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  • Bad Things About Labradoodles – Temperament Issues

Bad Things About Labradoodles – Temperament Issues

Smart, social, loving, loyal, energetic, protective of their owners, and affectionate, is it any wonder Labradoodles are so popular as family pets?

But are there bad things about Labradoodles? What do you need to know about Labradoodle problems BEFORE you adopt?

Don’t feel bad – it is normal to want to know the bad things about a dog breed before adopting. As a dog expert AND a loving Labradoodle owner, I am in the ideal position to share with you the truth about Labradoodle life.

In this article we discuss

  • Excess energy issues – hyper Labradoodles

  • Why Labradoodle suffer BADLY from separation anxiety

  • Boss complex – when Labradoodles think they are in charge

  • Jumping, barking and other bad behavior

  • Grooming and shedding problems with Labradoodles

A Labradoodle running on the beach

Let’s get started

Labradoodles are a cross between a Poodle and Labrador Retrievers and were originally developed to be hypoallergenic guide dogs.

Over the years, unsurprisingly, this breed has gained immense popularity in the United States for its excellent temperament. Labradoodles are a relatively new breed of dog and are not a recognized breed as they are hybrids.

But did you know there are also certain downsides to a Labradoodle’s temperament? Owning a Labradoodle is not all fun and games. If not trained properly and in time, they can develop quite a few bad habits that can make you miserable. Here’s a list of bad things about Labradoodles’ temperament that you should know of.

1. Labradoodles Have Excessive Energy That Must Be Given Room to Express

While some dogs are quite content with the occasional walk or a short game of fetch, you need to do a lot more to tire out a Labradoodle. Being an energetic dog is great, but too much of anything can get quite dangerous.

running cream labradoodle

While Labradoodles also enjoy walking, often twice a day or more, it is not enough. Labradoodles need lots of exercises or else they can be extremely boisterous and neurotic, eventually developing some destructive behavior. You will need to ensure your new dog gets lots of opportunities to blow off steam. Even young Labradoodle pups need daily evening walks and regular exercise.

As the Labradoodle is a hybrid breed, they tend to grow larger than both of their parents (unless it is a toy labradoodle). This simply means you will have to make sure they spend their energy every day. Fully-grown Labradoodles can walk and run for over a mile only as a casual warm-up exercise.

If you don’t tire your Labradoodle, it will get bored and resort to chaotic behavior at home such as chewing of furniture, leather loafers, shoes, and whatever else catches its attention. It is unsafe to leave them home alone unattended or else you’ll be welcomed to a house that is completely destroyed.

While you can leave your dog loose in your yard, you have to make sure it is fenced-in, or else your Labradoodle without a leash will break out and take off to explore on its own. No matter how occupied you may be with work or the kids, you need to take time out from your busy schedule to exercise your dog.

They require a good amount of exercise every day, about 30-60 minutes should be just fine. This helps them to be physically fit and is also incredibly good for their mental health and well-being.

You can even count on your Labradoodle as your workout partner. You can get creative with your exercises and take your dog out for a jog, an obstacle course, or even some splash time in the swimming pool to cool off.

2. Labradoodles Have A Higher Proclivity To Separation Anxiety

Labradoodles are very loving and affectionate towards humans. So while they may bark at someone incessantly at the door, they are not much of a threat to a stranger. So treating them with love in return is absolutely the right thing, but if you smother your doodle puppy with love, it will grow increasingly attached to you.

australian labradoodle

Now, nothing wrong with being attached to your pet; after all, they are family to us. But this attachment does often lead to separation anxiety. It can cause dogs to freak out and panic when they are left alone at home.

In extreme cases, the idea of being alone will be too overwhelming for your dog and it can aggravate them so much that your dog may bark continuously, pace around constantly, or become destructive and rip at things in sight, be it shoes or the couch. (Popular Science)

Your doodle puppy has an innate fear that you will leave it alone and never come back. Labradoodles often feel helpless when they are left alone, especially when they are young pups. That is why you will have observed dogs tend to jump on you and show affection when you return to them after a few hours.

3. Labradoodle Are Great Watchdogs, But Terrible Guard Dogs

Labradoodles are overly exuberant and approach life at breakneck speed. If you have a Labradoodle, you must have experienced your dog waiting patiently to greet you with loads of tail wagging, kisses, and licking, maybe even with a ball in its mouth wanting to play with you.

cream labradoodle outdoors

They are overly devoted to the family, which makes them very protective. And if you try to cross them, you will be at the receiving end of some aggressive behavior, so beware. This quality makes them exceptional watchdogs.

But, if you think your Labradoodle will also be great at guarding your property, think again. This is a breed that is friendly to humans. There is a high chance your pup will just end up befriending a stranger and try to encourage a game of fetch or chase. The stranger will be greeted with loads of tail wagging and thumping of the tail instead of barking to make you aware of an outsider. This makes them a terrible choice for a guard dog.

4. Labradoodles Believe They Are The Leader Of The Pack

If a song had to be picturized on a Labradoodle it would be the track “Follow the Leader.” This dog breed is notorious for being the alpha in the pack. You will observe your doodle making demands to have a share of your food. Be ready for high-pitched verbal confrontations, resistance to commands, and a lot of barking to get you to give up your spot on the couch or chair, especially during the initial phases of getting your dog home.

labrador vs labradoodle

Older Labradoodles, in particular, can be very demanding and stubborn to suit their needs. They will ensure they get what they want, even if it means taking it from you.

This is why it is very important to train them when they are younger, or you will have puppies who grow up to constantly nag you to get their way. Start training your Labradoodle pup at an early age to avoid having a reluctant puppy dictating its terms and conditions that you will have to deal with throughout your life.

5. Labradoodles Tend to Jump On People A Lot

Does your Labradoodle leap on everyone who enters the front door? We’ve all come home to over-excited dogs. Jumping up and down in excitement and licking are common in most breeds. But, in the case of Labradoodles, this can become a problem. Your dog may be a jumper either due to over-excitement or pent-up energy.

So training them is essential. Labradoodles typically jump so much as humans are taller than them and they like having your face in front of them because they’ve probably missed you. One way to end the jumping spree is to bend down and come face to face with your pup so that it can discourage this habit.

Another reason is that Labradoodles want to grab your attention or to say a friendly hello. Sometimes they do it because they want a pat or a boop.

But not everyone is okay with unknown dogs jumping on them. This is why it is crucial to teach your pup to be a polite greeter.

Here’s how you can teach your doodle pup to help it avoid jumping on strangers. You will need a friend or neighbor for this demonstration.

  • Politely ask your pup to stay.

  • Ask your friend to ring the doorbell.

  • Give the “sit” command to your doodle.

  • When your friend approaches, let your dog know it can now greet him.

  • Repeat this process until your doodle becomes a pro.

Labradoodle stands on paws

6. They Tend To Bark More Than Other Breeds

Labradoodles are not really big barkers. And when you want them to bark and warn you about strangers, you will find them in their happy element begging to play with them. But they will bark at you for not giving in to their needs.

If they want you to get off their spot on the couch, or if they want to be let out, or if you leave them alone all day and go out, they will bark incessantly and loudly at the highest volume.They bark a lot if they don’t have their own way.

labradoodle in party hat

Other Things To Consider Before Bringing Home A Labradoodle

Let’s say, you see no specific drawbacks that bother you and are happy with this loving, excited furball. But you may want to pause and think about some other factors before purchasing your Labradoodle pup.

#1. Labradoodles Are Expensive

If you thought this cross-breed dog would be easy on your pocket, considering it is not a pure breed, this is the first thing you’ve got wrong. Labradoodles are exorbitantly priced.

And if you plan on buying an AKC-certified doodle, the prices will be much higher. You should be able to procure a Labradoodle puppy at approximately $1000, but the value can also shoot up depending on where you get it from and whether there are extra shipping costs involved.

#2. Labradoodle’s Coat is Not Always Hypoallergenic

The Labradoodle breed was created to be hypoallergenic in nature, which means that there is a much lower risk of it causing an allergic reaction. However, it is not a 100% hypoallergenic breed.

If you happen to be allergic to dog fur or have family members who are allergic, this hybrid breed may not be the right fit for you.

#3. Labradoodles Are More Susceptible to Illnesses

Labradoodles suffer from a list of ailments such as infections, ear and hip dysplasia, and epilepsy. Labradoodles are also highly prone to developing allergies, including seasonal allergies and food allergies.

Addison’s disease is another common illness found in Labradoodle. It affects the pituitary gland and may result in a whole host of issues. Other diseases found in Labradoodles are progressive retinal atrophy, sebaceous adenitis, lymphoma, and Von Willebrand’s disease.

Make sure you are aware of all these illnesses before you decide to get home a Labradoodle.

happy labradoodle puppy

Tips To Improve Your Labradoodle’s Temperament

#1. A Labradoodle has high levels of energy and enthusiasm, as it is a combination of a Labrador Retriever and poodle, both of which also have a great work ethic. So with regular training, you can teach your puppy proper etiquette, especially in front of strangers.

#2. The Labradoodle as a breed can be easily overwhelmed, and this may result in them tackling anything that comes in their way. Be careful if you have young kids as their sheer excitement may come across as boisterous and may lead to a kid being knocked over.

#3. Cross-check with the breeder if your to-be doodle pup is of the highest quality, or you are bound to have shedding issues that you wanted to avoid in the first place. Not just that, if you’re allergic to the coat, you may also be affected by your doodles’ shedding of skin. So, ensure you spend time with this hybrid breed before you bring home one.

#4. Since you know that this breed can become aggressive and destructive if not trained properly, make sure you provide your Labradoodle with adequate stimulation, both physically and mentally.

Labradoodle with head tilts

Final Thoughts: Is The Labradoodle A Good Fit For You?

Getting a Labradoodle puppy is like winning the lottery. There is a one-in-a-million chance of getting a doodle dog that suits your needs. Will it be more of a Poodle? Will it be more of a Labrador Retriever? You never know. You will have to simply wait and watch and hope for the best.

When choosing a doodle puppy, ensure you go to a responsible and ethical breeder who is interested in improving the breed.

And if the Labradoodle ticks off all points on your checklist, you can be assured that this delightful breed will be your perfect partner to have at home.