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  • 13 Dogs That Look Like Mops (with Photos)

13 Dogs That Look Like Mops (with Photos)

You probably don’t think your kitchen mop is the cutest item you’ve ever owned. But somehow, the dogs on this list have found a way to look almost precisely like mops and still look so adorable! 

dogs that look like mops

If you own a dog that you think looks like a mop and you want to know which other breeds look like mops – or you’re just a general dog lover – then you’ll appreciate this list!

Here are 13 precious dogs that look crazily similar to mops. 

1. Afghan Hound

glorious afghan hound

Afghan Hounds might take the prize for being the most smooth-looking “mop” dog on this list. They have long, flowy hair – but instead of fuzzy or cord-like – which are fashion-forward looks in their own right – their hair is silky smooth. 

But similar to many dogs on this list, their long mop-like hair comes at a price – lots of maintenance. Afghan Hounds are one of the more expensive breeds to purchase as well as maintain. The average grooming cost for these dogs is $65 per grooming session.

2. Bearded Collie

bearded collie dog

The Bearded Collie is originally a Scottish cattle herding dog that needed long, shaggy fur to keep them warm. These dogs are exceptionally energetic, great with highly active families, and like to take long walks or runs. 

Brushing and grooming are essential for Bearded Collies, like most of the dogs on this list. However, keeping their hair clean is a specific challenge for this breed – especially since they love to play outside and get dirty!

3. Bergamasco

bergamasco mop dog

The Bergamasco comes from the Italian Alps. Their name actually comes from a province in Northern Italy. 

Given the cold environment they evolved in, they don’t just have one coat for protection and warmth – they have three! One of their undercoats has short hair; the other undercoat consists of long hair. Then, their topcoat is both long and curly, giving the dog its mop-like look. 

The mop-look does not begin at birth. Instead, it is a slow transformation between the second and fifth years of a Bergamasco dog’s life. 

4. Havanese

havanese puppy

Havanese dogs are super cute, prize-worthy dogs. Seemingly made for appearance, they were the dogs that many Cuban aristocrats chose as pets in the 9th century and then became the circus performers’ dog of choice. 

These playful dogs don’t naturally grow cords, like the Komondor or Puli. But some owners decide that they’d be even more adorable with rope-like fur and spend ample time and energy developing them manually for their Havanese dog.

5. Komondor 

Komondors have an extremely caretaking nature. This attitude is likely due to their heritage. 

komonor dog with a mop coat

The Komondors’ ancestors were bred to help guide Hungarian shepherds. This fact is why its alternate name is Hungarian sheepdog. 

These dogs have very soft dreadlocks that develop in adulthood. Their locks are formed over time and have a protective coat over them to protect them from harsh weather conditions. 

Given the intertwining nature of their locks, it is vital to have a high-maintenance routine if you own a Komondor so that their fur doesn’t become matted. 

6. Lhasa Apso

The Lhasa Apso is easily mistaken for the Havanese, as they have a similar, straight-haired long mop look. 

lhasa apso

The main difference, appearance-wise, is that you can usually see a Havanese dog’s full eyes. In contrast, a Lhasa Apso dog usually has hair slightly covering the top of its eyes for a highly flowy, mop-like look.

A side note: If your dog’s hair completely covers their eyes, you should consider getting a trim. They cannot see easily through their eyes, just as you cannot see easily through your hair. 

These dogs originated in Tibet and are good watchdogs. If you get a Lhasa Apso dog, it’s essential to socialize them early so they don’t think everyone you know is a potential enemy!

Like a lot of dogs on this list, their mop-like, long hair requires careful maintenance and frequent washing to prevent tangles and matting. 

7. Maltese

long hair maltipoo dog

Another straight-haired, mop-like, prize-winning dog breed is the Maltese. Maltese dogs are cute, shaggy, and extremely playful. 

8. Pekingese

Pekingese dogs are pretty much just cute little balls of fur!


Many dogs have been esteemed by local royalty. The Pekingese fall into this category, as they were the chosen dog for many members of the Chinese royalty. 

Their shiny fur is a combination of two thick coats that require much maintenance and attention. 

9. Poodle

a gray poodle in the grass outside

When many people hear “fluffy dog,” they immediately think about a poodle. This popular breed can sport a wide variety of looks with their fluffy fur, but when they are sporting cords, they certainly look like mops.

Poodles don’t form cords naturally, but they can easily form them if the owner cuts the hair and allows it to grow back without brushing it out and then separating the fur to create even cords. 

10. Puli

Puli mop dog

The Puli, like the Komondor, is also a Hungarian herding and livestock guardian dog. This makes sense, as the Puli and the Komondor are actually close relatives. 

They look very similar to Komondors, but their locks, or cords, are a bit thinner. 

Their ancestors guarded for the shepherds during the daytime, with their thinner coats, while the thicker-locked Komondors would guard during the nighttime. 

Also, like Komondors, it is more challenging to take care of this type of dog’s fur. These locks can quickly become matted without constant care. 

They are also very acrobatic dogs, as they are able to jump on the backs of sheep! 

11. Spanish Water Dog 

spanish water dog

The Spanish Water Dog doesn’t look exactly like the long-haired, cord-filled kitchen mop you may first think of. But its super curly-haired coat does indeed still give it a shaggy, mop-like look. 

The Spanish Water Dog’s fur does become more cord-like as it ages. But it comes from humid weather, which is why the curliness is its most stand-out feature. 

These dogs are very intelligent and task-oriented. If you are interested in having a dog to help out with outdoor tasks or one you simply feel like you can truly depend on, a Spanish Water Dog is a great option!

Unsurprisingly, they also love the water, and their curly, shaggy cords are that much cuter when wet! Make sure to completely dry their long locks after these water excursions. 

12. Yorkshire Terrier 

blue and tan yorkie

Yorkshire Terriers are like Spanish Water Dogs in that they don’t have the longest, most mop-like fur on this list, but their shagginess makes them look like the smallest, cutest mop you’ve ever seen! 

They are small but are very sassy and energetic. Their nature requires socialization and training as young as possible; otherwise, they might present many challenges (and noise!) when neighbors or friends come your way. 

Yorkshire terriers are good city dogs because they don’t need much space or a huge yard. Walks in the local park are adequate for their energy levels. 


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Before You Go

Of course, mop dogs are aesthetically appealing. But additionally, mop dogs don’t shed much either, which is a massive advantage for pet owners. This is especially beneficial for people with minor pet allergies. 

However, not shedding is why so many of these mop dogs need a lot of maintenance. When a dog sheds, they decrease the change of their hair, knotting, and tangling. So if a dog barely sheds, that chance increases. This simply means they need to be washed, brushed, and generally groomed more often.