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  • 11 Outstanding Compatible Breeds for Australian Shepherds (Photos)

11 Outstanding Compatible Breeds for Australian Shepherds (Photos)

Australian Shepherds are a popular and versatile breed known for their intelligence, energy, and eagerness to please their owners. When considering adding another canine companion to a household with an Australian Shepherd, it’s crucial to select another breed that will complement the Aussie’s traits and bring balance to the home. Understanding the characteristics and needs of Australian Shepherds can help pet owners make an informed decision in choosing a compatible breed.

The high energy levels of Australian Shepherds call for an active playmate that can keep up with their dynamism. Some breeds may be more compatible with an Aussie due to their similar energy levels or temperaments, while others might provide a calming influence.

compatible breeds for Australian Shepherds

When looking for a suitable companion, the focus should be on breeds that can match or complement the Australian Shepherd’s activity levels, intelligence, and sociability while also taking into account any special considerations, such as size or grooming requirements, to ensure a harmonious living situation.

Key Takeaways

  • Choose a breed that complements the Australian Shepherd’s energy levels and intelligence.

  • Consider factors such as size and grooming requirements to ensure a harmonious household.

  • A compatible breed should contribute positively to the existing Aussie’s demeanor and lifestyle.

Understanding Australian Shepherds

Breed Traits

Australian Shepherds, affectionately known as “Aussies,” are a popular and versatile breed. They are known for their striking appearance, consisting of a variety of coat colors and patterns, including the famous “merle” pattern.

an older Aussie Shepherd

Here are some key characteristics:

  • Size: Medium-sized breed, typically weighing between 40-65 lbs for males and 35-55 lbs for females

  • Coat: Moderate length and thickness, with several possible color variations (blue merle, red merle, black, and red)

  • Temperament: Loyal, energetic, and intelligent

Activity Level

Aussies have a high energy level and require regular exercise to stay happy and healthy. They excel in activities such as herding, agility, and obedience. If you have a spacious backyard or love taking long walks, an Aussie would be a great companion.

blonde Australian Shepherd

Remember, a tired Aussie is a happy Aussie!

Aussie’s activity in a nutshell:

  • Herding: They are natural herders and can be found working on farms and ranches.

  • Agility: Aussies have an affinity for agility courses, using their speed and intelligence to navigate obstacles.

  • Obedience: With proper training, they respond well to commands and can learn an impressive range of tricks.


Australian Shepherds are highly intelligent and easily trainable. They excel in problem-solving and are known for their ability to learn quickly. It is essential to keep them mentally stimulated, as a bored Aussie can become mischievous or develop unwanted behaviors.

Australian Shepherd being trained

Engaging them in activities such as puzzle toys, interactive games, and training sessions will keep their minds sharp and well-behaved.

To sum it up, if you’re looking for a loyal, intelligent, and energetic companion, the Australian Shepherd is a fantastic choice. But make sure you can meet their exercise and mental stimulation needs, otherwise “too-smart-for-their-own-good” Aussies might just outsmart you!

Australian Shepherds’ Compatibility with Other Breeds

Golden Retrievers three colors

Factors Affecting Compatibility

When it comes to finding a compatible breed for Australian Shepherds, several factors come into play. These factors include temperament, energy levels, and size compatibility.

  • Temperament: Australian Shepherds are intelligent, loyal, and hardworking dogs that love to stay active. Matching them with a breed that shares a similar temperament will make it easier for them to get along.

  • Energy levels: As highly energetic dogs, Australian Shepherds require regular physical and mental stimulation. Breeds with similar energy levels and exercise needs are generally more compatible.

  • Size compatibility: While size isn’t the sole determining factor, it can play a role in compatibility. Most importantly, breeds should have similar size and strength to prevent injuries during playtime.

Compatibility Examples

Here are some examples of breeds that tend to be compatible with Australian Shepherds:

  1. Border Collie: Like Australian Shepherds, Border Collies are intelligent, energetic, and hardworking. They share a love for herding and activities, making them a great match.

  2. Labrador Retriever: Labs are friendly, good-natured, and adapt well to various environments. They’re known for their sociability and friendliness towards other dogs, making them an excellent playmate for Australian Shepherds.

  3. Golden Retriever: Often considered one of the friendliest breeds, Golden Retrievers are another compatible option. They share a love for exercises and outdoor activities with Australian Shepherds.

Remember, individual dogs within a breed can vary, and compatibility ultimately depends on the personalities and temperament of both dogs. It’s essential to monitor and supervise the interactions between your Australian Shepherd and any new furry friends to ensure a healthy and harmonious relationship.

Recommended Compatible Breeds

Labrador Retriever

Australian Shepherds and Labrador Retrievers often make a fantastic match. Both breeds are highly intelligent, energetic, and share a love for outdoor activities. They enjoy playing together, making these two the dynamic duo of the dog world.

Labrador Retriever sits on the road

Not to mention, Labradors have a friendly disposition that mixes well with the Aussie’s protective instincts.

Golden Retriever

Golden Retrievers are another compatible breed for the Australian Shepherd. These gentle giants are calm, patient, and known for their kind nature. It’s often said that a friendship between an Aussie and a Golden is like peanut butter and jelly – they just go together! 

Golden Retriever runs so fast

Sharing many common interests like swimming, hiking, and exploring the great outdoors, these breeds can form lifelong bonds.

Border Collie

When it comes to workaholics, few breeds can rival the Border Collie and the Australian Shepherd. They share a strong drive and herding instinct, making them a dream team when it comes to agility sports or working on a farm together. Their quick wits keep each other engaged and entertained for hours, like two chess masters engaged in an endless game of mental agility.

Border Collie guards barn

Boston Terrier

Though Boston Terriers are smaller than the Australian Shepherd, these spunky city slickers can provide quite the engaging companionship for the Aussies. They’re known for their playful and affectionate nature, making them easy to get along with. Think of them as a pint-sized companion with a heart as big as an Aussie’s!

Boston Terrier approaching

Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Pembroke Welsh Corgis are surprisingly compatible with the Australian Shepherd. Despite their short stature, Corgis have a big personality and share the herding instinct with Aussies. They’re like the hardworking, shorter cousins of the Aussie world.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi playing

Together, they create a lively duo that’ll surely be the center of attention during family gatherings.

Siberian Husky

The active and adventurous nature of the Siberian Husky makes them an exciting companion for your determined Australian Shepherd. Both breeds enjoy outdoor activities, and their mutual need for exercise and stimulation means they can keep each other entertained while exploring the wilderness together. They’re like two thrill-seekers on a never-ending adventure, in perfect sync with one another.

Siberian Husky panting at the park

Bernese Mountain Dog

The gentle and good-natured Bernese Mountain Dog is a great match for the Australian Shepherd. They’re patient and protective, making them excellent companions for the more energetic and curious Aussie. Think of them as the big, steady rock to your Aussie’s adventurous spirit, providing a secure and reliable presence in their lives.

Bernese Mountain dog wearing shoes


Last but not least, Boxers are another breed that makes a compatible playmate for the Australian Shepherd. Boxers bring a playful and energetic nature to the mix, enjoying interactive games and activities with their Aussie friends. They’re like the fun and lively siblings Aussie never knew they had, transforming simple playtime into a party for the ages.

Boxer on his soft dog bed

Special Considerations for Compatibility

Age and Size

When finding a compatible breed for an Australian Shepherd, it’s important to consider age and size. Australian Shepherds are medium-sized dogs, so pairing them with a similar-sized breed can be beneficial for playtime and overall comfort. An example of a compatible breed might be a Border Collie or Labrador Retriever.

different dog breeds

Remember, young Australian Shepherd puppies are energetic and playful, so pairing them with an older, calmer dog may not be ideal. Instead, consider a companion within a similar age range to ensure a harmonious relationship.

Individual Personalities

Just like people, every dog has its own unique personality. Some Australian Shepherds are outgoing and social, while others might be more reserved. When finding a compatible companion, keep in mind that individual personalities may play a significant role in the success of their relationship.

Husky plays with woman owner

For example, if your Australian Shepherd loves playing with other dogs, choosing a companion with a similar playful nature can make them both happy. On the other hand, if your Aussie is shy, picking an overly dominant or energetic breed might not be the best match.

Health and Sex

Another factor when looking for a compatible breed is the health and sex of the potential companion. Some dog breeds may be predisposed to particular health issues, so be cautious when introducing a new dog into your home.

male or female dog (pros and cons)

It’s also important to consider if a male or female companion is a better match for your Australian Shepherd. Some dogs might get along better with the opposite sex, while others may not. It comes down to individual preferences and factors such as whether they are neutered or spayed.

Training and Temperament

Australian Shepherds are known for their intelligence and trainability. When seeking a compatible breed, consider dogs with similar traits. Breeds that are also eager to learn and easy to train might make great partners for your Australian Shepherd.

owner trains German Shepherd

Remember, a well-trained dog is more likely to adapt to a new canine friend with ease. So even if the companion breed may not seem like the most obvious choice at first glance, proper training can significantly improve the compatibility between the two dogs.

In conclusion, compatibility for an Australian Shepherd depends on factors such as age, size, individual personalities, health, sex, and training. Always consider these elements when introducing a new canine companion to ensure a harmonious and loving relationship between them.


In short, finding a compatible breed for an Australian Shepherd largely depends on individual preferences and lifestyle. Australian Shepherds are highly intelligent, energetic, and social dogs that thrive in the company of other canines who share similar traits.

Breeds that tend to make great companions for Australian Shepherds include other herding breeds such as Border Collies, Collies, and German Shepherds. These breeds are also intelligent and energetic, making them ideal playmates and work partners for Australian Shepherds.

Furthermore, friendly and social breeds like Golden Retrievers and Labrador Retrievers can also get along well with Australian Shepherds. However, it’s important to keep in mind that compatibility goes beyond just breed characteristics, and individual personalities of each dog should be taken into account.

When it comes to adding humor and laughter to a pet owner’s life, Australian Shepherds won’t disappoint. Their propensity for amusing antics and lively playfulness can bring joy and amusement not only to their human companions, but also to any furry friends they happen to live with as well.

As an analogy, Australian Shepherds are like the ultimate “work hard, play hard” partners in the canine world. So, when looking for a compatible breed, consider dogs that can keep up with the energy and enthusiasm of an Australian Shepherd. Remember, a happy Australian Shepherd is one that has both the mental and physical stimulation they desire, along with a compatible furry companion to share their days with.

Frequently Asked Questions

Australian Shepherd 2

Do Australian Shepherds get along with Golden Retrievers?

Yes, Australian Shepherds generally get along well with Golden Retrievers. Both breeds are known for their intelligence, friendliness, and social nature. However, it’s essential to remember that each dog has its unique personality, so it’s crucial to properly introduce and supervise them, especially at first.

Do Poodles and Australian Shepherds get along?

Poodles and Australian Shepherds can get along quite well. Both breeds are intelligent and trainable, making them good companions for each other. Keep in mind, individual dogs’ personalities and socialization play a significant role in how they interact, so proper introductions are necessary.

Can two male Australian Shepherds coexist peacefully?

Two male Australian Shepherds can coexist peacefully, but it may require a bit more effort and patience from their owners. Ensuring both dogs are neutered can help reduce potential aggression or dominance issues. Providing them with proper socialization and training is also essential for a harmonious coexistence.

What are some breeds that pair well with Australian Shepherds?

Some breeds that may pair well with Australian Shepherds include Golden Retrievers, Poodles, German Shepherds, and Labrador Retrievers. These breeds share similar traits, such as intelligence and high energy, which can make for a compatible match. However, compatibility will ultimately depend on each dog’s individual temperament and socialization.

Do Australian Shepherds tend to bully other dogs?

Australian Shepherds are not known for being bullies, but they do have strong herding instincts, which may result in them trying to “herd” other dogs, especially smaller ones. Proper training and socialization can help curb these behaviors and ensure that they interact respectfully with other dogs.

Are there specific dog breeds that Australian Shepherds particularly enjoy?

While there’s no specific breed that Australian Shepherds universally enjoy, they tend to get along well with other dogs who have a similar energy level and intelligence. Breeds such as Golden Retrievers, Poodles, and Labrador Retrievers might be suitable companions. However, individual compatibility will depend on each dog’s personality and how they’ve been socialized.