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  • What is the Hardest Dog to Potty Train? [Top 10 + photos]

What is the Hardest Dog to Potty Train? [Top 10 + photos]

Have you ever wondered which dog breed takes the “crown” for being the hardest to potty train? Well, look no further! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of canine potty training and reveal the breed that’s known to give their human companions quite the challenge when it comes to doing their business in the right place.

While all dogs have their unique quirks and personalities, certain breeds are notorious for being more stubborn or independent. Training, in general, can prove to be a test of patience, but when it comes to potty training, this is where the true heroes of dog ownership shine.

hardest dog to potty train

So grab your treats, patience, and sense of humor, as we navigate the sometimes muddy waters of potty training our four-legged friends.

10 Hardest Dogs to Potty Train

1. Basset Hound

Ah, the Basset Hound. With their droopy ears and soulful eyes, who wouldn’t want to love them? But have you ever tried potty training one? Basset Hounds are known for their stubbornness, which can make the process quite challenging.

Basset Hound fluffy ears

To top it off, their keen sense of smell often distracts them, making them less focused on the task at hand.

2. Afghan Hound

A breed with regal and elegant appearance, the Afghan Hound is as beautiful as it is difficult to potty train. Known for their independent nature, Afghans require a lot of patience and consistency. Can you imagine trying to convince a dog that looks like royalty to do their business outside?

Afghan Hound stands

3. Dachshund

Small and mighty, the Dachshund packs a lot of personality in a tiny package. But did you know they can be quite stubborn when it comes to potty training? These clever little dogs may test your resolve as they sometimes prefer to do things their own way rather than follow instructions.

Why Dachshunds are hard to potty train

4. Pug

Who can resist the adorable smooshed face of a Pug? But behind that cute exterior lies a breed that can be quite difficult to potty train. Pugs are known for their stubbornness and can take their sweet time learning where to “go.”

looks up the owner

Are you up for the challenge of convincing these little charmers to follow the potty rules?

5. Shih Tzu

The Shih Tzu’s friendly nature and adorable appearance make them popular companions. However, their small size and sensitivity to cold weather can make potty training a bit more challenging. Have you ever tried convincing a Shih Tzu to go outside in the snow for a potty break?

Shih Tzu approaching

6. Chihuahua

Don’t let their tiny size fool you – Chihuahuas can be quite a handful when it comes to potty training. These little dogs have big personalities and can be quite headstrong, making the process a test of patience. Can you imagine trying to convince a Chihuahua to potty outside when they’d rather stay warm indoors?

Chihuahua glance

7. Jack Russell Terrier

Energetic and intelligent, Jack Russell Terriers are a lively breed that loves to play. However, their boundless energy and sharp minds can make potty training a bit of a challenge. Have you ever tried to train a dog that’s constantly in motion and easily distracted?

two Jack Russell Terriers together

Each of these breeds may present unique challenges during the potty training process, but with patience, consistency, and understanding of their individual quirks, they can all learn to become well-mannered members of the family. After all, who said potty training a dog was supposed to be easy?

8. Beagle

With their incredible sense of smell and curious nature, Beagles can be a joy to have around. However, their strong-willed temperament can make potty training a bit more challenging. Can you imagine trying to teach a Beagle to focus on going potty when they’d rather follow every interesting scent they encounter?

Beagle lying on the floor

9. Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkshire Terriers, or Yorkies, may be small in size, but their feisty personalities can make potty training quite the adventure. These little dogs can be stubborn and may require extra time and patience during the process. Are you prepared to keep up with a Yorkie’s determination to do things on their own terms?

Yorkshire Terrier at the park

10. Bulldog

Bulldogs are known for their lovable, easygoing nature, but when it comes to potty training, they can be surprisingly stubborn. Their laid-back attitude may lead to a slower learning process, and they may not be as eager to please as other breeds. Can you imagine trying to convince a Bulldog to go outside for a potty break when they’d rather nap on the couch?

English Bulldog walks outdoors

While these additional breeds may pose their own set of challenges during potty training, it’s important to remember that every dog is an individual. With dedication, consistency, and a little bit of humor, you can successfully potty train even the most stubborn of breeds. Just remember, the key is to never give up and to keep trying – your furry friend will eventually catch on!

Understanding Potty Training

When it comes to potty training our canine friends, patience and perseverance are key elements. While some dogs pick up on potty training within days, others may taunt us with their stubbornness, converting our homes into obstacle courses filled with unpleasant surprises.

owner waits dog poop

The owner waits for her dog to poop on the grass.

Delving into the potty training process, let’s explore two crucial aspects: consistency and the factors that affect potty training.

Importance of Consistency

In the canine world, consistency serves as a beacon of hope for our furry friends to grasp the concept of potty training. By consistently following schedules, cues, and rewarding good behaviors, our canine companions can begin to understand where they should “do their business.”

When we use a stable approach, it offers a sense of security to our dogs, enabling them to learn more effectively. So, be prepared to become your dog’s best friend when it comes to routines!

Factors Affecting Potty Training

Like everything else in life, the realm of potty training has multiple factors that play a role in a dog’s learning experience. Let’s briefly dissect the two main aspects:

  • Breed: Certain breeds, such as Pugs, Terriers, and American Foxhounds, have gained a reputation for being notoriously tricky to potty train due to their independent, stubborn, or high-energy nature.

  • Temperament: A dog’s individual temperament has a significant impact on potty training. While some may display an eagerness to learn, others might challenge the status quo, giving us some memorable, albeit frustrating, moments.

As we navigate the challenging waters of potty training, it’s important to adapt our approach to these factors, understand our pup’s unique traits, and patiently inch closer to a cleaner, accident-free home.

Hardest Dog Breeds to Potty Train

Brief Overview

When it comes to potty training, certain dog breeds may prove more challenging than others. While each dog is unique, some breeds are notorious for their stubbornness, making the process a bit more difficult for their owners.

Characteristics of Challenging Breeds

Independent and headstrong personalities often characterize the hardest breeds to potty train. These dogs may require additional patience and consistency from their trainers to establish a successful potty routine.

different dog breeds

For instance, the Coton du Tulear, known for being difficult to housetrain, requires a regular schedule, frequent outings, and praise upon successful potty visits, according to DogTime.

  • Bichon Frise: This toy breed’s sassy and independent personality makes potty training quite challenging.

  • American Foxhound: Their independent and wayward disposition contributes to their potty training difficulties.

  • Bloodhound: Stubbornness and a strong sense of smell may cause distractions during potty training for these large dogs.

  • Jack Russell Terrier: Their energetic and challenging nature tends to make potty training an uphill battle.

Though potty training some breeds may be more complicated, a consistent and patient approach will ultimately lead to success. Remember, even the most challenging of breeds can learn proper potty habits with time and dedication.

Dealing with Stubborn Breeds

When it comes to potty training, certain dog breeds are known for their stubbornness. This can make the process a bit more challenging, but with the right approach, even the most stubborn breeds can be successfully potty trained.

Patience and Persistence

One of the keys to success with stubborn breeds is a healthy dose of patience. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day – and your dog won’t be potty trained overnight either.

Be persistent in your efforts, reinforcing good behavior and remaining consistent with your expectations. Don’t let your dog’s stubbornness wear you down. Remember, developing a new habit can take time and repetition.

Effective Training Techniques

Not all training methods work equally well for all breeds or individual dogs. The following techniques can be particularly effective for dealing with stubborn breeds:

  • Crate training: Confine your dog to a crate when you can’t supervise them, which encourages them to hold it in until they can be taken outside.

  • Regular schedule: Keep a consistent schedule for potty breaks, feeding, and exercise, which can help a dog anticipate the timing of their needs.

  • Positive reinforcement: Reward your dog with praise, petting, or treats when they successfully go potty outside.

  • Keeping it clean: Clean up accidents promptly with an enzymatic cleaner to prevent lingering scents from encouraging more accidents.

Every dog is an individual, so don’t be hesitant to experiment and see what works best for your specific situation. The key is to remain patient and keep a sense of humor – after all, dogs can be like toddlers, and there’s bound to be a few messes along the way.


In the quest to find the hardest dog to potty train, various breeds make a strong case. For instance, the Bichon Frise’s sass, independence, and stubbornness can make them difficult to train. Similarly, small working terriers like the Rat Terrier or Jack Russell Terriers may prove to be a challenge due to their temperament.

Nonetheless, one should remember that every dog is an individual, and their own unique characteristics play a vital role in potty training difficulties. Factors like age, health, and even personal quirks may affect the outcome.

So, for those looking for a four-legged friend, remember: the perfect pup is not about picking one that is easy to train, but about embracing the quirks and challenges that come with being a pet parent! Laugh off the accidents and cherish the adventure.