Do Maltipoos Shed?

Dealing with dog hair and continuous shedding can be a concern for many pet owners. Having to worry about hair on your clothes or furniture can be a constant battle. In addition, excessive hair can clog vacuums and be costly for furnace and duct cleaning or using an air purifier each day to control the environment. 

do maltipoos shed

Shedding can be especially concerning for those individuals with allergies. Dog hair dander can be harmful to anyone who is allergic, causing numerous side effects, including: 

  • Red, itchy, and watering eyes

  • Sneezing or coughing

  • Nasal congestion or postnasal drip 

  • Sinus pressure and irritation 

  • Hives, eczema, or other skin irritations

  • Wheezing or breathing problems

Dog lovers can keep their homes clean and safe by choosing a dog that does not shed or has minimal shedding. If you face allergies to dog dander or want a breed that will not shed excessively, there are some terrific breed options, including Maltipoos

Maltipoo Dog Hair 

The Maltipoo breed is a hybrid between a Poodle and a Maltese. While Poodles have curly hair, Maltese dogs can have curly and straight hair, with the majority of them having straighter locks. Because of these differences, the resulting Maltipoo can have curly, wavy, or straight hair. 

Their hair can be soft or coarse, depending on what type of hair the parents have. It can sometimes be hard to determine a puppy’s coat until they are born and begin to mature. They do not have an undercoat like other breeds do, which is part of the reason for their minimal shedding routine. 

Dogs who have two coats will shed one throughout the year when temperatures change. Breeds with only one coat do not have as much hair to shed. This decrease of hair also makes dander and oils from the skin less likely to cling to hair, causing allergies. 

Many people with dog allergies will have severe reactions to breeds with two coats while only showing minimal symptoms with one-coat dogs. 

The breeding lines of a Maltipoo will determine the consistency of its coat. Consistent bloodlines can be a good indication of the type of hair your Maltipoo will have as they mature. For example, Maltipoos that are bred back to Poodles will have more genes associated with curly hair and have virtually no shedding.

all black coated maltipoo

Do Maltipoos Shed? 

Both Poodles and Maltese dogs are low shedding breeds. This combination makes the Maltipoo one of the best choices for a pet that will not have you cleaning pet hair off your furniture or clothes every day. 

On average, a Maltipoo will not be a big shedder. They will shed hair periodically, but not in large quantities that other breeds do. You may find a few hairs here and there each day, but nowhere near what other dogs will leave behind in a home. 

Why is Your Maltipoo Shedding? 

While Maltipoos are generally not high shedders, there can be reasons why they will shed their coats. If you notice more dog hair around your home, you should examine the cause to see if you could do something. 

Some reasons your Maltipoo is shedding include: 

  • Change of seasons

  • Allergies 

  • Skin condition

  • Malnutrition 

  • Anxiety or stress 

  • Pregnancy

If you notice an increase in hair loss from your Maltipoo, you must examine some factors to see if it indicates a health issue or just a seasonal problem. 

maltese vs maltipoo puppy comparison table

Change of Seasons

All dogs will shed some of their coat twice a year, but their breed will determine precisely how much. You may see an increase of hair around your home from your Maltipoo between the winter and spring seasons and the fall to the winter period. 

Your Maltipoo can shed slightly more for a few days or a few weeks. Each animal is individual, so this seasonal shedding timeline can vary. If you have any concerns about excessive shedding, talk to your veterinarian. 


Dogs can have sensitivities and allergies just like humans can. Most animal allergies will be from food products. When your Maltipoo is excessively shedding for no apparent reason, they may have some allergy symptoms, causing increased hair loss. 

Skin Condition 

If your Maltipoo is dealing with a skin condition, it can create excessive dander and shedding. The hair follicles tend to dry out, and hair can break off or fall out easier. Having healthy skin will ensure a good coat and minimize any unnecessary shedding.  


If your dog’s diet is insufficient, they could have an increase in shedding. If you suspect that your Maltipoo has a hair loss issue due to a lack of proteins or essential nutrients, talk to your local veterinarian about a change of diet. 

Anxiety or Stress

Some Maltipoos can suffer from separation anxiety or react negatively to stress. These situations sometimes have the dog licking its coat excessively, causing hair loss. Other times, nervous or anxious dogs will shed more than those who are more calm and relaxed. 


Female Maltipoos may experience an increase in shedding while they are pregnant. This result is from changing hormones, much like humans. As their bodies develop and hormones vary, hair can fall out more frequently. 

mini maltipoo puppy fully grown size

Maltipoo Hair Care and Maintenance 

You should know how to properly care for your maltipoo’s hair to help cut down any shedding they may have throughout the year. Its hair can become tangled or matted if not maintained and be uncomfortable for your pet.  

Brushing and Bathing

If you have other animals in the home, their soft fur can attract hair from others and become entangled in their coat. For pet owners with multiple animals, brushing your Maltipoo once a day can help keep their hair free of tangles and healthy. 

Otherwise, brush your Maltipoo two or three times per week with a pin brush or a similar product while using detangling spray to tackle any knots or mats in the fur. They will need regular bathing to keep their skin and hair clean. Although, bathing your Maltipoo too frequently can cause their skin to dry out and create dander. 

Maltipoos are one of the few dog breeds that require a high-quality conditioner for their hair. These products will help keep their coat soft while avoiding matting. After bathing, you do not want to rub your pet’s fur dry, as excessive toweling can create knots and mats in their wet hair. A hairdryer on a low setting that will not be too hot on their skin is ideal for drying them off afterward. 

Summarizing Maltipoo Shedding Elements 

Typically, a Maltipoo is a very low-shedding hybrid breed of dog. The traits from a Poodle and Maltese make this type of pup a terrific choice for anyone who does not want to vacuum their home or have allergies to dog dander constantly. If your Maltipoo is shedding more than usual, you should consult your local veterinarian for any allergy or skin issues with your pet. 

No one breed is completely non-shedding or hypoallergenic, but the Maltipoo does come close for many individuals. The minimal shedding they do have is relatively easy to deal with for many pet owners, and often those who suffer from dog allergies can own Maltipoos with minor symptoms.