Are Maltipoos Hypoallergenic?

Animal lovers who have allergies no longer need to live life without a pet, thanks to hypoallergenic dog breeds. So, as you’re looking at your options, you might be wondering—are Maltipoos hypoallergenic?

Yes, Maltipoos are just about as hypoallergenic as they come. However, no dog is ever fully allergy-free since most people are allergic to a dog’s dander, saliva, and urine. 

are maltipoos hypoallergenic

Therefore, in this guide, I’ll walk you through what makes Maltipoos hypoallergenic and ways that you can further reduce pesky allergy-causing issues by bringing this dog into your home.

What Does Hypoallergenic Mean?

According to the Oxford Dictionary, hypoallergenic means that a given material is “unlikely to cause” allergies. Note that it doesn’t promise that you won’t experience any allergy symptoms, but the odds are in your favor.

mixed color maltipoo wavy puppy

Why are Maltipoos Hypoallergenic?

If the scientist in you is curious about the “why” behind hypoallergenic dogs, this section is for you. Three primary components make Maltipoos hypoallergenic.

1. Little Dander

That’s right; I mean dander, not dandruff. Dander and dandruff are essentially the same things—they’re both a product of skin flaking. However, dandruff is flaky skin that only comes from the scalp, whereas dander is flaky skin from an animal’s body.

Maltipoos have a low concentration of dander on their body. Much of this has to do with the quality of their fur, for dander in other dog breeds happens when dirt and irritants get buried beneath the fur and irritate the skin.

Animal dander is a significant problem for people with allergies, which is why Maltipoos are such a great option.

2. Low Shedding Coat

Of course, there are plenty of people who choose to bring home a Maltipoo for this very reason—there’s less cleanup involved to keep the floors and furniture clean.

The reason that Maltipoos are low shedders is that they only have a single-layer coat. Their fur also tends to grow long instead of shedding. Therefore, you’ll need to take your Maltipoo to the groomer regularly. 

3. Don’t Drool Often

According to a study performed in 2013, dog saliva has a greater amount and diversity of proteins that cause dog allergies in people. And allergies or no allergies, I think it’s safe to say that everyone benefits when dogs don’t drool profusely.

Of course, if you just played a long game of tug-of-war in the backyard with your Maltipoo, he’s going to drool more from panting. Therefore, it’s helpful if you have a nice space outdoors where your dog can regulate his breathing before coming into the house. 

Some of the dog breeds most notorious for drooling are Saint Bernards, Newfoundlands, and Pugs.

maltipoo how long do they live

The Fourth Factor

If you have dog allergies, you likely know that a whiff of dog urine can send you into a sneezing spell. Unfortunately, there’s nothing different about Maltipoo urine to help lessen this part of a dog allergy.

However, Maltipoos are intelligent and pick up on house training easily. So, you shouldn’t have to tend to accidents in the house for very long if you bring home a Maltipoo puppy.

How to Keep Your Home Allergy Free with a Maltipoo

Choosing a Maltipoo is an excellent first step for people with allergies since this dog breed is hypoallergenic. However, it’s your responsibility to maintain your Maltipoo and your home environment so that it remains a place that’s suitable for people with allergies.

If you notice that you suddenly have allergies in your home after having your Maltipoo for a while, it could be because you need to tweak one or more of the following routines.


You should get your Maltipoo groomed at least once per month. Even though Maltipoos have little dander, it’s better to let a professional groomer do this or someone in your home who doesn’t suffer from allergies since it could still stir up some allergic reactions.

By bathing and clipping your Maltipoo regularly, it’ll remove the little bit of dander that it produces. It’ll also catch the small amounts of shedding hair before they make their way into your home.

If you choose to bathe your Maltipoo on your own, make sure to use soap made for dogs; if you use human soap, it could dry out your dog’s skin and have the opposite effect you want since it could force your Maltipoo to produce more dander.

Utilize Air Cleaners

Since no dog is entirely allergy-free, it’s an excellent idea to purchase an air cleaner after you welcome your Maltipoo into your home.

There are many air filter options on the market, catering to different budgets. However, if your wallet can accommodate it, I recommend choosing a system that has multiple filters and removes particles under 0.4 microns. 

Keep Your Hands Clean

It’s certainly not convenient, but if your allergies are bad, it’s best to wash your hands after you touch your Maltipoo. The reason being that your hands can pick up the traces of dander that your Maltipoo carries, and you might then touch your face with it, flaring up your allergies.

That said, you can try a technique to see if you can get away with not washing your hands after touching your Maltipoo. I recommend starting by petting your Maltipoo after having it groomed without washing your hands to see how you react. 

If that goes well, then continue that process to see how many days or weeks you can go from the time of grooming without a reaction. Because Maltipoos have such little dander, it’s possible you might not have any reaction at all.

grooming maltese vs maltipoo

Keep Your House Clean

It might seem like a no-brainer, but even though Maltipoos don’t shed much, you’ll still need to clean your house more frequently than before you brought your four-legged love into your family.

You know your dog, house, and health best, so I’ll leave it up to you just how frequently you think you should clean. While you’re at it, make sure to wash your clothes regularly, too, instead of tossing on the same shirt or pants two days in a row—dander can cling to your clothes, stirring up allergies.

Read This Before Buying a Hypoallergenic Dog

Although Maltipoos have excellent features for preventing allergic reactions, it doesn’t mean that a highly sensitive person won’t experience allergy symptoms. For this reason, before you and your Maltipoo get attached to each other, you should spend time with someone else’s Maltipoo first.

That way, you’ll already know how your body will likely react, and you won’t have to make the heart-breaking decision to give your Maltipoo up for adoption.

Are You Ready to Finally Have a Dog in Your House?

Bringing home a Maltipoo is an exciting time for a person who suffers from allergies. It can give you the freedom to care for and cuddle with a dog—a privilege that you may have never experienced before. 

Although Maltipoos are hypoallergenic, some people may still experience allergies around them. Therefore, it’s important for you to spend time around this breed before welcoming one into your home so that you know how your body will react.