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  • Are Dalmatians Hypoallergenic? (TRUTH and How to Stop Shedding)

Are Dalmatians Hypoallergenic? (TRUTH and How to Stop Shedding)

Dalmatians are medium-sized dogs uniquely known for their spotted coats. Their patterns are mostly polka dots of black and brown spots.

Among their many characteristics is their energetic gusto, playful and lively attitude. They are fun to have around the family.

are Dalmatians hypoallergenic

But before you decide to become a parent to one because of all its attractive qualities, you might want to be sure if they are hypoallergenic, especially if you have allergies.

If you decide to become a parent to a Dalmatian, you’ll most likely experience less shedding and the obnoxious doggy smell it might emit as a ‘bonus.’ Less shedding of the Dalmatians is because they have a non-shedding coat that secretes lesser dander compared to their heavily furry companion.

If your allergies are not so severe, you might be able to manage one as simple as being triggered by hair. Beyond the non-shedding coat of Dalmatians, other factors contribute to allergic reactions.

Qualities of a Dalmatian Dog Breed

If trained well, Dalmatians tend to be obedient pets. They have a phlegmatic temperament, which is associated with being relaxed and peaceful.

On a psychological level, Dalmatians are not prone to fear, nor do they get angry easily. They are quite friendly.

Additionally, they make the list as one of the most active and outgoing pets. They require a bunch of outdoor activities, not the type to turn a log of sleeping wood inside the house.

However, Dalmatians are sometimes bred separately. This is because they tend to become aggressive. 

Although Dalmatians look sturdy and stern on the outside, there are several health conditions they are genetically exposed to. One of the health conditions they are prone to is dislocations of the hips

Dalmatian plays tug of war

Are There 100% Hypoallergenic Dogs?

A hypoallergenic dog is often used to refer to a dog that possesses “no allergy-triggering features.” But the question to be asked here is, can dogs be regarded as having a hundred percent hypoallergenic nature?

The straight-to-the-core answer to that is an emphatic NO!! In contrast to the generalizations of some folks, no dog breed is a hundred percent hypoallergenic, according to the American Kennel Club. Experts agree that dogs cannot be a hundred percent hypoallergenic merely on the grounds of secreting less or having a non-shedding coat.

Fun fact is, dogs that are generally referred to as having a non-shedding coat in fact still shed hair! Shocking right? Well, they still shed hair, but this shedding might not be overtly noticeable like it is in other breeds.

large hypoallergenic dogs

Do Dalmatians Shed?

As dogs grow and develop, just like any other animal, they shed their hair frequently to replace old ones and give room for newly developed coats. This subsequently leads to the old ones falling out continuously throughout their lifetime. The cycle of shedding and growing hair can’t be stopped or denied in any dog breed.

It is part of the life cycle of every dog breed.

Dog allergies are induced by irritants present in their urine, saliva, or hair. Dalmatians might ‘fool’ you into thinking that because of their short hair they probably don’t shed a lot. 

Hate to break it to you, but they do shed so much that baldness has become their trademark. Dalmatians shed all year long, just like long-haired dogs, maybe not as much, but close enough.

Nonetheless, some breeds are considered hypoallergenic and are so-called because they produce less dander as a result of their very minimal coat shedding.

Dalmatian with owner

Coats in Dogs

Speaking of coats, there are generally two different types, usually found in dogs. There are single and double coats.

Dogs with double coats are often shed during the summer, as they can make it through the season because of their thick coat.

In the case of Dalmatians, they tend to have single coats with shorter hair. Dalmatians may not be hypoallergenic in nature, but the single coat they have makes them Dalmatians shed a bit less than dogs with double coats. One of the reasons why they shed more during spring can be adduced to the warmer temperatures.

poodle vs shih tzu coats

Tips to Avoid An Allergic Reaction to Dalmatians

If enjoying life with your favorite pup is something you want to do despite allergies, here are a few tips to help prevent having irritants around that trigger your allergies:


Adequate grooming for your dogs can never be overemphasized. Proper grooming makes a whole lot of difference in how much your allergies are triggered.

You may ask how. Well, it helps to curb excess dander hanging all over your home. What makes grooming even more important is things to their coat by brushing it regularly even during their “non-shedding” seasons.

Another grooming option that works perfectly is moisturizing. Your dog’s skin mustn’t be completely dry at all times.

This is because dry skin equals more dander, and a properly moisturized and oily one equals less dander and fewer allergies.

Additionally, you should do the brushing outside. You don’t want the fur flying around in your house.

Dalmatian in the car


The popular but erroneous belief that bathing your Dalmatians often prevents too much dander is far from the real truth. On the flip side, frequent bathing can enhance having dry skin, which, as you already know, equals more dander.

Bathing should only be done when necessary. Based on expert recommendations, bathing should happen once a month or every 6 weeks, as the case may be.

However, if your dog is engaged in a lot of outdoor activities, you can give him a quick bath to get the dirt off. Nothing too thorough. Bathing should be done with natural shampoo or conditioner, so their skin can always stay moisturized.

Washing Your Hands After Petting Your Dog

When petting your dog, particles like dander can get stuck in your fingers or hands. It’s of the utmost importance that you wash your hands after parting with your Dalmatian.

If you don’t take to washing up immediately after petting, you might unconsciously get those irritants one step closer to places they shouldn’t be, like your eyes, head, nose, and face.

washing hands

Controlling The Dander Fest

Dog’s hair spreads everywhere and every place they come in contact with, the couch, kitchen, your clothes, just about anywhere. You might as well have dog hair in your food if you don’t put measures in place to control the spread of your dog’s hair. Your best bet is to contain the shedding fiasco all over the house.

How can you do that? Keep reading to learn how.

The best location to contain the hair your Dalmatian sheds is where he sleeps when he retreats for the day. While sleeping, lots of shedding happens as a result of the fact that their bodies get pressed against something.

By that token, you should take out time to train your dog on how to find its sleeping spot at night. That way, you can easily capture the hair shredded all night long in a single spot. Unlike when he sleeps in different places on different days.

Dalmatian sits on bed

Make Your Bedroom Out of Bounds 

Getting cuddled up with your dog and snuggling with them all night long might be the cutest thing. But if you have allergies, you might want to have a rethink. Whether in their beds or yours, they will always shed.

Dogs are fond of itching and scratching their skin. When they do, they shed a lot of hair with dander in it.

You want to get the irritants as far away as possible. To do that, you should make your dog understand that your bed is off-limits to them unless you allow it. You can enforce that by shutting the door often so your dog gets the message.

Recommended Hypoallergenic Breeds for Allergy Sufferers

As examined earlier, hypoallergenic dogs shed the least among all other dog breeds. By that token, they produce the least dander because of their non-shedding coats. If you’re trying to look into others, this is a recommended list of hypoallergenic breeds that suit severe allergy sufferers:

  • Portuguese Water Dog

  • Giant Schnauzer

  • Irish Water Spaniel

  • Kerry Blue Terrier

  • Lagotto Romagnolo

  • Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier

  • Spanish Water Dog

  • Standard Schnauzer

  • Afghan Hound

  • American Hairless Terrier

  • Lagotto Romagnolo

  • Maltese

  • Miniature Schnauzer

  • Peruvian Inca Orchid

  • Poodle

  • Bedlington Terrier

  • Bichon Frise

  • Chinese Crested

  • Coton de Tulear

hypoallergenic guard dogs


When all is said and done, if you have serious allergies, becoming a parent to one might not be the best option, even with the tips given to help you manage them. However, if your allergies are mild, then these tips are fantastic practices you should adopt.

Nonetheless, some breeds can still suit you, even if you have extreme allergic reactions. You can always opt-in for hypoallergenic dog options. And by hypoallergenic, we do not mean dogs that do not shed at all.

We hope this answers your questions and helps you draw a conclusion on whether or not the Dalmatian breed is the best choice for your family.