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  • Do Poodles Bark A Lot? [How to Stop]

Do Poodles Bark A Lot? [How to Stop]

Poodles are brilliant dogs that require a lot of mental and physical stimulation. So, you may have heard before that Poodles are more talkative than other dogs.

As a Poodle expert – I get asked all the time by worried owners about Poodle barking. So don’t worry, you are not alone with your concerns!

By the end of this article, you will know

  • Do Poodles bark alot?

  • What triggers Poodles to bark?

  • Mistakes that make barking worse

  • How to train Poodles not to bark

  • And which sizes of Poodles bark the most

  • What Poodle howling means

do poodles bark a lot

You may wonder, “Do Poodles bark a lot?” and even second guess your decision to adopt.

Although Poodles bark a lot, many of their triggers are similar to any other dogs and Poodle mixes. Additionally, because Poodles are so intelligent, there are multiple ways to train them to be a little less talkative.

How Often Do Poodles Bark?

Small dogs may come to mind when thinking of which breeds bark a lot. However, toy Poodles, miniature Poodles, and standard Poodles bark the same amount. Most Poodles bark when they see someone outside, hear loud noises, or when they feel bored.

On a positive note, they also bark to alert their owners of a potential threat, making them excellent watchdogs. (Though Poodles are not great guard dogs).

poodle sits on a outdoor lounge

What Triggers Poodles to Bark?

Poodles are considered moderate barkers, meaning some dogs bark more and some bark less than them. This breed has a reputation for being yappy dogs because they have quite a few triggers. Keep in mind, however, that many dogs have similar triggers. 

Triggers for Poodles to bark include:

Your dog may also bark if they are sick or injured, and you may notice behavioral issues in older dogs. If it seems like your Poodle is barking at random without triggers, keep an eye on them and take them to the vet if there are symptoms along with excessive barking.

Mistakes That May Make Your Poodle’s Barking Worse

When you hear your Poodle bark, you may have a gut response to yell, “No!” However, dogs can sometimes interpret yelling as excitement, as if you are also barking along with them. When they hear their owners yell, this will only make them feel more excited and motivated to continue barking. So, although it may feel tempting, avoid yelling at Poodles when they bark. 

Sometimes, Poodles will bark to alert their owners. As with all dogs, Poodles have a stronger sense of smell and hearing than humans. They may sense that someone is inside your home or that a storm is approaching. Be sure not to discourage your dog from barking in cases where it is beneficial. 

How to Train Poodles Not to Bark

When training your Poodle, treats as a reward is the best method to stop barking. All dogs have barking triggers, and you may not ever be able to prevent them from barking completely. However, by examining their triggers, rewarding vs. punishing, and using one of the techniques below, you can cut down the barking by quite a bit. We will cover many training methods you can use, but remember to be patient.

Determine the Poodle’s Triggers

Poodles rarely bark without reason. Pay attention to what is going on when your dog starts barking. Do what you can to eliminate any triggers. For example, if your dog barks when they see someone outside, you may try blocking their view of the window.

Make sure your Poodle has a safe place they can go to when they are anxious. Poodles may bark when they are left alone, during thunderstorms, or hear loud noises they cannot identify. Giving your dog access to a safe, quiet area allows them to feel more comfortable, which can help with barking out of fear.

Ensure They Get Plenty of Exercise and Play

poodle running outside

Poodles have a lot of energy that requires plenty of exercise to burn off. Dogs of varying sizes require a different level of physical activity each day. Usually, larger dogs will need more exercise than smaller dogs. Make sure they go on plenty of walks, have a chance to run around, and enjoy playtime regularly.

Additionally, Poodles may bark out of boredom. Toys allow your Poodle both physical and mental exercise that can tire them out. Tired dogs are less likely to bark because they are either bored or have already released pent-up energy.

Socialize Your Poodles

Socialization is beneficial to all dog breeds. Exposing them to environments with other dogs and people allow your Poodle to feel comfortable with strange visitors or passersby. The more your Poodle can socialize, the more they will perceive unknown people and animals as friends rather than a threat.

Ignore It

Ignoring your Poodle’s barking is one method to train them. When your dog barks, ignore them by not looking at them or even exiting the room.

Once your Poodle is quiet, give them lots of attention by playing with them and giving them their favorite treat. If they bark again, repeat the process. Ensure that everyone in your household is on board, or this strategy will not work.

Eventually, your dog will realize that barking is unbeneficial, and being quiet results in attention and treats.

Teach “Speak” and “Quiet” Commands

Rewarding your Poodle when they bark may sound counterintuitive, but it is an excellent method to stop them from barking. Each time your dog barks, say, “Speak!” and give your dog a treat. Continue this process until your Poodle barks as soon as you use the “speak” command.

After your Poodle gets the “speak” command down, you can then teach the “quiet” command. Start by using the “speak” command. Then, say “Quiet!” When your dog stops barking, give them a treat. It may take some time, but eventually, your dog will start to understand the difference. 

This method can be highly beneficial if you live in a noisy apartment complex that often triggers your dog to bark. 

sad poodle

All sizes of Poodles Bark

People often think that miniature and toy Poodles bark more than medium or standard Poodles, but this isn’t actually true! In fact, evidence and experience shows that there is no significant difference in the barking behavior of different types of poodles.

Small dogs and big dogs can both have problem barking. This is especially true if the dog isn’t getting enough exercise or is feeling bored or frustrated.

So if you have a small or toy Poodle – expect a sometimes barking dog.

And if you have a medium or standard Poodle – also expect a barking dog.


All dogs bark, but Poodles have a reputation for being talkative dogs. So, Poodles do bark a lot and are considered moderate barkers. Poodles bark when they are triggered by loud noise, excitement, separation anxiety, seeing people, lack of exercise, or to alert you of a threat. When your dog barks, yelling “No!” at them may encourage them to continue barking.

Instead, try ignoring them or training them “speak” and “quiet” commands. Poodles are highly intelligent dog breeds and make wonderful pets, even if they can be a little talkative.