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  • 11 Facts About French Bulldogs 

11 Facts About French Bulldogs 

There are several different types of Bulldogs, but the French Bulldog is one of the most popular. With their squishy faces and bat-like ears, the Frenchie is one truly adorable pup! 

These dogs are pretty expensive, however. A purebred can cost up to several thousand dollars. But once you get to know these wonderful canines, you’ll understand why so many people are saving up to adopt a French Bulldog

facts about French Bulldogs

So, do you want to learn more about this lovable dog breed? You’ve come to the right place. Here are eleven facts about French Bulldogs! 

1. They Can Be Very Clingy 

It’s hard to feel lonely when you have a French Bulldog in your home. Once they get to know you, your French Bulldog will be attached to your hip! They’re a notably social breed, so make sure you set aside some time to play and cuddle with your Frenchie. 

In some cases, this clinginess can come to a fault – French Bulldogs are notoriously prone to separation anxiety. Anxiety in dogs can lead to problematic behaviors such as destroying furniture, excessive whining, or having accidents in the house. 

So, if you’re planning to adopt a Frenchie, be prepared for some challenges ahead. With time, patience, and dedication, you can help alleviate your French Bulldog’s separation anxiety. 

french bulldog panda

2. They Snore a Lot 

Snoring is a common trait in all dog breeds, but this is especially true of the French Bulldog. This is because they are a brachycephalic breed, which means they have flattened snouts.

Dogs with flattened snouts have an airway shape that makes them more prone to snoring than dogs with longer snouts. Because you can’t change the shape of their snout, there isn’t much you can do to eliminate snoring in your French Bulldog. That said, snoring puppies can be super adorable, so I consider this a positive trait! 

dog breathing hard while sleeping

3. French Bulldogs Are Super Chill  

If you’re looking for a dog that’s low-energy, the French Bulldog might be perfect for you. These bulldogs are one of the more relaxed dog breeds. Even when they’re puppies, they spend several hours a day sleeping or chilling around the house.

They’re the perfect breed for an easygoing household! 

That said, these dogs still need stimulation from time to time. They will still need daily walks and plenty of playtime – just not as often as an energetic breed, such as the Border Collie. 

french bulldog in a football jersey

4. They’re Not Big Barkers 

Barking can be a pretty big problem in many dog breeds, but French Bulldogs are not one of them. These dogs are fairly quiet and don’t bark very often, and when they do bark, they’re not super loud. 

So, if you are yearning for a canine companion but are not fond of the noise that often comes with them, the French Bulldog might be perfect for you! 

5. They Often Struggle With Breathing Problems 

While French Bulldogs’ squishy noses are super adorable, they can put them at risk for health issues – particularly when it comes to breathing. The nostrils of brachycephalic dogs are quite narrow, which leads to some huffing and puffing when your Frenchie is running around. 

If you have a French Bulldog in your home, make sure you keep their breathing problems in mind. Be careful not to walk them for too long, as this can put a lot of stress on their lungs. In addition, make sure your French Bulldog maintains a healthy weight and sees a vet regularly.

As long as you take the necessary precautions, your brachycephalic dog can have a long, happy, and healthy life. 

French Bulldogs playing

6. They’re Sensitive to Temperature 

Dogs don’t sweat – instead, they pant to help keep themselves cool. But because French Bulldogs have brachycephalic nostrils, regulating their body temperatures can be a challenge. So, when temperatures rise above 80 degrees, French Bulldogs have a high risk of heat exhaustion

Frenchies can also get cold easily when the temperatures drop. They have thin coats of fur that do not retain warmth as well as other dog breeds. The winter air can also irritate their narrow airways and make breathing even more difficult. 

It’s safe to say these dogs don’t fare well in the sweltering heat or the bitter cold. So, when the weather gets extreme, make sure to keep an eye on your French Bulldog. Provide plenty of water and shade in the heat, and dress them in a warm coat on their wintertime walks. 

screw tailed french bulldog

7. They Can’t Swim 

While many dog breeds love going for a swim, you may want to keep your Frenchie at home when you visit the beach. 

These dogs are notoriously bad swimmers, as their top-heavy bodies make it hard to doggy paddle. Even if they have a floating vest, keeping their head above the water can be very difficult. 

This means it is extra important to keep an eye on your French Bulldog if you have a pool or a pond near your home. Avoid letting them out of your sight, and if possible, keep them on a leash! 

bad swimmer French Bulldog

8. Breeding Them Is Quite Challenging  

Because of their unique body shape, mating is difficult for French Bulldogs. The narrow hips of these dogs make it near-impossible for the male to mount the female. 

It’s not just the mating process that’s a struggle, either – most French Bulldogs have to give birth through a C-section. Without proper assistance, the pups can potentially get stuck in the cervix. 

When breeding them is such a difficult process, it should be no surprise that purebred French Bulldogs are so expensive

are French Bulldogs smart

9. There Are Two Different Types of Ears Found in French Bulldogs 

When most people think of French Bulldogs, they usually picture their iconic “bat ears.” But believe it or not, some French Bulldogs don’t have pointy ears

Some French Bulldogs have “rose ears.” Unlike the bat ears, which stand upright, the rose ears fold in half. This type of ear was quite common when the dog breed was new.

But over time, people came to prefer the bat ears. These days, rose ears are an incredibly rare sight in French Bulldogs

French bulldog looking

10. Some French Bulldogs Are Fluffy 

Most people associate French Bulldogs with short, sleek coats. But did you know that these dogs can also be fluffy? 

tan fluffy frenchie ear

There’s a subset of French Bulldogs that dog breeders have bred to have a long, fluffy coat. The fluffy fur comes from a rare recessive gene that’s present in French Bulldogs but only shows in a small percentage. So, believe it or not, these dogs are 100% purebred – they just got lucky in the gene pool. 

As adorable as they are, getting your hands on a fluffy French Bulldog can be a hard task. Because they’re so rare, they can cost upwards of $13,000! 

11. They’re a Great Family Dog 

Are you looking for a pooch that’ll get along with your children? Good news–the French Bulldog is an excellent family dog! 

With their easy-going nature and calm temperament, these bulldogs can get along wonderfully with children and even other pets. While they can be a bit lazy at times, they still make wonderful playmates. Most of all, French Bulldogs are super affectionate and loyal to their owners. 

French Bulldog with her owner

Final Thoughts

With their unique appearances, sweet nature, and goofy personalities, the French Bulldog is truly one of a kind. 

If you’re planning on adopting a French Bulldog, make sure you’re ready to give them the care they need. These dogs will require lots of training to deal with separation anxiety. And because they’re at high risk for health issues due to their brachycephalic noses, you may need to take them to the vet fairly often.

Fortunately, these lovable pups are worth the money and effort.  

Need some name ideas for your new Frenchie? Here are some names to get you started!