs.

Before purchasing a Labradoodle puppy, make sure to research the breeder and never get puppies from breeders who cannot provide health certificates for the puppies and their parents.