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  • How Much Do Samoyed Shed? (5 Strategies to Reduce)

How Much Do Samoyed Shed? (5 Strategies to Reduce)

One look at a beautiful, fluffy Samoyed usually leaves people changing their questions from “Do Samoyeds shed?” to “How much do Samoyeds shed?” Samoyeds shed excessively twice per year, but you’ll encounter moderate amounts of hair year-round.

Although it can feel disheartening to find a new layer of Samoyed hair on your floor shortly after you vacuum, if you’re like me, giving up your best friend isn’t something you’d contemplate.

do Samoyed shed

The good news is that there are several strategies you can use to reduce the amount of hair your Sammy sheds on the floor. I’ll share five of them with you here so that you can go back to cuddling your furry pet.

The History Behind Samoyed Shedding

Samoyeds have an excellent tolerance for cold weather, which is why they grow such a thick coat. People bred them to pull sleds in some of the harshest climates, with these dogs even operating in negative 60 degrees Fahrenheit in Oymakon, Siberia. 

Here’s a fun fact: The Samoyed’s mouth has an upward curl at its corners, which gives them the nickname the smiling dog. However, this feature isn’t to warm human hearts but rather to prevent Sammies from drooling.

The result is that they don’t have to worry about icicles clinging to their faces.

Samoyed dog sitting

How Much Hair Do Samoyeds Shed?

Samoyeds have two primary shedding seasons—once in the spring and once in the fall. During these seasons, Samoyeds shed excessively, blanketing practically everywhere they go in hair.

While you can expect Sammies to shed the most in the spring and fall, they’ll still leave a moderate amount of fur around your home at all other times of the year.

Part of this is because they have a double coat. Their first layer is an undercoat with more dense and shorter hair. The undercoat serves as insulation.

The longer hair you see on Samoyeds is called the topcoat. These hairs protect Sammies from environmental elements reaching their undercoat and skin, such as snow and dirt. 

While the topcoat doesn’t shed as much as the undercoat, caring for a Samoyed creates the scenario for more potential hair you’ll need to clean up around your house than many other dog breeds.

Samoyeds on a couch

Five Ways To Reduce Samoyed Shedding

Whether you’ve had your Sammy for years or are preparing to welcome a Samoyed into your home for the first time, below are some tried and proven strategies for reducing the amount of hair they’ll leave around your home.

1. Brush Them Daily

If you’re wondering, “Do Samoyeds shed?” because you want to buy a low-maintenance dog, I encourage you to continue your search. 

One of the best ways to reduce the amount that Samoyeds shed is by brushing them daily. You should aim to spend 10 to 15 minutes per day grooming your Sammy. But the brush you use matters; ensure you buy one suitable for double-coated dogs. 

It’s easy to get carried away brushing your Samoyed, digging deep into their fur in an attempt to uproot the hair before it ends up on your floor. Just take care not to scrape their skin, which could lead to infections and painful sores.

A tip I’ve learned over the years is that it’s best to brush Sammies outside. That makes the clean-up process infinitely more manageable.

If this sounds like too much work for you, may I suggest going the extreme opposite route by bringing home a Peruvian hairless dog?

brushing a Samoyed dog

2. Keep Them on a Professional Grooming Schedule

No matter how well you brush your Samoyed’s fur, there’s no replacement for taking them to the groomer for professional care. That’s especially the case if your Sammy’s coat mats from debris they accumulate when playing outside.

The frequency you bring your Sammy to the groomer depends on personal preference. However, your groomer will likely have some recommendations based on the quality of your Samoyed’s coat between groomings.

Since grooming fees can add up, some Sammy owners enjoy learning how to groom their dogs at home. Brushing your dog every day will make a DIY grooming session even easier on yourself.

Whether you go with a professional or try to become a semi-professional groomer yourself, consistency is key. And doing so will help upend hair that would have otherwise landed in your home.

Samoyed grooming

3. Check Their Nutrition

Did you know that a poor diet can make your Samoyed shed more? 

Before you get all up in arms about how well you take care of your dog, I understand that it can be challenging to navigate the many choices that dog food companies present to consumers.

A bag of dog food can often appear healthy, boasting about its nutrition profile and added veggies. But the source of nutrition matters too, as proteins and fats sometimes come from unhealthy sources.

Both protein and fat are the crucial macronutrients that Samoyeds need to maintain hair health, which directly corresponds to less shedding. 

Some well-meaning owners prepare their dog’s meals at home. While your dog likely loves gobbling up homemade food, the reality is that sometimes homemade food lacks the skin-healthy nutrition that dogs require.

As a final word of caution, if your Samoyed can’t easily absorb zinc, which occurs in the small intestine, it’ll cause their skin to be off balance, and your dog will shed more. High calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium levels can all interfere with zinc absorption.


4. Bathe Them Occasionally

Bathing your Samoyed is one of the best ways to have a longer-lasting impact on reduced shedding. The caveat is that overbathing a dog can lead to several health issues, including:

These issues can happen because you’ll be stripping your Sammy’s coat of natural oil whenever you bathe them. So, oils are essential in keeping their coat and skin healthy.

There’s no need to be afraid of bathing your Samoyed, though. I recommend doing so about once every two months. However, the frequency you do so also depends on how dirty your Samoyed gets.

Some people prefer bathing their Sammy just once or twice a year. While your dog likely won’t suffer from adverse health issues if you wash them more frequently than this, I discourage you from bathing them as often as weekly.

Remember to also take into account your grooming schedule.

If your groomer bathes your Sammy, which is almost always the case, you’ll need to count that as one of your dog’s bath sessions.

Samoyed takes a bath

5. Cover Furniture During Peak Shedding Season

You now know that the answer to the question, “Do Samoyeds shed?” is an undeniable “yes.” 

And while the first four strategies I shared here all aim to reduce the amount of hair that will end up on your floor, here’s the cold hard truth: It’s impossible (not to mention harmful) to completely stop your Sammy from shedding.

So, sometimes the most effective strategy is to embrace the problem by covering up your furniture. 

I get it if you don’t want to keep your furniture covered all the time. So, the best times to use this technique are in the spring and fall when your Samoyed sheds the most.

owner and Samoyed dog

How Not To Reduce Samoyed Shedding?

I understand how tempting it can be to want to take a clipper to your Samoyed’s hair and shave them down to their skin. But this is a risky and unhealthy approach to managing their shedding.

For starters, the undercoat will grow faster if you shave it.

The result is that it could grow so fast that the topcoat won’t have as much space for regrowth. So, your Sammy’s coat might become patchy and have a different texture. It might even change your dog’s coloring.

Believe it or not, a thick layer of fur also helps Samoyeds to prevent a heat stroke. That’s because it insulates your dog from the strongest sun rays. 

Furthermore, shaving your Sammy down to their skin increases the chances of your dog getting sunburned and developing skin cancer if they spend a lot of time outside.


Are You Ready To Get To Work?

Owning a Samoyed is a joy. But it’s undeniable: It comes with greater grooming responsibilities than many other dog breeds.

By keeping up a regular brushing and grooming schedule for your Sammy, you’ll notice a significant reduction in how much they shed on your floor. Plus, brushing your Samoyed every day is a fantastic bonding opportunity for the two of you.