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  • 90 Best Weather Names for Dogs [Actually Good]

90 Best Weather Names for Dogs [Actually Good]

In case you didn’t know, dogs love the outdoors and appreciate whatever weather nature throws at them. Whether it’s soft snow or blazing sun, they find something to be happy about.

best weather dog names

To capture their joy when they splash through puddles or roll around in the snow, choose a name for them relating to their favorite, or your favorite, type of weather. 

Whether you love a beach day, a snow day, or a rainy day, we have some charming names that might be perfect for your new puppy!

Sunny Day-inspired Names

sun drenched dog

Do you and your new puppy love it when the sun is shining? Are you both beach bums or just obsessed with basking in the warm sun? Then choose one of these precious sunny day-inspired names that will make your pup glow like the sun!

Few things are as beautiful as a sunny day with a clear sky, and we often take it for granted. But our dogs usually don’t! They love a warm day where their paws and ears aren’t cold anymore. They can frolic in the flowers and run through sprinklers, you know, adorable dog things. 

But it gets even cuter when they have a sweet name like “Rainbow”, which will exemplify their personality. These names work well for yellow or golden dogs like labs or retrievers because they look like a sunny day in dog form. 

  1. Sunny

  2. Sunshine

  3. Sky

  4. Sonny

  5. Ozone

  6. Rainbow

  7. Sunrise

  8. Sunset

  9. Balmy

  10. Dew

  11. Thermal

  12. Heatwave

  13. Mercury

  14. Sol

  15. Camper

  16. Shade

  17. Dawn

  18. Dusk

  19. Beach

  20. Sunburn

  21. Yellow

Rainy Day-inspired Names

jack russell in a raincoat

Rainy days might be gloomy and depressing to some, but plenty of dogs and humans love a drizzly day. When you can hear the rain tap-tapping outside on the pavement or feel the moist, cool air after a long drought, it’s heaven.

Does your dog love splashing through puddles or basking in the rainfall? Name them after this weather event! You can give them a forceful name like “Gale,” like a Gale force wind, one of the strongest forces on earth. Or name them something cute and endearing like “breeze,” giving them an airy and blissful aura.

These names are extra appropriate if you have a blue dog, like a pitbull or poodle. This kind of coloring is rare but gorgeous when you get to see it. So take advantage of the many things to love about a rainy day, and name your dog after one!

  1. Drizzle

  2. Rain

  3. Puddle

  4. Thunder

  5. Bolt

  6. Lightening

  7. Storm Flash

  8. Hurricane

  9. Tsunami

  10. Cirrus

  11. Nimbus

  12. Breeze

  13. Downpour

  14. Cloud

  15. Flood

  16. Foggy

  17. Misty

  18. Muggy

  19. Gale

  20. Gust

  21. Monsoon

  22. Cumulus

  23. Eddy

  24. Fog

  25. Shadow

  26. Tornado

  27. Typhoon

  28. Vortex

Snowy Day-inspired Names

brown and white dog in the snow

A brown dog with white markings enjoying the initial snowfall.

If you love a winter wonderland, and so does your pup, consider choosing one of these adorable snowy day-inspired names. Whether it’s a delicate snowflake or a massive blizzard, these names can help capture your dog’s personality while appreciating those cold, cozy days in December. 

These names are gentle and soft, just like a fresh snowfall. And some of them pack a punch like “Surge.” So consider which of these names your puppy encapsulates if you know they love snow and want to commemorate their passion by including it in their name!

Snow day-inspired names are perfect for white or gray dogs that disappear when they lay down in the snow. Plus, you can keep the winter vibe present all year round.

  1. Snowflake

  2. Blizzard

  3. Snowbell

  4. Flurry

  5. Frosty

  6. Crystal

  7. Icicle

  8. Snowball

  9. Snowman

  10. Hail

  11. Surge

  12. Bluster

  13. Ice

  14. Freezer

  15. Snowcone

  16. Polar

  17. Arctic

  18. Tundra

  19. Sleet

  20. Thaw

  21. Windchill

  22. Glacier

Seasonal-inspired Names

yorkie shakes out water from its coat

If choosing just one type of weather isn’t your style, check out these seasonal-inspired names. From the names of months to temperature measurement systems, some of these names are super cute, and others will give your dog a more distinguished demeanor, such as “Equinox,” which marks a change in the seasons. If your dog has that kind of energy, where they command the room and love the outdoors, these seasonal names are perfect and charming. 

We even threw in some names relating to the moon since it pulls the tides and affects our weather here on earth. Sometimes when we think of the weather, we don’t think of the changing of seasons. But when the seasons change during the year, that’s when we experience some of the most impactful weather. 

  1. Autumn

  2. Summer

  3. June

  4. April

  5. May

  6. Winter

  7. Spring

  8. August

  9. Pumpkin

  10. Radar

  11. Fujita

  12. Isobar

  13. Kelvin

  14. Blossom

  15. Bloom

  16. Gourdy

  17. Equinox

  18. Lunar

  19. Solstice

dog in field

A brown and black dog loving life in a field. Always check your dog for grass seeds and ticks after outdoor play!

More dog name ideas

Final Thoughts 

Hopefully, one of these names will suit your new dog perfectly. Every time you call their name, you’ll think of how much they love to eat snow or lay in the sunniest spot in your yard. Weather names are timeless and are as simple as naming the dog after their birth month or reaching down into weather vocabulary to name them something unique and clever like “Kelvin”.