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  • F2B Labradoodle [Complete Guide] + Photos

F2B Labradoodle [Complete Guide] + Photos

Labradoodles are a popular “designer breed”–which means there has also been an increase in the number of generations and variations. 

An F2b Labradoodle is a second-generation Labradoodle backcrossed with a purebred Poodle, usually with the intention to increase the percentage of Poodle characteristics in a dog.

They tend to favor Poodle characteristics in both appearance and temperament. They have curly hair and are intelligent, active, and loving dogs

f2b labradoodle

What is an F2b Labradoodle?

If you’re looking into purchasing a Labradoodle, you might be confused or overwhelmed by all of the options. I know I was at first! However, knowing the difference between generations of Labradoodles will help you make the best choice for which fuzzy companion you welcome into your life.

f2b labradoodles

The letter F stands for “filial hybrid,” which simply means that this is a deliberate cross between two purebreds to create a hybrid breed.

The number signifies the generation: F1 is first-generation, F2 is second-generation, and so on. 

Finally, the letter B, if present, means “backcrossing,” or breeding a Labradoodle with a purebred Poodle. This is done to increase the likelihood of reflecting Poodle DNA in a dog’s appearance and temperament. 

An F2b Labradoodle is a second-generation Labradoodle that has been backcrossed with a Poodle. This combination can result from a number of crosses, such as:

  • F2 Labradoodle + purebred Poodle

  • F1 Labradoodle + F1b Labradoodle

  • F1b Labradoole + F1b Labradoodle

The specific combination can have a significant effect on the dog’s appearance, traits, and more. 

labradoodle with curly coat

What Does an F2b Labradoodle Look Like?

An F2b Labradoodle has around 65% Poodle DNA and 35% Labrador Retriever DNA. As a result, their appearance tends to favor the Poodle side. 

Typically, this generation will have a wavy or curly coat. This curly hair traps dandruff and fur close to their skin rather than scattering it around your house, so they are a low to medium-shedding breed. The color of their coat is dependent on their parents. 

F2b Labradoodles tend to be medium to large-sized dogs, but this is entirely dependent on their parents’ sizes. Check what kind of Poodle they were backcrossed with–if it’s a Standard Poodle, you’ll end up with a very different result than if it’s a Miniature or Toy Poodle!

What is an F2b Labradoodle’s Temperament Like?

Labrador Retrievers were originally bred as working dogs that live to please. Poodles, meanwhile, are a famously clever breed. A hybrid of these two results in a breed that is affectionate, energetic, and intelligent

Their intelligence makes them easy to train, even for first-time dog owners! However, their energy can be overwhelming if you are unprepared. If properly socialized, they make great family dogs that love playing with children and other pets. 

How Does an F2b Labradoodle Compare to Other Labradoodles?

Due to the variation of Labrador and Poodle DNA, there are a few differences between generations of Labradoodles. Here are a few distinctive points:

three labradoodles with curly coats

F1 Labradoodle vs F2b Labradoodle

An F1 Labradoodle has an equal ratio of Labrador to Poodle DNA, which leads to wide variation within the same litter. Some might display more Labrador characteristics, such as a shorter straight-haired coat.

An F2b heavily favors Poodle DNA and has a higher likelihood of displaying curly hair, which will significantly reduce shedding. 

F1b Labradoodle vs F2b Labradoodle

There are few significant differences between these two generations of Labradoodle. An F1b will actually have a higher percentage of Poodle DNA than an F2b, which means that their coat may be curlier and shed less. 

F2 Labradoodle vs F2b labradoodle

An F2b Labradoodle has a higher percentage of Poodle DNA than an F2 Labradoodle. This makes their appearance, coat-type, and temperant more consistent and predictable. They will likely have curlier hair and shed less than an F2. 

How Do I Care for an F2b Labradoodle?

Like all dogs, F2b generation Labradoodles require loving, care and attention on top of regular vet visits to maintain their peak physical and mental health. 

happy labradoodle puppy


These are active dogs that require a balanced diet to support the amount of energy they expend running and playing. Their daily intake will depend on their size, age, and activity level. 

Kibble made with natural ingredients is always better than heavily processed foods filled with additives and preservatives. They benefit from foods high in proteins and whole grains to give them energy and vitamins to support their bones, joints, and organ function. 


When I say these are active dogs, I mean it! They require multiple spirited walks throughout the day to burn through their energy. They make wonderful jogging or workout partners but benefit just as much from a good game of fetch or playtime with children or other dogs. 

This is also a very intelligent breed that requires mental stimulation on top of the physical. Supply them with puzzles or toys that require a task in order to get a reward in order to keep their minds active and healthy. 


It is important to note is that F2b Labradoodles are NOT automatically hypoallergenic!

While their hair might not end up around your house, they still shed dander. The curly or wavy hair traps dandruff and shedding close to the skin. If left unattended, this can cause painful knots, clumps, rashes, and infections

So, the curlier the coat, the easier your house is to maintain–but the more attentive you have to be to your dog! Brush your dog weekly to ensure that you remove stray hairs and debris, or take them to a professional groomer to trim unruly hairs and prevent painful clumps and knots.

If you have a minor dog allergy, there are a few workarounds so you can still enjoy the company of this lovable fuzzy friend! Ask someone without a dog allergy to help brush your dog in your home, or get your dog professionally groomed at a salon regularly. 

f2b labradoodle

What are Some F2b Labradoodle Health Concerns?

Hybrid breeds benefit from hybrid vigor, making them generally healthier and hardier than both purebred Labradors and Poodles. However, they are not completely immune to all complications. They might be at risk for the poor health conditions that plague their purebred parent breeds, such as:

  • Hip and elbow dysplasia

  • Eye abnormalities, such as cataracts or progressive retinal atrophy (PRA)

  • Von Willebrand’s disease, a blood disorder similar to hemophilia in humans

  • Lymphoma

  • Ear infections, caused by an abundance of curly hair trapping debris within the waxy ear canal

Ask your vet about examinations to prevent or identify risks leading to these conditions. Irresponsible breeding and negligence can increase the likelihood and severity of these conditions. Carefully research your breeder before buying and do your best to maintain a healthy lifestyle for your dog at home!

red apricot labradoodle


F2b Labradoodles are second-generation Labradoodles that have been backcrossed with a purebred Poodle. These dogs tend to favor Poodles in both appearance and personality. They tend to have curlier hair and shed less than other Labradoodle variations. 

Like all Labradoodles, these dogs are active, intelligent, social, and friendly. They benefit from vigorous physical activity, mental stimulation, and loving attention. If properly trained and cared for, they make for loyal and affectionate additions to your family.