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  • Are Poodles Fussy Eaters? [Tips to Fix]

Are Poodles Fussy Eaters? [Tips to Fix]

If you’re considering getting a Poodle or recently got one, you might have one question: are Poodles fussy eaters?

All dogs can be picky at times, but Poodles being fussy about what they eat is a common issue reported by many owners. 

Unlike other breeds, they are less motivated by food, and, as a result, they typically only eat when they’re hungry. This might prove to be an issue for you if you prefer to have your dogs on a specific eating schedule or are only home during certain times of the day.

What can you do to help your Poodle eat more easily? Continue reading to find out!

Why Is My Poodle Picky in the First Place?

Best dog food for poodles

There are many reasons that your Poodle might appear to be picky about their food, but some common problems are:

  • Eating human food

  • Too many treats

  • Improper dog food choice

  • Too much food provided

  • They’re stressed or anxious

  • Illness, dental issues, etc.

  • Some dogs get bored of their food

Let’s examine each of these areas to consider if this is a potential problem for your pet.

Eating Human Food

Resisting puppy dog eyes can be challenging, so chances are you’ve caved and given your pet food from your plate at times. If you’re doing this more often than you think or other people in your household are doing the same, it adds up.

Your Poodle might simply not be hungry because they’re getting too much food elsewhere. But, aside from getting enough food to fill them up, humans’ diet is much higher in certain nutrients than the diet that dogs typically have.

To fix this issue, be sure to limit any table food that you give your dog, potentially avoiding giving them any altogether to see if things get better.

Too Many Treats

Similarly, if you’re giving your Poodle too many treats throughout the day, this also might fill them up and prevent them from wanting to eat their food when the time comes.

Treats are often high in calories and can fill your dog up more quickly than you might think. Poodles are brilliant dogs, so if there’s an opportunity to get a treat, you can bet that they will take it.

Try only to give treats for unique moments and have a limit in mind that everyone in the household is aware of.

chocolate toy poodle eats food from a bowl

Improper Dog Food

Even though you likely tried very hard to choose a food that you thought would be perfect for your Poodle, there’s always a chance that your food choice doesn’t agree well with them or that there’s something in it that they’re allergic to.

Your dog will avoid eating their food if they know that it makes them feel sick. In addition, if you recently switched their food, they might be adjusting, and that takes time.

Overall, if you think that there’s a chance your Poodle has an issue with their food, try introducing them to a different food slowly and monitoring how they react.

Too Much Food

If you have a miniature or toy Poodle, they will undoubtedly need less food than a Standard Poodle. So be sure to adjust the amount of food that you’re giving them based on their size.

You might feel that they aren’t eating enough when they’re eating the perfect amount for their weight. Unlike humans, dogs won’t typically overindulge just because the food is there. If they’re eating some, but not all of it, try adjusting the portion size and seeing how much they eat.

This helps prevent you from wasting food over time as well!

poodle running outside

Stress or Anxiety

A Poodle’s appetite might wane if they’ve experienced a lot of new changes recently. A move, recent visitors, a baby, and a new schedule can all throw off their world and cause them to be stressed out or anxious.

This situation should be temporary, and when they adjust, their appetite should return to normal. However, if it seems like it’s going on for too long, it might be worth investigating further.

Illness or Medical Issues

One final potential cause of your Poodle being a fussy eater is illness or other medical issues such as dental problems or fleas.

If your Poodle is afflicted with some sort of sickness, their appetite might suffer as a result. If your dog refuses food for more than 24 hours, has symptoms that relate to a medical issue, or appears lethargic or withdrawn even with no other present problems, it’s a good idea to get in contact with your vet.

There are many reasons why your Poodle might be eating less food or being picky about their food in general, but the ones mentioned here cover many of the bases. But, again, if you notice them losing weight, always take them to the vet.

We’ve established why Poodles might be avoiding eating, but what can you do to help?

poodle sits on a outdoor lounge

Tips to Help Your Poodle Thrive

Any pet owner desires for their pet to thrive and have a happy life, and a big part of that means ensuring that they’re eating enough food. Here are some simple ways to encourage your Poodle to consume an appropriate amount of food to get the nutrients that they need to thrive:

Let’s investigate these tips more in-depth to gain a complete understanding of what to do in different situations.

Limit Scraps

As mentioned earlier, feeding them too much table food can fill them up and prevent them from eating their food. So keep this practice to a minimum from the start to prevent it from being an issue that you have to wean them from.

Monitor Cat Food

Dogs will eat other animals’ food, including cats. If you have a cat, keep an eye on their food and make sure that your dog isn’t getting into their food rather than their own.

Help Them to Stay Active

If your Poodle is constantly sitting around and doesn’t have the space or opportunity to get exercise, not only will they potentially avoid eating because they’re depressed, but they also might not be burning enough calories to work up an appetite.

Be sure to allow them to run and play as often as possible.

gray poodle happy at the vet

Give Them Space

Nobody likes being watched while they eat. So instead of hovering over them when it’s time for them to eat, try giving them space, potentially even leaving the room and giving them the privacy they need to eat in peace.

Switch Food Gradually

If you need to switch your Poodle’s food for any reason, make sure to do it gradually rather than making a significant change all at once.

If possible, gradually mix in the new food with their current food, increasing how much you add over time. This will help them get used to the taste and texture and avoid the shock when you give them a big change.

happy poodle outside on grass

Implement These Tips for a Healthy and Happy Poodle

Making sure your Poodle eats enough food and gets quality food that’s designed for them is the key to having a healthy and happy Poodle.

Familiarize yourself with the signs and reasons that your Poodle might not be eating their food as mentioned here, and put into practice the five given tips to have a seamless experience overall.