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  • When is a Havapoo Full Grown? (with Photos)

When is a Havapoo Full Grown? (with Photos)

If you’re considering adopting a Havapoo puppy, you probably have questions. One of these questions might be, “when is my Havapoo full grown?”

The Havapoo is a smaller breed of dog. While Havapoos are not as small as Chihuahuas or Yorkies, they still grow fairly quickly, as all small breed dogs do. The Havapoo typically reaches its adult weight around eight months, while the Miniature Havapoo might reach adult weight as early as six months.

Havapoo full grown

Let’s learn about the development of a Havapoo puppy from birth through its first year of life. We’ll answer the question “when is a Havapoo full grown?” and give some advice about how to care for a growing Havapoo puppy.

The Havapoo Breed

The Havapoo is a cross between a Poodle and a Havanese. There are several different types of Havapoo because there are several different types of Poodle and Havanese. For example, a Havapoo with a Miniature Poodle as a parent is a Miniature Havapoo.

A Havapoo with a Toy Poodle parent is a Toy Havapoo.

Havapoos are never bred by crossing a Havanese and a Standard Poodle because of the inherent dangers of crossing two breeds of such vastly different sizes.

The temperament and physical characteristics of a Havapoo can vary greatly depending on its parents. If the Poodle parent had more dominant genes, the Havapoo takes after a Poodle. If the Havanese parent had the dominant traits, then the Havapoo looks and behaves more like a Havanese.

Poodle and Havanese dogs

The Havapoo Developmental Stages

Because the Havapoo is a smaller breed of dog, it grows more quickly than some other breeds. Smaller dog breeds usually finish their physical growth between eight and twelve months, while larger breeds continue growing for up to twenty-four months.

Large dogs grow more slowly because their bones and joints need more time to grow. Large dogs also put more strain on their bones, heart, and other biological processes than small dogs do. This means large dogs usually don’t live as long as small dogs.

Physical growth and weight gain are not the only parts of the developmental process. All dogs, large and small, also experience behavioral changes as they grow into adult dogs. Dogs go through an adolescent phase, during which they can become unruly, just like humans.

When they reach maturity, dogs usually settle down.

Stage One: Neonatal Period

The neonatal period happens between weeks zero and two of the puppy’s life. During this stage, the Havapoo puppy can’t do much more than eat and sleep. It is completely dependent on its mother for nutrition, cleaning, warmth, and care.

It has no senses other than taste and touch

Havapoo puppies usually weigh between four and seven ounces at birth. During the first two weeks, the puppy grows very quickly. By the time your Havapoo puppy is eight weeks old, it will weigh between one and two pounds.

Stage Two: Transitional Period

Weeks two and four of the Havapoo’s life are called the transitional period. During this time, the puppy develops its other senses.

The eyes open, and the puppy begins to interact with its mother and littermates. Around this time, puppies may start to exhibit their personalities, whether they are fearful or bold, and their energy levels.

The Havapoo puppy can weigh anywhere from seven ounces to over a pound during this time. The puppy will still grow very quickly, possibly doubling its weight every day.

Stage Three: Socialization Period

The socialization period is one of the most important stages of the Havapoo’s development. It happens between weeks three and twelve of the puppy’s life.

At this time, the puppy starts to become aware of its surroundings. It learns about the world and whether it should be afraid of things. The puppy can now start to form relationships with humans. 

The Havapoo puppy will weigh between 1.5 to 2.5 pounds when it is about eight weeks old. It will be around five inches tall at the withers (the spot between the shoulder blades).

By the time the puppy is twelve weeks old, it should weigh between three and four pounds. That’s a lot of growth happening in just one month!

During this time, the Havapoo puppy will also start to become more energetic and more curious about the world. The socialization period is a great time to start basic training and housebreaking.

Stage Four: Testing Period

The testing period occurs when the Havapoo puppy is between three and six months old. The Havapoo is considered a “young puppy” during this time. The puppy will start “testing” boundaries and finding its place in the world.

It might challenge your authority as an owner, stand up to older dogs in your house, and start to pester other animals and chew on things.

The best thing to do during this time is to remain patient and keep your Havapoo puppy as safe as possible while it explores the world. If you have older dogs in the house, they will often do a great job of socializing your puppy. Make sure to keep your other pets safe and happy too.

The puppy’s growth rate will start to slow during this time. By the time the puppy enters adolescence, at around five or six months old, it should weigh about six pounds.

Stage Five: Adolescence

Adolescence can be a difficult stage for most puppy owners. During this time, the puppy starts to “forget” things it has already learned and may begin to act out, become destructive, run away, or exhibit other undesirable behaviors.

Rebellious behavior can sometimes be more true for male dogs than female dogs, particularly unneutered males.

The Havapoo will weigh between six to eight pounds when it enters adolescence. Havapoos usually reach their adult height during adolescence, at around eight months old. However, they might continue to gain weight until they are about a year old.

Stage Six: Young Adult

A young adult Havapoo puppy typically weighs between seven and thirteen pounds and is about eight to twelve inches tall. Although the puppy has reached its adult size, it may not finish maturing behaviorally until it is about four years old.

At age four, most dogs are considered adults. Adulthood is when most dogs start to “slow down” a little bit. You might find that this is the most rewarding time to spend with your Havapoo.

How To Care for a Growing Havapoo Puppy?

Providing proper care for a growing Havapoo puppy is critical for the puppy’s development. A puppy that doesn’t receive adequate nutrition can become stunted or develop other growth issues. A puppy that receives too much exercise can end up with joint damage and issues later in life.


High-quality food is a cornerstone of good puppy development. Only feed your dog food that meets AAFCO standards, and talk to your vet about the correct amount to feed your puppy. Your vet will be able to recommend food that meets the requirements of your puppy’s size, breed, and current life stage.

Use treats for training only. High-quality dog food is all your puppy should need to grow. Expensive supplements and vitamins aren’t necessary unless your vet recommends them. Additionally, try not to give your puppy a lot of high carbohydrate or fatty foods.

owner pouring dog food


All dogs need exercise, and puppies need a lot of exercise! Exercise is not only important for healthy physical growth, it is crucial for good mental development, learning about the world, and teaching the puppy to self-soothe. However, take care that you don’t unintentionally over-exercise your puppy.

Throwing too much activity, or very intense activity at your puppy too early can lead to joint problems. While more common in large dogs, however, it is still a concern for small dog owners. A Havapoo finishes growing between eight and twelve months old.

Most vets recommend you wait until the puppy is a year old to be on the safe side.

different puppy breeds


You can consider your Havapoo fully grown when it is around one year old. A Havapoo might reach its adult height around eight months but will continue to put on weight until it is twelve months old. An adult Havapoo is usually around twelve inches tall and weighs between seven and thirteen pounds.

Follow your vet’s nutrition advice while your puppy is growing. The three pillars of puppy development are nutrition, exercise, and socialization. Try to target all of them.

If you take care of your puppy during its early developmental stages, you will be rewarded with a happy, confident, healthy adult dog who will be a great friend for many years.