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  • Do Cavapoos Bark? [5 Steps to Stop Barking]

Do Cavapoos Bark? [5 Steps to Stop Barking]

So you found a cute Cavapoo you’re considering adding to your family. And for a good reason–they’re adorable. But do Cavapoos bark?

Yes, Cavapoos do bark. Although they are not known for barking problems – the average Cavapoo is vocal and can develop a serious bark. Cavapoos are hyper intelligent and can be trained to overcome this barking issue.

do cavapoos bark

Cavapoo puppies can be remarkably good-natured, and they are often described as “poodles in a labradoodle suit.” However, even the most well-behaved pup will bark at something unfamiliar. The question is how much do cavapoos bark? This article gives you some information about that so you know what to expect from your new pupper.

As friendly and pleasant as they are, a Cavapoo is not perfect. No one is, dogs included. Therefore, it’s reasonable to expect a measure of irritability and barking.

Barking is a way that dogs communicate! It is unreaslistical to expect a dog to never bark. But you can guide and train a problem barking Cavapoo to become well behabed.

Cavapoo excessive barking It is an important question to think about…

If a particular breed is infamous for compulsive, extreme howling, it’s prudent to look into the matter well before you adopt one. After all, owning a dog is a weighty decision since a dog’s temperament can impact family peace and harmony.

Why Cavapoos Bark

The Cavapoo dog breed is not known to bark obsessively, but they may sometimes bark a lot for different reasons. These include:

cavapoo two dogs
  • Defensive Behavior: They may bark to sound an intruder’s alarm, something we would expect from all dogs when they feel like their security is compromised. They may continue to bark until they catch the attention of a family member.

  • Separation Anxiety: Cavapoos, especially when young, are social dependants and susceptible to anxiety when left alone or threatened, causing bouts of barking. For them to function normally, they require lots of attention and reassurance.

  • Discomfort: When a Cavapoo feels uncomfortable in their habitat, they’ll bark to capture their owner’s attention. The discomfort can range from an insect bite or sting, unsanitary conditions, pests, overheating, to strange noises. Noises known to spook Cavapoos include fireworks, motor vehicles, noise from people, and airplane noise.

  • Separation Anxiety: If you leave them alone for too long or isolate them, it’ll trigger a barking match. Cavapoos love and will demand company at all costs. If not given the attention they want, they may resort to destructive behavior, such as obsessive gnawing at things that can hurt them and scratching chairs and doors.

  • Frustration: A Cavapoo will get frustrated for all manner of reasons. For example, they may be trying to reach for a toy or want something they can’t have.

  • Change in lifestyle or routine: Such changes can result in your dog not seeing you as often as they’re used to, socializing less, or visiting less. Because these dogs don’t do well with change, they’ll bark more under such circumstances.

That said, not all barking is a sign of distress. Your Cavapoo puppy may bark out of excitement at play, a legitimate need such as bowel movement, or request for food.

On the other hand, the barking may indicate something serious, such as health issues. Perhaps the dog has a viral or bacterial infection, indigestion, or wound. 

Therefore, be on the lookout for any strange behavior and examine them before dismissing the barking as a temperamental problem or tantrum, especially if it’s a sudden or recent behavior.

How to Stop Cavapoos Barking

f1b cavapoo wavy coat sits on the grass

Many people have successfully trained their dogs to stop barking. From a howling Goldendoodle to a yappy Maltipoo – there are solutions and positive reinforcement training that solves excessive barking.

You can stop your Cavapoo from barking excessively. Here’s how: 

1. Manage Anxiety

If your dog barks out of anxiety, try to identify the cause. It may be knocking at the door or gate that triggers the dog’s anxiety. Or maybe sudden noises from outside. You can consider moving the dog to somewhere in the interior where these sounds don’t reach. 

Also, what happens when you’re away? Long stretches of solitude tend to push cavapoos to self-pity and fear. To beat this, create distractions for your cavapoo any time you’re away. It can be some soft music or audio program to keep the dog preoccupied until you return. 

Another way to keep them busy is by leaving toys with which they can play. Find one that dispenses a snack every time the dog handles it in a certain way. Such a toy will puzzle your dog and keep them busy trying to figure it out, avoiding the slippery path to the retrogressive emotions that trigger barking. 

2. Exercise 

Keep in mind that with cavapoos, stress builds up gradually, and one very effective way you can fight this is by keeping your dog occupied with games and walking them as much and as far as you can. 

Let them burn excess energy in such healthy ways, and the inclination to bark will stop. These happy moments will have a significant effect on the dog’s overall disposition. 

Taking a long walk with a Cavapoo, rain hail sunshine or snow – a great option. Don’t forget indoor dog games you can play with your Cavapoo to burn extra energy and keep them mentally stimulated.

3. Sight Barriers

Some dogs bark habitually at ‘regular strangers,’ such as the postman or a neighbor passing by, maybe a truck or a motorcycle. 

You can solve this by closing the blinds or drawing the curtains, or keeping the dog at a place that obstructs their direct line of view. 

4. Toilet Routines

Make it possible for the dog to visit the toilet without your help. That way, they’ll not need to bark for your attention. 

Consider making a door for it to access the bathroom easily. But if this is not practical, you can purchase a potty for the dog to use in a designated place where there’s less disturbance. Of course, don’t forget to clean the potty regularly to avoid other problems.

You don’t have to engage a lot of resources for you to be able to provide a toilet for your puppy. Do a Google search for a practical DIY method of making or improvising a dog’s privy. 

5. Dog Collars

You could try some over-the-counter products like dog collars to help minimize the dog’s barking. 

Dog collars discourage barking by inducing an annoying reaction every time the dog barks. These reactions can be a disturbingly loud sound or a spray of an unpleasant substance. 

Of course, these aren’t fool-proof, and only by trial and error can you find the most suitable way to stop your dog’s barking based on, among other things, your dog’s reaction to them. 

6. Tell Your Dog to Stop barking

Cavapoos respond well to verbal prompts. However, try to be patient and gentle, even if you may have to repeat the commands several times. Commands only work if they understand what behavior is desired – and are treated or rewarded generosuly for correct behavior.

Use words like “Quiet!” SHH!” and gradually, your dog can learn to obey them. And remember to praise and reward them every time they respond to keep them motivated.

Barking Prevention Methods to Avoid

fluffy cavapoo puppy with white chest looks at owner

Here are some cruel, unhealthy methods you should avoid employing to stop your pet’s barking: 

Corporal punishment

Corporal punishment can include hitting, pinching, and in some extreme cases, shocking with electric current. These have no place in healthy dog training. 

Using such methods is ruthless and counterproductive because they cause the dog stress, which may tamper with their personality and disposition. What’s more, they lower a dog’s quality of life. 


Resist the urge to shout at your dog, hard as it may be at times. Speak calmly and firmly, just as you would to a human child. 

Hysterics don’t inspire positive feelings in cavapoos. Instead, they’re harmful to them. Rather than engaging in a shouting match, try to cultivate trust based on true friendship so that the dog will be eager to receive your approval. Lead by example. Let your puppy read self-control in your dealings with it. 

Ignoring Your Dog

Here’s another thing to resist. Don’t let your dog bark itself to sleep. It’s not only unhealthy for the dog, but it bothers other people.

Besides, allowing prolonged periods of howling can have addictive effects on your cavapoo, which is the last thing you want. 

I know sometimes it can feel like you’re out of options when handling the dog’s barking. If this is the case, consider seeking professional help. 


Don’t bribe your dog to stop barking. Giving in to the barking in such a manner can hamper any progress you had with your dog’s training. We treat them for NOT barking, but don’t reach for the treats to distract or prevent barking.

It is a tricky line to stick too!

Reinforce good habits by helping the dog realize that its barking is unacceptable, and you’ll give them no reward. 

Shock Collars

Avoid shock collars. They harm the dogs and tend to form negative psychological patterns. For example, it can cause your puppy to associate the pain from the collar with a visitor. 

Additionally, shock collars are dangerous to a dog’s health. 


Don’t muzzle your dog as a barking prevention method, much as it may appear as a kind gesture. 

Instead, address the underlying cause. 

All dogs WILL bark. 

Just as talking is to humans, barking is how dogs interact. A dog owner must expect some noise and barking from owning a dog. There is no “designer dog” that is perfectly quiet. They just do not exist. Lucky for us the Poodle is not known as a wildly excessive barker and Cavalier King Charles Spaniel dogs are smart enough to respond to treat based reward training.

Points to Remember to Minimize Cavapoos Barking

a golden cavapoo puppy yawns

Tan and Golden Cavapoo puppies are similar in coat color. This one is yawning!

After employing healthy methods to train your smaller dog to stop barking and cling to healthy emotions, here are a few things to always remember to keep your pet from barking and ensure they’re healthy.

  • Keep your dog’s kennel or crate clean.

  • Ensure your dog has access to clean water.

  • Feed your dog healthy dog feed.

  • Engage a veterinarian regularly for checkups (and remember Cavapoo puppy teething can make them grumpy).

  • Buy time to exercise your dog (even Cavapoo need surprisingly long walks – they also love to swim!).

  • Talk to your Cavapoo, cultivate friendship with them. 

Take Aways

Well, there you have it. Now you have a better understanding of a Cavapoos barking habits and different ways to handle it.

a tan cavapoo puppy stuts proudly

Cavapoos are adorable dogs. I recommend them as a top pet of choice for families with kids as they’re friendly, playful, and respond well to love and attention. A dog lover will fall in love with this friendly dog breed. 

They’re also teachable, and by following the tips mentioned above, your Cavapoo will do just fine, and any barking will be healthy and manageable. These dogs are smart enough to overcome any little dog syndrome.