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  • Are Yorkie Poos Hypoallergenic?

Are Yorkie Poos Hypoallergenic?

Humanity has spent decades, centuries even, trying to perfect our furry companions. Dog breeders and scientists are always looking for ways to make our best friends better for us to be around. One of the ways they have done this is by creating various cross-breeds of dogs that are considered hypoallergenic.

Certain breeds are considered hypoallergenic because of their non-shedding or low-shedding habits. Hypoallergenic dogs are less likely to cause allergic reactions in people with allergies to dogs. If you’re searching for a low-shedding dog, you may want to look at the Yorkie Poo.

are Yorkie Poos hypoallergenic

The Yorkie Poo is one breed considered hypoallergenic, but what does that really mean? 

What Does Hypoallergenic Mean?

The term “hypoallergenic” became popular throughout the cosmetics industry around the 1950s when make-up companies began making products that claimed not to cause user allergies. Since, it has become a common term used for many different products, from make-up to pillows, to even our pets.

hypoallergenic guard dogs

Hypoallergenic simply means that the product should not cause allergic reactions. As for dog breeds, hypoallergenic refers to dogs that do not shed as frequently as others. Hypoallergenic breeds typically consist of a curly or wavy-haired dog and a short-haired dog bred together.

These dogs are less likely to shed frequently because of their hair types.

What Makes a Dog Hypoallergenic?

Technically, no dog breed is 100% hypoallergenic. The protein that causes allergies to pets lives in the dead skin flakes called dander, not the hair itself. However, curly or wavy-haired dogs are less likely to cause allergic reactions since their dead skin cells and discarded hairs typically become tangled within their coats.

Additionally, dogs like the Yorkie Poo have hair instead of fur, meaning their hair will continue to grow but is less likely to fall out all over the place.

Some dogs, like the Yorkie Poo, are also considered low-shedding breeds or non-shedding. Low-shedding breeds are dogs that shed much less frequently than other breeds, while non-shedding are breeds that don’t shed very much. 

These breeds are hypoallergenic due to the reduced amount of dead skin cells or dander they shed. You may see a loose hair or two. However, you should not find tons of hair shedding.

It’s worth noting that shedding will vary between each dog.

What Is a Yorkie Poo?

Yorkie Poos are a unique Doodle breed. Bred between the Mini Poodle and Yorkshire Terrier, these little pups are just bursting with affection and energy. They can grow up to 15 inches in height and up to 14 pounds as adults, making them adorably tiny for their entire lives.

yorkiepoo puppy on grass

These pups are great pets for any size home due to their size making it easier for them to adapt to small spaces such as an apartment in the city or a small tiny house. However, these pups do have a lot of energy, so you must take them for walks daily and let them run around at dog parks often. 

Yorkie Poos tend to be frequent barkers as well. However, training early on in their youth can help to minimize these habits. Yorkie Poos are very trainable dogs and make warm, loving additions to any family looking for a hypoallergenic breed.

Genetics of Yorkie Poos

So, are Yorkie Poos hypoallergenic? Knowing your dog’s genetic history is crucial when searching for a hypoallergenic breed. Yorkie Poos can be anywhere from minimal to medium shedders depending on the genetic backgrounds of the parents. 

If your Yorkie Poo is a first-generation pup, they will consist of equal parts, half Poodle and half Yorkshire Terrier. When this happens, it will depend on which gene your dog develops more dominantly. 

For instance, a Yorkie Poo with a second-generation and a first-generation parent could be 75% Poodle and 25% Yorkshire Terrier. This combination would allow for less shedding due to the higher percentage of Poodle genes.

What Makes Yorkie Poos Hypoallergenic?

Yorkie Poos are hypoallergenic because they don’t shed frequently. They don’t shed much dander, which is what causes allergies. However, not all Yorkie Poos will result in a hypoallergenic dog. 

adult Yorkie Poo

Straight-haired Yorkie Poos will shed more than wavy or curly ones. Straight-haired dogs will result in the spread of more dander in your house, causing more allergic reactions. Most people who have allergies should avoid these types of Yorkie Poos. 

Wavy or curly-haired Yorkie Poos are more likely to be hypoallergenic because they do not shed very frequently. You will hardly ever find pet hair around your house with these types. However, wavy and curly-haired dogs require more grooming to upkeep their coat and prevent matting.

Do Yorkie Poos Shed?

Technically, yes. However, the Yorkie Poo is considered a non-shedding breed due to its minimal shedding habits with its Yorkie and Poodle genes. Yorkie Poos don’t have fur like some dogs. Instead, they have hair similar to humans.

Yorkiepoo wears a cool winter jacket

Because of their hair type, Yorkie Poos shed similarly to humans, meaning you may find hair here and there. 

However, you should not find hair all over your house like you would with dogs that shed regularly. Additionally, each Yorkie Poo will have different shedding and hair growth habits depending on which genes are most dominant. 

If your Yorkie Poo has more Yorkshire Terrier than Poodle in its genes, its hair will be straight, which will cause more shedding than a Yorkie Poo with more Poodle dominant genes. 

Regular grooming is crucial in keeping your dog’s coat healthy and shiny. Because Yorkie Poos have hair like humans, you should trim your pup’s coat regularly to avoid overgrowth.

How To Groom Your Yorkie Poo?

A regular grooming schedule is a vital part of any dog’s life. However, some breeds need less attention than others. Because of the Poodle in them, Yorkie Poo’s need a little more attention than some other breeds. 

dog brushes on a pink background

Moreover, your grooming habits will be different depending on the type of coat your Yorkie Poo develops. Yorkie Poo coats can be:

  • Wavy

  • Curly

  • Straight

Curly coats will require more attention than straight-haired coats will.

You can begin introducing your Yorkie Poo to professional groomers, starting at four months old. Early exposure to the environment of a grooming salon can ensure that your pup is comfortable with being handled by someone else. Additionally, your dog should have all of its vital vaccinations by four months.


If your Yorkie Poo has wavy hair, it has a relatively equal mix of Poodle and Yorkshire Terrier genes. The hair growth speed will vary with each dog. However, these Yorkie Poos will require trimmings regularly

Yorkiepoo on the grass

Grooming should also include daily brushing with a detangler to prevent mats. You can do this at home or hire a professional dog groomer.


Similarly, a curly coat indicates a heavy Poodle dominance. These pups will require daily brushing and full grooms, including trims, every four to six weeks. You can groom them yourself or have them professionally groomed. 

Yorkiepoo puppy tongue out

Daily brushing with curly-haired coats should include a detangler. Detangler will help remove any knots and help keep your dog’s hair soft and shiny.


Alternatively, straight-haired Yorkie Poos indicate a dominance of Yorkshire Terrier genes. Straight-haired Yorkie Poos require similar amounts of grooming regularly. Daily brushing and trims every four to six weeks will help cut down on stray hairs, as straight-haired Yorkie Poos may shed more than other hair types. 

Yorkiepoo puppy feels tired

Straight-haired Yorkie Poos need to get trimmed more frequently than other types because of the length and growth speed. Hair growth speed will vary in each dog.

How To Bathe Your Yorkie Poo?

Baths are crucial when grooming and help keep your pup’s coat clean and shiny. No matter what type of hair your Yorkie Poo has, it should be bathed regularly every two to four weeks. You should be washing and brushing your dog regularly between grooms. 

shampoo bottle

Before bathing, brush your dog’s coat out with a good detangler to loosen up all the dirt and excess hair. Then, wash your dog in a mild soap or dog shampoo and warm water. This can be a great bonding experience with your pup. 

After bathing, dry your dog’s hair thoroughly with a towel or a hair dryer in a low heat setting. Use a detangler and brush through your dog’s coat one more time before finishing. Additionally, check that your pup’s ears are dried thoroughly to prevent infections.

Remember not to over-bathe your pup. Bathing your dog more than twice a month could dry out its skin and cause irritations. Skin irritations or infections could induce more shedding in your dog regardless of the hair type. 

So, Are Yorkie Poos Hypoallergenic?

The answer to the question, “Are Yorkie Poos hypoallergenic?” is yes, Yorkie Poos are considered a hypoallergenic dog breed. However, it’s worth noting that no dog is 100% hypoallergenic. 

Yorkie Poos are an adorable mix between a Mini or Toy Poodle and a Yorkshire Terrier. They are full of energy and affection and are currently growing in popularity as a small family companion.

Yorkie Poos are non-shedding or low-shedding dog breeds meaning they produce less dander than other dogs. If your household has allergies but still wants to love a pup, Yorkie Poos might be just what you’re looking for!