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Can Huskies Live in Hot Weather?

When you think of Huskies, you probably imagine dogs with thick, warm coats pulling sleds in the snow. While this is standard history for this majestic breed, modern dog owners have introduced Huskies to new environments. Now, you’ll often find them outside the arctic in much warmer climes. 

But can Huskies live in hot weather? Or will they suffer needlessly in the heat?

can Huskies live in hot weather

Fortunately for all dog lovers, Huskies can live in and adapt to hot weather. However, there are some things you should know before introducing your furry friend to the toasty southern climes. In this article, I’ll cover everything you need to know about raising and caring for your Husky in the heat.

Are Huskies Comfortable in the Heat?

To answer the question “Can Huskies live in hot weather?” Siberian Huskies are easy to raise in hot climates. They can be just as comfortable in the Texas heat as a German Shepherd, St. Bernard, or other long-haired pups.

Huskies walking on grass

Of course, as with any pet, excessive heat will be uncomfortable for your Husky. Huskies need to be in temperatures below 77 degrees Fahrenheit

What Climate Is Best for a Husky?

Huskies were bred for frigid temperatures. To combat the cold, their thick coats are made of two separate coats that work together to regulate their body temperature. The outer coat, or guard hair coat, keeps water, snow, and ice from reaching a Husky’s skin.

two Huskies sit together

The undercoat acts as an insulator, holding heat close to the dog’s skin and keeping them warm in freezing temps.

However, if you’ve ever been around a long-haired dog when the weather shifted from cool to warm, you’ll know just how much Huskies can shed. Come spring, you can expect to see fluffy tumbleweeds of fur blowing across your floors as your dog sheds, or blows out, his winter coat. In areas where it’s always hot, they can shed year-round.  

How Can You Make Your Husky Comfortable in the Heat?

Even though your Husky can adapt to the heat, you should still take time to ensure your dog stays comfortable. Doing so involves right grooming and access to sufficient water and shade.


Anyone who becomes a dog parent must commit to proper grooming and upkeep when their pup comes home. That means investing in some Husky-friendly shampoo and proper grooming tools, including brushes or rakes. 

Husky puppy bath time

Fluffy dogs like Huskies require special brushes to tackle their thick coats. To prevent matting, brush your Husky weekly, especially in wet or humid areas. Most importantly, resist any urge to trim your Husky’s fur to cool them down.

All they need is a good brushing. Their bodies will regulate the rest. 


As with humans, proper hydration is a must for dogs in hot weather. To ensure your dog gets all the water it needs, always keep its water bowl full of cool water. If your furbaby spends a lot of time outside, make sure there’s easy access to water there, too.

Siberian Husky drinks water

You can also give them a sweet doggy popsicle as an extra treat.

Access to Shade

A shady retreat for your Husky is a requirement outdoors. Most Huskies prefer to be outside. However, they can quickly overheat if they don’t have access to shade.

sad Siberian Husky

This is especially true if they also don’t have water nearby.

How Can You Make Sure Your Husky Gets His Exercise?

Huskies were bred for hard work, which means they’re incredibly high-energy. Although giving your dog a workout in the heat might sound exhausting, your Husky will need at least two hours of activity each day. Here are a few ways to ensure your pup gets the exercise he needs.

Time of Day

The best time to help your Husky get exercise is in the morning or evening. Of course, morning is best, as it’s the coolest time of day. However, if you’re unable to swing a morning outing, you can head out around dusk. 

Siberian Husky treat

You want to avoid any midday outdoor exercise sessions, as that’s when your dog is most likely to overheat. Huskies can tolerate temperatures up to 86 degrees Fahrenheit, but the higher the heat, the more likely they are to get too hot.

Indoor Activities

Another way to ensure your dog gets enough exercise is to encourage indoor activities. A fun game of tug-of-war, a bone to gnaw on, or doggy obstacle courses are all great options. You could also check out indoor dog parks in your area.

Siberian Husky biting a sock

Something else to consider is a treadmill. Although standard human treadmills will get the job done, you could also choose a motor-free one. These dog-friendly treadmills only operate when your pup starts moving, which helps prevent injury.

They’re an excellent way for dogs to get a ton of exercise and ensure they won’t overdo it.

Always Have a Retreat

When you adopt a dog, many shelters will ask that you have an outdoor shelter for your dog. This is especially important in areas with extreme weather. So, if you live in a hot climate, set up a comfortable, shady spot for your Husky to retreat to.

Black Siberian Husky

An insulated dog house complete with an exhaust fan will give your Husky a cool, quiet place to rest outdoors. Also, ensure a full water bowl is always available to give your dog everything he needs to stay comfortable.

Signs Your Husky Is Too Hot or Too Cold

Despite your best efforts, there may come the point where your Husky gets too hot or too cold. However, the signs of weather fatigue in dogs are pretty different from what you’d see in humans. Here are a few of the things you should look for.

Too Hot

Excessive panting or heavy breathing is the first sign your dog is overheating. Panting is the dog’s version of sweating, so you should equate a dog’s heavy panting to a human being bright red and drenched in sweat.

three Siberian Huskies colors

Lethargy or collapsing are other common signs of overheating. If your Husky isn’t as active as expected or is struggling to move, encourage them to come inside to cool off and be sure to replenish their water. 

Finally, vomiting or diarrhea are also signs your Husky is too hot. Typically, the GI distress your Husky will experience is due to dehydration, which is why it’s so crucial your dog has easy access to water and shade.

Too Cold

If you take your Husky on a trip up north, you might think you can give them free rein in the cold weather. After all, Huskies are built to withstand temperatures far below freezing. In fact, in colder regions, many Huskies prefer to be outside buried in snow than inside a warm house.

Siberian Husky with towel

Still, that doesn’t mean your Husky can stay in subfreezing temperatures indefinitely. If you notice your Husky shivering, whining at the door, or walking slowly to conserve heat, it’s probably time to head inside. 

So, Can Huskies Live in Hot Weather?

Bringing home a Husky is a fun and exciting experience. They’re the perfect pet for an active household that enjoys time outside or the occasional serenade. However, as with any pet, you need to ensure your Husky doesn’t overheat if you live in a hot climate.

Adequate water and shelter and exercising during cooler times are all excellent ways to keep your pup comfy.