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  • Do Boston Terriers Shed? [The TRUTH]

Do Boston Terriers Shed? [The TRUTH]

Whether your normally barely shedding Boston Terrier is filling your floor with hair, or you’re thinking of welcoming a Boston Terrier into your family, it might get you wondering—do Boston Terriers shed? And what does it mean if they shed a lot?

Boston Terriers do shed, but the amount of hair they shed is relatively small. 

do boston terriers shed

Some of this has to do with their genetic makeup. In other cases, there might be a health or environmental reason why they’re shedding more than usual.

I’ll help you understand what kinds of shedding are—and aren’t—typical in Boston Terriers and give you tips for reducing your pup’s shedding.

Is My Boston Terrier Hypoallergenic?

No, Boston Terriers aren’t hypoallergenic. 

The concept of hypoallergenic means that certain breeds of dogs have fur that sheds so infrequently that they often don’t instigate symptoms in an allergy-prone person.

However, although Boston Terriers aren’t true hypoallergenic dogs, they shed minimally. Therefore, if someone in your household has mild sensitivities to dog dander, it’s possible that a Boston Terrier won’t cause them to have as much—or as large of—a reaction.

a boston terrier in a flowery field

Reasons That Boston Terriers Don’t Shed Much

Shedding is a natural process in all dogs. Doing so allows dogs to protect themselves against temperature differences from changing seasons and help them reestablish a healthy coat. 

However, every dog breed has its own shedding patterns. And luckily for Boston Terrier owners who don’t enjoy vacuuming every day, these dogs shed relatively little hair. So, below are some of the genetic reasons that Boston Terriers shed so little.

a small brindle and white boston terrier looks up at the camera

Their Size

Boston Terriers grow up to a maximum of 16 – 17 inches tall. Therefore, there’s less surface area for their hair to grow compared to a Golden Retriever or Great Dane.

So, even if these dogs were massive shedders, they would still leave less hair on your living room sofa compared to a larger dog.

Coat Makeup 

Some dogs have a single coat, while others have a double coat. Boston Terriers fall under the single coat category. Although Boston Terriers originated in Boston, Massachusetts, breeders designed them to be indoor dogs.

As a result, they don’t grow a second coat since they live in a regulated temperature year-round. 

Nevertheless, the Boston Terrier’s short hair sits closely together to help with keeping them warm. So, like human hair constantly falls out and regrows, the Boston Terrier’s coat also follows this pattern. 

Factors That Spark Increased Shedding in Boston Terriers

If you’ve noticed that your Boston Terrier is shedding more than they used to, there could be a health condition or another explanation behind it. Below are some of the most common reasons that Boston Terriers shed more than average.

a boston terrier leans against a wall

Transitioning From Puppy to Adulthood

I don’t know about you, but to me, there are fewer things better than cuddling with a puppy and stroking their soft fur. Sadly, their baby fur doesn’t last forever.

So, if you have a Boston Terrier puppy and you notice that they’re suddenly shedding excessively, it’s likely because they’re losing their baby coat. You can expect this to occur when they reach four or five months of age.

The good news is that this shedding period is temporary. So, run a brush over your puppy frequently to help manage the amount of hair that lands on your floor.

Seasonal Changes

Your Boston Terrier’s shedding cycle is in tune with nature. So, when spring and the late fall roll around, you can expect to encounter an above-average amount of their hair on your floor.

Such shedding is completely normal, and you should do nothing about it other than increasing the amount you brush them. In fact, it would be concerning if your Boston Terrier didn’t shed more often during these times of the year.

Of course, the spring and late fall aren’t the only time your Boston Terrier sheds, so you can’t expect them to stop shedding altogether when these seasons pass. However, you’ll be able to pull out your vacuum less frequently.


Anxiety, especially separation anxiety, is a condition that many Boston Terriers suffer from, leading to increased shedding. There are a near-endless number of circumstances that can instigate anxiety.

However, some of the most common scenarios include anxiety from:

  • Human companions leaving the home

  • A past of neglect or abuse

  • Uncomfortable environmental factors

  • Welcoming a new pet or child into the family 

If your Boston Terrier’s increased shedding is from anxiety, they’ll likely shed evenly over their body. Furthermore, you might notice behavioral symptoms like heavy panting, pacing, and whining. Some Boston’s even shake due to anxiety.

Health Issue

If your Boston Terrier is past the puppy stage and you’re still scratching your head about why they’re suddenly shedding so much, it could be because of a health issue. 

Many diseases, parasites, and bacteria can spark excessive shedding in your Boston Terrier. Examples include:

  • Fleas, mites, and lice

  • Immune disease

  • Kidney disease

  • Thyroid issues

  • Allergies

  • Cancer

In fact, even sunburn, pregnancy, and certain medicines can cause your Boston Terrier to suddenly start shedding. When it comes to health-induced shedding, hair loss often occurs in patches, and you may notice your dog itching a lot or having skin inflammation

So, if you believe that your Boston Terrier is displaying abnormal shedding, especially if it’s in conjunction with other symptoms, it’s best to take them to the vet. 

Tips for Reducing Shedding in Boston Terriers

When exploring the question, “Do Boston Terriers shed?” you might be thinking that aside from a health issue, there’s little you can do to lessen how much your beloved pooch drops their hair. That’s not true, and I’ll show you why with the tips below.

a bostion terrier outdoors with its large tongue hanging out

Encourage Them to Drink Water

You likely know how important water is for a human’s skin health, and the same is the case for Boston Terriers. In fact, if your Boston Terrier isn’t drinking enough water, their skin will become dehydrated, which can cause them to drop more hair.

So, you should ensure that your Boston Terrier always has access to fresh, clean water. If you don’t think they’re consuming enough, try dropping a small treat in their water bowl to encourage them to drink.

Switch Their Food

Offering your Boston Terrier high-quality and protein-rich meals is crucial for all aspects of their health, including preventing excessive hair loss. In fact, up to 30% of the protein they consume goes towards keeping their skin healthy. 

So, by ensuring your Boston Terrier has access to essential nutrients, they’ll grow stronger hair follicles and have improved skin elasticity.

Although feeding your Boston Terrier well-rounded dog food should ensure they receive the proper balance of essential nutrients, you can also offer them a supplement. Should you go the supplement route, choose one rich in Omega-3 and B-complex, both of which are excellent for the skin and hair.  

Arrange a Sheding Routine 

Giving your Boston Terrier baths in moderation is an excellent way to manage their shedding. The reason being is that bathing them will help to pull up fur that’s on the brink of detaching from hair follicles.

So, unlike brushing, which mostly removes already detached hair, bathing is a proactive way to get even more hair off your pooch before it falls to the ground. We recommend bathing your Boston Terrier about once per month to control shedding. 

Take care not to bathe them too frequently, or else they could develop dandruff and other skin issues. In fact, bathing them too often will strip away the oils they need to have a healthy, shiny coat. As a result, your Boston Terrier might start itching, causing shedding that you wanted to avoid.

Brush Them Often

Brushing your Boston Terrier will not only decrease the amount of hair they shed around your home, but it’s also a wonderful bonding opportunity for the two of you. Since this breed naturally sheds less than many others, brushing your Boston Terrier once or twice a week counts as “often.”

While brushing your pooch, take notice of their skin to see if you notice any nicks or signs of infection, as these could lead to hair loss. Furthermore, frequent brushings will let you better catch fleas, ticks, and mange.

If your Boston Terrier swims, rise and briefly brush after.

When to Take Your Boston Terrier to the Vet?

If you follow the tips that I mentioned above and you sense your Boston Terrier is shedding excessively for reasons outside of seasonal or puppy coat changes, you should bring them to the vet.

In fact, you should take your Boston Terrier to the vet annually. That way, your veterinarian might be able to catch an external parasite problem or health issue that could spark excess hair loss before the problem becomes too big. The excellent Boston Terrier lifespan requires routine Vet visits.

a boston terrier at a veterinarian office

Wrap Up

So, do Boston Terriers shed? Yes, Boston Terriers shed some, but not as much as many other dog breeds. 

Luckily, Boston Terriers have short hair and small bodies. So, even when they go through periods of excess shedding, such as when they’re dropping their puppy fur and during seasonal changes, the amount of hair you’ll encounter around your home will be relatively minor.