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  • Can Dogs Eat Scrambled Eggs? (Complete Egg Guide for Canines)

Can Dogs Eat Scrambled Eggs? (Complete Egg Guide for Canines)

Many of us regularly eat and cook with eggs – but can we share them with our dogs? The answer is Yes, dogs can eat eggs.

Before modifying any dog or puppy’s diet, strongly consider consulting with a Veterinary professionalNutrition is the foundation of future health – and you don’t want to risk any harm.

can dogs eat scrambled eggs

Can Dogs Eat Eggs?

Dogs can eat all parts of the egg, even the shell (though this is not where we suggest starting)

Dogs find eggs to be a great source of protein. Essentially they consist entirely of dense protein – which is the major component of a dog’s diet. Dogs don’t need carbohydrates or fats as much as they need protein.

Eggs do have some quality amino acids and fats. Dogs in the wild would forage and eat eggs when they encounter them.

  • Dogs can eat boiled eggs with or without shell or scrambled eggs if appropriately prepared.

  • Dogs can’t eat seasoned eggs, fried eggs and should probably avoid raw eggs.

Can Dogs Eat Scrambled Eggs?

scrambled eggs for dogs

The good news is, just as fully cooked eggs are a phenomenal source of protein for you, the same is true for your dog. 

Overall, however, the benefit of eating cooked eggs is the same for your dog as it is for you. Eggs contain several essential fatty and amino acids, as well as Vitamin A. Since an egg only contains 70 calories, one scrambled egg is unlikely to mess with your puppy’s diet, as long as you don’t make it a habit. More on that later. 

In fact, your dog can eat an egg every day, and most will see no ill effects. That said, however, if you like a lot of extras with your eggs, you have to be more careful. For example, suppose you like to sauté some garlic and onions in butter to add to your scrambled eggs. In that case, they become somewhat unhealthy for your dog.

That is because dairy products, like butter, and spices like onion and garlic, tend to kill off a canine’s red blood cells, leaving them anemic or worse. They can cause diarrhea and dehydration, as well. In fact, try to leave out the added salt when you feed your dog some scrambled eggs since excess sodium is also bad for a dog.

Can I feed a Puppy Scrambled Eggs?

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If the additives being harmful to your dog is scaring you away from feeding your pet some scrambled eggs, the alternative is simple. As long as you give your dog the eggs without the added fat and spices, cooked eggs are actually a great addition to their diet. Even the American Kennel Club (AKC) agrees with that.

Just be careful to watch for side effects. Like humans, many dogs harbor allergies to a selection of foods that dog owners are unaware of because their dog has never eaten the food they’re allergic to. If your puppy eats eggs and starts to develop itchy skin, or red, runny eyes, they may have an allergy to egg protein. 

How Do You Make Scrambled Eggs for Puppies

No oils, no garlic, no onions. No butter – no seasoning. It is super simple!

  1. Crack an egg (or three) into a bowl

  2. Use either no milk or a very small amount

  3. Scramble the eggs over a medium heat using a spatula

  4. Once it is done, but not too rubbery. Dogs are not too picky, but we should try and serve them a delicious treat!

  5. If you have some cooked unseasoned pork, or leftover asparagus these can be added safely to the dog scramble

  6. With no oils the scrambled eggs do not keep particularly well. Make a small batch only as it will not survive in the fridge for more than a day.

Egg Allergies in Dogs

Such an allergy is rare, but it does happen at times. If it does, you should take them to a vet for further insight and testing to determine if this is the only type of protein to which they are allergic. This could have a significant impact on your dog’s overall diet.

In part, that is at least because a lot of dog foods and treats contain eggs or egg protein. If there is an allergy, you will have to scour all the labels and discard anything with eggs or egg protein.

Of course, if your best friend eats scrambled eggs with no ill effects, don’t be afraid to make fully cooked eggs a dietary supplement.  According to experts, just make sure it’s a small part of their diet; human food or snacks should never be more than 10 percent of their overall diet. 

gray whippet

How Many Eggs can a Dog eat in a Day?

A dog that eats too many eggs is not at risk of cholesterol health problems. They don’t experience the same health issues that humans sometimes can if there is too much cholesterol.

Dogs can experience an upset stomach with too much of ANY food. If your dog has stolen a plate of seasoned or fried eggs, then it might get temporary stomach upset or runny stools.

A real risk is actually the number of calories. Dog obesity is real and a problem! Eggs are calorie-dense, and too many can result in an overweight dog. Given that over a third of dogs in the USA are obese – we need to be careful with the diet!

Can a Dog Eat Raw Egg?

A dog can eat a raw egg and all of its parts. However, there is a not-insignificant risk of bacterial infection from raw eggs that can harm dogs.

The reason why we avoid raw eggs for dogs is because of the risk of Salmonella. Although in the wild dogs eat plenty of raw things – the Salmonella risk means it is advisable to avoid raw egg as possible.

With that said, many advocates of raw food diets crack an egg into their dog food and report only benefits. This one is a decision for the individual – and ask your local Vet for advice.


Can My Dog Get Salmonella from Eating Eggs?

As noted previously, the cooking part of preparing an egg for your dog is crucial. Uncooked or undercooked eggs too often carry Salmonella bacteria, which dogs are susceptible to contracting.

The worst thing about dogs contracting Salmonellosis (the illness caused by Salmonella infection) is that it is zoonotic, which means a dog can pass its Salmonella on to the humans they come in contact with. 

That means your dog could infect you, your children, or even visitors.

Salmonella can exist in any uncooked and unpasteurized egg, whether from the farm or in the typical grocery or supermarket. In dogs, Salmonellosis symptoms include fever, lethargy, a refusal to eat, diarrhea, or vomiting. There are many other possible symptoms, but these are the most common. 

When your dog demonstrates any one of those symptoms, it would be best to take them to the Vet to undergo thorough testing.

The dogs most at risk for Salmonellosis are older dogs and puppies. However, any dog can become infected.

Thankfully, however, cooking eggs properly kills most Salmonella bacteria, making scrambled eggs (without any butter or onion and spices) healthy for many dogs.

How Often Should I Feed My Dog Scrambled Eggs? 

Keep in mind that an average large egg has about 70 calories, 185 milligrams of cholesterol, 1.5 grams of saturated fat, and 6 grams of protein. These numbers are well below a dog’s recommended daily allowances. Still, it’s an excellent idea to stick with the  “10 percent rule.”

Whether you mostly give your dog wet or dry food, as a rule, you should do your best to avoid giving your puppy very much human food at all. The general rule is to limit your dog to 10 percent extra food of any kind (non-core dietary treats like scrambled eggs).

Also, while (fully cooked) eggs by themselves are not dangerous to your dog, many of the recipes for scrambled eggs and omelets have ingredients dogs cannot eat. Again, such common and un-dangerous additives like onion and garlic can be downright toxic to a dog.

What About a Dog-Specific Alternative to Scrambled Eggs?

Suppose your dog just loves scrambled eggs, but you are creeping a little too close to 10 percent of his diet. In that case, you can check the local pet store, or even your Vet’s office, for alternatives that are both healthy and satisfying for your dog. There are plenty of natural or store-bought egg style treats available for dogs.

For instance, there are several treats for dogs made with eggs and other healthy ingredients for dogs. One homemade dog treat features healthy greens (or herbs like basil) and fat-free cottage cheese, in addition to one scrambled egg.

As long as you keep to the “10 percent rule,” there are many ways to treat your dog to a scrambled egg quite often. Using a scrambled egg as a treat during a training session is one of the most popular ways to do this, and your best friend will love it.

cavapoo puppy haircut

The Bottom Line in All This is, Moderation!

You can also scramble one egg and give it to them as an occasional treat. Some pet parents like to place a scrambled egg on top of their regular food or serve one as fun between meals snack. And still, others just scrape off a piece of their (unseasoned but fully cooked) breakfast scrambled egg.

Overall, eggs are actually relatively healthy for dogs. They are a great source of digestible protein, as well as riboflavin and selenium. Eggs help provide your dog with a bright, shiny coat and healthy skin. In fact, even the eggshells themselves provide your dog with calcium.

Dogs also get several essential vitamins, including Vitamins A and B12, and minerals like iron, as well as essential fatty acids. Eggs also have plenty of carbohydrates. While carbs are not an essential part of a dog’s diet, at least as an energy source, they do allow proteins to be spared in functions like muscle repair.

A risk you might not expect is eggshells are sharp. Dogs are notable fierce natural survivors – but an unexpected sharp of teensy tiny eggshell can actually result in a week of discomfort due to gum injury. Avoid the risk and steer clear of eggshells even though dogs can consume them.

Keeps Eggs as an Occasional Dog Treat

However, as healthy as eggs can be for a dog, it’s very possible to overdo it, and you are encouraged to avoid that. For instance, too many eggs can lead to your dog, developing an upset stomach and excess gas. You will notice this – because it will manifest itself as horrible gas and smelly farts.

Always remember, however, that a fully-cooked scrambled egg can’t be used as a substitute for your dog’s regular diet. Eggs should be treated as a nutritional supplement, at best. In other words, the “10 percent rule” is significant to your dog’s diet as a way to keep them healthy and energetic.

Too much “people food” can always cause a problem, with weight and overall health, for a straightforward reason; as much as you love your dog, they are not human, and they have specific nutritional needs. Always respect that and be mindful of trying to treat your pup too much like a person.

Consider them a treat or a one-off meal – not a regular occurrence. They still need meat and a regular protein-rich diet the majority of the time. We don’t want to miss any essential minerals and vitamins.