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Are Poodles Hyper? [Poodle Energy Level Guide]

A common question for new owners is, “are Poodles hyper?”

In short, yes, Poodles can be hyper. Especially when they’re puppies. 

This is likely because Poodles were initially bred to be working dogs and, in turn, have high levels of energy. They are powerful dogs with a rich history of hard work.

How common is Poodle hyperactivity? What can you do to make dealing with these episodes easier? Read on to learn the answers to these questions!

Why Exactly Are Poodles Hyper?

poodle running outside

Poodles were initially bred to be working dogs. Therefore, they would participate in activities that required much from them physically, which allowed them to exert their energy.

In today’s world, most Poodles are simply family pets. Their primary purpose is companionship. Because of this new purpose they can’t use up their energy by hunting or retrieving. This extra energy can be frustrating and manifest as unwanted behavior!

This frustration often leads to them “acting out,” which can be overwhelming. It can be particularly stressful for new dog owners.

What Can I Do to Calm My Poodle?

Thankfully, there are several different avenues that you can take to calm your Poodle down that require physical activity.

An excellent first step is ensuring that they have adequate space to run around. If your home or yard doesn’t provide the necessary space, consider looking into dog parks nearby and letting them run around there for a bit.

If you do have the space at home and you notice them getting hyper, let them outside.

Regular walks will also help keep Poodles calm. The stimulation from smelling new things will help just as much as physical activity will. 

Poodles were born to swim! Try finding a place in your area that’s safe for them to swim. If you don’t have a suitable location around you, even a kiddie pool for them to splash around in can provide them with an excellent outlet to get rid of pent-up energy.

Do you have friends that have dogs? Schedule a doggy play date with them and let your Poodle play safely. This is a good way to keep them from getting hyperactive and help familiarize them with other dogs.

One final suggestion is to play with them! Since it’s ingrained in them to be good at retrieving, try playing catch with your dog. This is a great bonding activity and often ends up being just as fun for you as it is for them.

An important thing to remember overall is that if your Poodle is often home alone during the day, it can be good to have someone pop in and visit with them or occasionally take them to daycare.

are poodles hyper exercising black poodle

Does Intelligence Play a Role?

Poodles are one of the most intelligent dog breeds. Because of this, they’re easy to train and are excellent at learning new tricks.

Because of their intelligence, if a Poodle is mentally unstimulated, it can also lead to them being hyper.

To remedy this, particularly when they’re puppies, try:

  • Teaching them tricks

  • Using food puzzles

  • Enrolling them in agility training

  • Allowing them to sniff

Teaching them tricks regularly and providing them with new toys to use will help them to feel mentally stimulated and ensure that they’re properly trained before it’s too late.

Another option to consider aside from tricks and new toys is making use of food puzzles. There are a wide variety of options available, but making them work for their food helps them to use their brain and slow down their eating at once.

Agility training is a great way to combine physical and mental stimulation. When they think about how to tackle each obstacle, it’s using brainpower and all the obstacles require running, jumping, etc. so it’s sure to help them burn off some energy as well!

Finally, remember that sniffing is one of the most significant ways that dogs take in information. So if you’re taking them on a walk, allow them enough time to sniff and enjoy themselves rather than rushing them along.

poodle sits on a outdoor lounge

Can You Give Poodles Something to Stay Calm?

If you find that your Poodle seems to be hyper even with proper physical and mental stimulation, there are two possible causes.

The first applies if your Poodle is still a puppy. Poodle puppies need around 18 to 20 hours of sleep a day! If they aren’t getting nearly enough, they’re likely overtired, leading to hyperactivity the same way it does for humans.

Be sure to give them an adequate area to sleep in. It should be a quiet and calm space that allows them to relax and sleep as much as they need when they’re young.

The second possibility is that you have a legitimately hyperactive dog, meaning that they’re in a constant state of hyperactivity versus having short bursts due to a lack of proper care.

This situation is rare, but it’s characterized by:

  • Their inability to fully relax even at home

  • A short attention span

  • An elevated heart rate/breathing rate

If you notice these signs in your dog, talk to your vet so that they can fully assess the situation and give you proper advice based on your Poodle specifically. 

At What Age Should You Expect a Poodle to Calm Down

Depending on the type of Poodle that you have, you can expect them to be fully grown at different ages, when they reach adulthood impacts when they will grow out of their puppy phase and start being calmer.

chocolate toy poodle eats food from a bowl

Toy Poodles

Toy Poodles reach adulthood at age one, where they will be between six and 9 pounds. At this point, they should be noticeably calmer than when they were a puppy.

Despite their smaller size, toy poodles have the same energy as full-size Poodles and should be treated the same when it comes to exercise. 

Toy poodles are often considered to be the most hyper of all the Poodle sizes. Although as a general rule this is unfair, there are plenty of hyper-energetic Toy Poodles.

Toy Poodles are known for surprisingly high energy levels and often have a lot of trouble calming down. This can make them difficult to handle for some people, and often results in them being given up to shelters or rescues.

There are a number of things that you can do to help your small Poodle calm down. One of the most important is to make sure that you are providing enough exercise for them. Taking them on walks and playing with them will help tire them out and make it easier for them to relax when they’re at home.

Puzzles toys or Frozen Kong’s provide a great distraction if your Poodle needs to spend some time at home alone.

You should also train your small Poodle to be calm using positive reinforcement methods. If they associate treats with calm, they will become more calm. Poodles are very food motivated!

Miniature Poodles

Miniature Poodles, like toy Poodles, will reach adulthood around the one-year mark where they will weigh 10-15 pounds. They are still intelligent and natural athletes, so keep this in mind as you work to provide them with proper stimulation in both cases.

a black poodle at the beach

Standard Poodles

Larger breeds take longer to reach their full size of 40-70 pounds, so standard Poodles are considered adults between 18 and 24 months. 

Keep in mind that between toy, miniature, and standard size Poodles, the standard Poodle will need the most space due to their size.

The Final Poodle Hyperactivity Breakdown

Are poodles hyper dogs? They certainly can be if they aren’t given the proper environment to enrich them mentally and physically.

If you notice your Poodle is hyper when they’re a puppy, it’s normal due to their age, but it can be from a lack of sleep.

If your fully-grown Poodle is acting hyper, consider what activities they take part in each day and try to work in some of the suggestions mentioned here if it seems like they might need more play.

Above all, your Poodle was born to be full of energy and life, so expect them to need much playtime and special attention to remain calm and happy.