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  • Do Cane Corsos Shed a Lot? (Shedding Guide)

Do Cane Corsos Shed a Lot? (Shedding Guide)

Cane Corsos are beautiful dogs with a reputation for being intimidating, although their owners know they’re a loving breed when raised right.

So, if you’re interested in becoming the proud owner of a Cane Corso, you might be wondering—do Cane Corsos shed a lot?

do Cane Corsos shed a lot

Cane Corsos don’t shed a lot, but they do shed some throughout the year. So, although you won’t have to put your vacuum to work daily, you’ll clean up more hair than certain other dog breeds. I have firsthand experience caring for a Cane Corso’s coat and will give you the low-down on what you should know about their shedding and grooming needs

The Cane Corso Coat Basics

Cane Corsos have a sleek, smooth coat with short hair. They don’t look like they’d shed a lot, and that proves true; the Kennel Cluba label them either 3 or a 2 out of five on their shedding scale, with one being in the “No shedding category” and five in the “Hair everywhere” category.

Furthermore, Cane Corsos only have a single coat. In contrast, some dogs have a double coat, combining long external hair and shorter hair closer to the skin.

Because the Cane Corso isn’t a big shedder, nor does it have long hair that can get matted, it doesn’t require frequent brushing or baths

Nevertheless, you can expect to find pieces of their fur throughout your home year-round.

Cane Corso and humans

Are Cane Corsos Seasonal Shedders?

Cane Corsos aren’t big seasonal shedders. The reason being is that they have a single coat that sheds evenly throughout the year. 

That differs from dogs with double coats, where they shed their undercoat in the spring and fall to prepare for the change of seasons.

But you might notice your Cane Corso shedding slightly more in the winter if the air in your home is dry. They also might shed extra in the summer since prolonged periods in the sun may temporarily weaken their hair follicles. 

Cane Corso and owner

Is the Cane Corso Hypoallergenic?

In your quest to know the answer to “Do Cane Corsos shed a lot?” you might wonder if the Cane Corso is a good fit for people with dog allergies.

Unfortunately, they aren’t.

Cane Corsos aren’t hypoallergenic because they shed enough to leave pet hair around your home daily. People with allergies are allergic to the protein in dog dander and saliva. 

So, if anyone in your home has a dog allergy, I encourage you to search for a dog with hypoallergenic properties. But even then, there’s no guarantee that a hypoallergenic dog won’t cause a person to have allergy symptoms. 

Cane Corso with a little girl

Factors That Make a Cane Corso Shed Excessively

Whether you’ve had your Cane Corso for one day or five years, there might be times when you notice them shedding more than usual. And since you now know that this breed isn’t a seasonal shedder, it might have you wondering if there’s another reason at play.

Below are some of the most common scenarios that can cause a Cane Corso to shed more than usual.

1. Losing Puppy Coat

Most Cane Corsos lose their extra soft and fluffy puppy coat at around four to six months of age. However, it can take up to one year for them to fully lose their puppy fur.

So, rest easy if your Cane Corso falls within this range and you rule out the other factors on this list. They’re likely shedding more than you expected because they’re dropping their puppy coat.

Cane Corso ears cropped

2. Poor Nutrition

We all know that diet is essential for health. And since the body reserves nutrition for vital functions when it doesn’t get enough nutrients, your Cane Corso’s fur may fall out if you’re not feeding them properly.

Before you get defensive about how well you feed your Cane Corso, know that many well-meaning dog owners accidentally give their pet food with improper nutrition.

The reason for this varies, including feeding them:

  • Food inappropriate for their age

  • Low-quality dog food

  • Homemade food

In all these cases, the balance of macro and micronutrients your Cane Corso needs to maintain a healthy life varies. So, if you suspect nutrition is the reason for your Cane Corso shedding more than usual, I encourage you to speak with your vet for their food recommendation.

owner pouring dog food

3. External Parasite

External parasites like fleas and mites can cause your Cane Corso to lose their fur. These parasites feed on your dog’s blood, causing an itchy and sometimes painful skin reaction in localized areas.

Although there are almost as many different types of mites as insects in the world, there are only four species of them that commonly affect dogs. In contrast, over ten kinds of fleas can infest dogs.

The good news is that you can prevent fleas by using flea medication. Mite infestations are easy to spot and treat before a condition they create, called mange, becomes too unmanageable. 

scratching Cane Corso's ears

4. Skin Infection

A skin infection is another reason why your Cane Corso is shedding more than usual, although the “shedding” is usually in the form of localized hair loss.

The most common types of skin infections result from bacteria and fungus

Luckily, it’s relatively easy to spot any redness, swelling, or flakiness in your Cane Corso’s skin, given that they have such short fur. 

You should schedule a vet appointment if you notice something off with your dog’s skin. These infections are often fast and easy to treat with the proper medication.

Cane Corso dog

5. Pregnancy 

Pregnancy in Cane Corsos causes hormonal imbalances, just like in people. So, if you have a female dog that’s pregnant or nursing, she might be shedding more than usual because her hormones are off.

If that’s the case, shower your Cane Corso with extra love and put your vacuum to work. Your dog will return to their regular shedding habits after they give birth or finish nursing.

Cane Corso autumn leaves

6. Allergies

Shedding is one of the many symptoms of allergies in dogs. In addition to noticing excess fur around your home, you might also see that your Cane Corso has inflamed skin, bites at their coat, and licks their paws.

The cause of allergies can be tough to pinpoint in Cane Corsos. They might have seasonal allergies, joining your running nose in the spring when you have hay fever. Or, it could be mold in your home they’re sensitive to or the detergent you use to wash their bedding.

Try to find the reason for your Cane Corso’s allergy via a process of elimination. In some cases, like seasonal allergies, there’s nothing you can do but give your pet veterinary-prescribed allergy medication and put some extra work into cleaning your home until they stop shedding excessively.

Cane Corso runs towards owner

7. Fatty Acids Deficiency

While your Cane Corso should be able to derive sufficient amounts of fat from high-quality food, the fatty acids from fish oil are particularly notable for people struggling with dogs that shed excessively.

By offering your Cane Corso a fish oil supplement, the omega-3s will help strengthen their hair follicles and make their fur softer.

Best Cane Corso Grooming Practices

Cane Corsos are wonderfully low-maintenance dogs in terms of grooming. Their sleek coat makes mud slide off them with some water or a brush, and you’ll never have to spend time untangling their short fur.

Despite this, grooming your Cane Corso is still a good idea to keep their fur in tip-top shape. It’s also a great bonding activity for the two of you.

I recommend brushing your Cane Corso at least once or twice a week. You can use a pin brush with rubber tips; since these dogs have such short coats, there’s no need to pour money into expensive grooming tools.

Bathing your Cane Corso can also help remove hair on the brink of falling to your floor. That said, since shampoo washes away essential oils for your dog’s skin, it’s best only to bathe them about once every six weeks.

slicker brush

Are You Ready To Care for a Cane Corso?

Like any dog, owning a Cane Corso comes with responsibilities. And among those are helping them maintain proper nutrition, brushing them, and vacuuming the fur they’ll inevitably shed. So, if someone asks you, “Do Cane Corsos shed a lot?” you’ll now know how to answer them. 

Cane Corsos are an excellent fit for people who want minimal work vacuuming their floors without spending the time and money to take them to a groomer.