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  • When Is An Australian Labradoodle Full Grown? (with Photos!)

When Is An Australian Labradoodle Full Grown? (with Photos!)

An Australian Labradoodle is a cuddly dog with big round eyes. And unlike other Labradoodles with Poodle and Labrador Retriever heritage, an Australian Labradoodle also has an English or American Cocker Spaniel in its lineage.

It is highly sociable, joyful, extremely clever, clever, and energetic. And as it belongs to an extensive line of multigenerational crossbreeds, Australian Labradoodles come in varying sizes.

Australian Labradoodle full grown

Australian Labradoodles can grow to a height of 14 to 24 inches and a maximum weight of 65 lbs. If you are a proud parent of one and cannot stop wondering when your Australian Labradoodle will be full-grown, this comprehensive guide will answer most of your queries.

Australian Labradoodle Sizes

Australian Labradoodles come in three sizes—mini, medium, and standard. The dog’s size depends on the parent’s breed, height, and size. 

Australian Labradoodles different colors

Of the three sizes, the mini or miniature is the smallest. It stands around 13 to 16 inches tall and weighs about 15 to 30 lbs

A medium Australian Labradoodle can attain a height between 17 and 20 inches and weigh between 30 and 50 lbs.

A standard Australian Labradoodle is the largest, with an adult height between 21 and 24 inches and weighing between 50 and 70 lbs.

Refer to the below chart to figure out when your pup will turn into a full-grown Australian Labradoodle.

All dogs grow rapidly during the first few months, after which growth slows down considerably. Like other dog breeds, Australian Labradoodles gain around 50% of their adult weight during the first six months of age. 

They gain the remaining weight rather slowly, and the time to gain the adult weight depends on the dog’s size. So while a mini or medium-sized Australian Labradoodle may take another 6 to 7 months to attain its adult weight and height, a standard-sized dog will take much longer. 

The growth rate in Australian Labradoodles is sex-dependent as well. Female dogs have a more gradual growth rate. Similarly, at maturity, their growth tails off gradually. Male dogs have more abrupt growth dynamics.

They grow more rapidly, and their growth stops abruptly.

And although you can see in the chart that differently sized Australian Labradoodles attain full growth at different ages, almost all of them will achieve their full height at around one year of age. Later, the development is mostly in terms of weight as the dog fills out and gains muscle.

Australian Labradoodle

The Poodle parentage can play a key role in determining the size of a crossbreed. However, the same is not applicable for an Australian Labradoodle, as it is a multigenerational Doodle, and the process is not as straightforward as with other Poodle crossbreeds.

Australian Labradoodle sits on a couch

For other Doodle breeds, the generation may determine the Poodle percentage. So, whether a Doodle is F1, F1B, F1BB, F2, F2B, and so on will give an idea of the parentage and help determine the dog’s characteristics. 

However, the same does not apply to a Labradoodle. It has to be crossed for a minimum of 5 generations to qualify as a Labradoodle. Also, unlike other crossbreeds, a Labradoodle genetic makeup comes from more than two breeds.  

So, for a Doodle to classify as an Australian Labradoodle, it has to meet these two conditions:

  • Crossbreeding has reached 5 generations.

  • The dog’s pedigree includes Poodle, Labrador, and Cocker Spaniel. 

The Labradoodle must be continuously bred. Continuous breeding means both the crossed Labradoodles must have two Labradoodle parents as well. This must be repeated for 5 generations. 

Now, for the crossbreed to become an Australian Labradoodle, it has to fulfill just one more requirement—its pedigree must have one more breed

The breeds that are included for more desirable traits are:

  • English Cocker Spaniel

  • American Cocker Spaniel

  • Irish Water Spaniel

  • Curly Coat Retriever 

So when you add the above four and Poodle and Labrador, the Australian Labradoodle has a total of 6 possible parents. And although all of the above four breeds contribute, the Cocker Spaniel (mostly American) is preferred above other breeds. This is because breeders found that the Cocker Spaniel imparted more consistent traits than the other three. 

Australian Labradoodle Coats And Colors

The Australian Labradoodle has a fluffy coat that comes in three different types. They are:

Fleece-Textured: These are silky soft and can be either straight or wavy. Some also have spiral-shaped curls.

Wool-Textured: The coat is cotton-like on touch, like a lamb’s wool. The coat is usually curly with loose spirals that open readily.

Hair-Coat Type: This type has a coarse feel and can be either straight or wavy. This coat requires the least maintenance, whether you keep your dog’s hair short or long.

Australian Labradoodle puppies together

Australian Labradoodles come in various colors like white, red, black, parti, apricot, caramel, chocolate, merle, and more. However, don’t be surprised if the puppy changes color as it matures. The coat may either darken or fade, depending on the coat color.

Grooming Your Australian Labradoodle

The Australian Labradoodle has been developed continuously for the last 35 years. As a result, it is one of the least shedding dogs. However, this does not mean they have no grooming requirements.

dog brushes on a pink background

Below are some instructions on keeping your pup well groomed.

  • Start brushing as soon as you bring a puppy home. If you have a young pup, brush its coat at least 4 times a week. Continue this till the time your pup develops an adult coat. This will be around 18 months.

  • Use a brush and a dematting comb to remove all the tangles and to avoid the matting of the coat. Use rounded tip scissors to remove hair around the eyes.

  • The adult coat starts developing at around 8 to 10 months. This time necessitates excessive brushing, that is, multiple times a week. It is also the best time to give your puppy its first trim, as it is difficult to maintain long coats that shed. 

  • The adult coat may be established by 12 to14 months. This is the coat the puppy will have for its adult life.

  • An adult Australian Labradoodle has a low brushing requirement. It needs an hour of brushing every 2 weeks.

  • If you have an active lifestyle and your dog joins you on regular outings, hikes, and so on, it will require more brushing to remove the debris and loosen clumped hair.

  • Make sure your comb reaches the base of the hair. If necessary, invest in a metal greyhound comb.

  • Keep regular appointments with your groomer every 2 to 3 months to have your dog’s hair trimmed to the desired length. 

  • You can bathe your dog once a month or after a longer period if the coat is not visibly matted. 

  • Brush its teeth every month and trim his nails every 3 to 4 weeks.

Australian Labradoodle Temperament

Australian Labradoodles have fantastic personalities, and unlike first-generation Labradoodles who are hyperactive, Australian Labradoodles are calmer. They are intelligent, intuitive, balanced, loyal, sociable, and mature. They are widely used as service and therapy dogs; in fact, they were created for this sole purpose. 

Australian Labradoodle

Labradoodles are great with kids and love being around humans and other pets. They are naturally playful, witty, and comical. However, children must be supervised around young pups and mini Doodles, as these dogs are fragile, and their susceptibility to injury is high. 

Australian Labradoodles adapt well to crates; however, they must not be left inside the crate for too long.  

Full Grown Australian Labradoodle Diet And Feeding

Puppies have a higher calorie requirement than adults, as they are in a continuously growing phase and need enough nutrients to support the same. Also, as the dog comes in three different sizes, you need to understand that their daily feeding will depend on their size and provide accordingly. 

owner pouring dog food

Initially, the pup will need four daily meals along with snacking. As the puppy grows, it can be fed 3 meals, and as it reaches adulthood, 2 meals are sufficient. So, 2 ½ to 3 cups split into two meals is enough for an adult Australian Labradoodle. 

As the dog reaches adulthood, it no longer requires additional calories to support growth. They can be given an adjusted daily portion without changing diet plans. You can also start the dog on an adult diet with fewer calories.

If you feel your dog is getting overweight, you can split its daily food requirement of 2 to 3 cups into 3 meals instead of 2. You can also put in on a low fat, high fiber diet. Also, replace regular treats with low-calorie treats or small pieces of fruits and veggies like carrots and apples.

An Australian Labradoodle can become underweight if it does not consume the required amount of calories or burns off its intake with exercise. Also, if the dog is underweight, it could be due to some underlying health issue. Get your pet vet examined in this case.

You can add an extra cup of dog food to its diet or switch to dog food for puppies as it has more calories and fat content. 

Exercise Requirement of An Australian Labradoodle 

If you are expecting the beautiful animal to be a couch potato, you are wrong. Australian Labradoodle is an active dog that needs daily exercise. It has a low-to-moderate energy level.

Australian Labradoodle playing outdoors

Also, as the animal is highly intelligent, it will also need mental stimulation. 

And although the Australian Labradoodle comes in three different sizes, their exercise requirements vary by small amounts, with the Standard or Large Labradoodle having the highest exercise requirement and the mini having the least. 

30 to 40 minutes of daily exercise or a stroll in the park are enough to burn off the pent-up energy that comes with staying indoors. Also, an Australian Labradoodle loves the outdoors, making it a fantastic companion to take on hikes, the beach, swimming, jogging, and other physical activities. 

If you have a fenced backyard, it will suffice to meet the daily exercise requirement of your dog. For mental stimulation, provide your pet with toys and puzzles that will keep it intrigued and busy. If not, it may develop destructive behavior like chewing shoes and furniture.

Australian Labradoodle Training

The Australian Labradoodle is an intelligent breed, so training it is a breeze. However, you must initiate training as soon as the puppy comes to your home. Also, being an intelligent breed, the dog can outsmart the owner, so use gentle yet stern training tactics that make you the alpha of the pack. 

Australian Labradoodle sits with a ball

Although the puppy is smart and picks up most things after 2 or 3 repetitions, it is still necessary to be patient with the pup and encourage it with positive reinforcement. 

Even though your dog will have completed obedience training by the time it is fully grown, there is a lot more training yet to be completed. You will need to continuously reinforce their behaviors to prevent the development of any negative behaviors.

The temperament of the puppy also plays a vital role in its training. A well-socialized, healthy, and happy puppy will be easier to train and follow commands more readily. Also, puppies who are socialized early are less likely to develop behavioral problems later. 

Australian Labradoodle Health

Australian Labradoodles have the infamous “Hybrid Vigor” advantage. It is a theory that hybrid dogs have fewer inherited disorders than parental breeds and are comparatively healthier. 

Australian Labradoodle feeling cold

However, this does not mean they are immune to all inheritable diseases. Some diseases that an Australian Labradoodle can be prone to include:

  • Von Willebrand’s Disease

  • Elbow and Hip Dysplasia

  • Patellar Luxation

  • Progressive Retinal Atrophy

If your dog is continuously scratching or itching, it may be having an allergic reaction. It could be allergic to an ingredient in its food. You will need to diagnose it early to tackle the allergy.

Switch to hypoallergenic dog food if an allergy is what is troubling your dog.  


Australian Labradoodle is a fantastic dog breed that is friendly, intelligent, and great with kids and other pets. They are a hybrid breed with gene pools that can come from 6 different parent breeds and come in three different sizes. 

And while the miniature and medium Australian Labradoodles are fully grown by 13 months, the Standard Australian Labradoodle may take around 16 months to attain full growth. 

The Doodle crossbreed has gained a lot of popularity ever since it was developed. If you, too, are interested in adopting one, we hope this article has answered most of your queries.