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Are Cockapoos Hypoallergenic? [Good for Allergy Sufferers]

Do puppies and dogs make your cough, sniff or splutter? Then a Cockapoo might be the perfect dog for you.

Are Cockapoos hypoallergenic? Yes! These uber low shedding dogs can be perfect for people with dog allergies.

are cockapoos hypoallergenic an allergic child sneezes

The Cockapoo Lowdown

Cockapoos (also known as Cockapoodles or Spoodles) are intelligent, kind, and energetic dogs. Many families, especially those with kids, get excited at the prospect of bringing this adorable dog home.

puppy eyes of Cockapoo

Why Do Dogs Trigger Allergies?

Dog allergies are commonly caused by a protein usually found in your dog’s skin cells, which you can find in abundance in your canine’s dander. Dander refers to flecks of dead skin that are shed by your pets, including dogs and cats.

are cockapoos hypoallergenic

Another source of this allergen would be your dog’s saliva, which has the same protein content. Dog urine can also set off allergies in people who have a sensitive immune system.

Again, a dog’s fur or coat does not trigger sneezes and rashes. Instead, it is the danger about which you have to worry. Unfortunately, dander is part of a dog’s life. 

Are Cockapoos Hypoallergenic?

If your heart is all set to have a dog despite your dog allergies, then here is a hypoallergenic dog for you.

looking up Cockapoo puppy

Meet the Cockapoo, your new best friend.

Yes, they are good for allergy sufferers. So if you have a dog allergy but still want to have a furry canine around the house, then one of the best breeds for you is the Cockapoo.

What Makes Cockapoos Hypoallergenic Dogs?

Cockapoos make great companions. They love being around their humans. The best part? They can still be around you even if you have a dog allergy.

bringing Cockapoo at work

With a relatively low chance of triggering an allergic reaction, this breed is considered one of the best hypoallergenic pets in the canine kingdom. This hybrid pet inherits the best of both worlds: the Cocker Spaniel’s outgoing personality and the hypoallergenic coat of the Poodle.

So what makes the Cockapoo special?

This breed has several secret weapons to have its forever home with you sans the clogged nose and teary eyes.

Low Dander Level   The skin of cockapoos is generally healthier compared to other dog breeds. Yes, their skin goes through the usual natural process of replenishing and growing almost at the same pace as the rest of the dogs, but this breed rarely suffers from skin conditions. From the F1 Cockapoo to a multigen F3 Cockapoo we see a low dander drop.

Ringlet Coat – Again, much credit goes to the Poodle heritage because Poodles have tight curls. Cockapoos usually inherit the Poodle ringlet coat, which keeps all that dander contained and away from you. The time it all comes out in the open is during your trip to the groomers. It is good because all the possible allergens get released outside your home. 

which cockapoos are hypoallergy

The F1b Cockapoo is about as hypoallergenic as you can get. The full benefit of being 75% Poodle and inheriting their ringlet wavy or curly coat.

Low Molting Level – It is common for dogs to molt twice a year. That’s when skin cells make their way to couches and sofas by piggybacking on your pet’s hair loss or excessive shedding. The months of May and September are pegged as the “molting months.” But even during these times, Cockapoos don’t molt as much. Some breeds like the Chow Chow and the Husky molt so badly that they leave a trail of hair. This is not the case for cockapoos. 

No Mouthy Mucus – Giving credit to both parents, Cocker Spaniels drool acceptably while Poodles are not fond of doing it. So you can expect their cross-breed product not to drool and slobber. Some folks with dog allergies have severe reactions to dog saliva, usually ending up with an asthma attack. Luckily, you won’t get to deal with this when you have a Cockapoo because most of the time, they don’t turn their drool into a gushing waterfall. 

A word of caution, though, that Cockapoos can be avid lickers. The Cockapoo owner shoudl expect the occasional face lick! This behavior can be curbed through training and positive reinforcement.

What Are the Symptoms of Dog Allergies?

You may have an instant reaction when a dog goes near you, depending on the severity of your allergy. For others, it might take several days for the symptoms to show.

Here are the usual indicators that you might be allergic to dogs:

  • Patches of red skin on the area that a dog has licked

  • Hives or rashes on the chest, face, and neck

  • Itching and swelling around the eyes and nose

  • Nasal congestion

  • Coughing or sneezing

  • Shortness of breath or wheezing

  • Watery eyes

You might experience one of these signs or, in some cases, a combination of several of these symptoms. It is no fun at all, and it sadly will impact your daily routine. 

These health indicators can sometimes put off the prospect of wanting a dog of your own. 

These puppies are a blend of two gorgeous parents: the long-eared, long-haired, and long-lashed Cocker Spaniel and the curly and elegant-looking Poodle.

With both parents boasting of attractive looks, good temperament, and intelligence, it is no wonder Cockapoos make idealpets.

Many families and single people put this dog breed among their top choices when considering getting a dog. Its designer looks are more than enough reason to want one, but there are a lot of good surprises that come with the Cockapoo breed.

Do You Want a Cockapoo? [Think About This BEFORE Allergies]

Wanting to have a puppy, specifically a Cockapoo, is not as simple as adopting one from the animal rescue shelter or getting in touch with a breeder. A dog owner needs to think through several dynamics, especially if you are living with other people.

are cockapoo low allergy
  • Do you have the time and budget for a pet?

  • Is your home spacious enough for a pet?

  • Is the breed friendly towards people, especially children?

  • Is anyone in your house allergic to canines? 

  • Do you have any dog allergies?

Most people would love to have their own canine best friend. Who can say no to a furry animal that loves you unconditionally and would protect you at all cost? 

But sometimes, you have to say no to a doggo for health reasons. Your health takes precedence above all. But do notworry; there might be a breed meant for you (perhaps a Cocker Spaniel Poodle Mix!)

Understanding the Cockapoos Coat

Although Cockapoos are low-shedding – almost non-shedding – dogs, you still have to devote time to grooming them. Since you will spend less time vacuuming the hair off your floors, you can have more time to groom instead.

Before jumping to grooming, it is best to understand the kinds of fur that your crossbred dog will have.

Due to its purebred Cocker Spaniel and Poodle parents, this breed’s coat is one the most interesting among the entire crossbreeds in the dog kingdom.

Tracing to its Cocker Spaniel parent with a double-layer coat, it is made up of long and straight or sometimes a little curly outer coat. They also have a thicker undercoat that provides the softest insulation.

As for the other parent, the Poodle, this breed usually keeps a one-layer medium-length coat that is slightly coarser but extremely curly.

With this combination, there are three possible coat types for your “designer dog” Cockapoo: (Curly, Wavy, and Straight coat)

Single coated with a coarse and tightly curly coat – this kind is prone to shedding a little if any at all.

Single to a double-layered coat with wavy and loose curls – shedding for this type of coat is minimal except during the conventional shedding season.

Double coat with straight to a little wavy coat – among all three coats, this type sheds the most according to a Cockapoo standard. That’s still less compared to other dog breeds.

Regardless of the coat type, it is highly recommended to brush or comb your Cockapoo’s coat two to three times every week. Itwill keep mats and tangles from forming. Pay close attention to the fur on its floppy ears to remove accumulated wax and other debris.

Grooming Your Cockapoo to Keep it Hypoallergenic

All Cockapoos follow the same grooming methodology regardless of their coat types. Having the correct tools and dog products makes a huge difference. Invest in these so that the experience is pleasant for you and your furbaby.

why are cockapoo low allergy

Below are the steps to groom your cockapoo:

Using a detangling spray, spritz some to your dog’s coat or on your grooming tools. This spray can make the detangling easier and less painful for your dog. It does an excellent job of removing the tangles.

Do a preliminary comb-through for every section – the goal of this step is to ensure that all mats and tangles are found and detangled. It is recommended to use a steel brush for this process.

Using a slicker brush, go through your dog’s coat section by section to fully work out any more tangles.

With all the mats and tangles completely gone, gently de-shed your dog’s coat by brushing it again. This step gets rid of dead or trapped hair left from the previous steps.

Trim the wayward hair around your cockapoo’s eyes, paw pads, and hindquarters. Don’t forget to trim your canine’s nails.

End the grooming session by doing a thorough ear check and cleaning and brushing the teeth.

When grooming is done regularly, the length of time it takes will eventually lessen. Soon, you’ll be dealing with fewer mats and tangles.

It is easy to groom a cockapoo at home. But what if you do not have the time to make your pet look and smell its best? A professional groomer would be happy to help you out.

Lifestyle Tips to Minimize the Effect of Dog Allergies

Even if Cockapoos are generally safe for allergy sufferers, it still pays to do some preventive measures, especially since allergies have a direct impact on your immune system.

puppy at the vet with owners one adult one child

Below are lifestyle tips on how you can live with your Cockapoo in comfort:

  • Make it a habit to wash your hands with soap and water after cuddling or petting your dog.

  • Don’t let them kiss or lick your face.

  • Clean your house regularly using a vacuum cleaner.

  • Consider getting an air filter, especially for your bedroom.

  • Declare certain areas off-limits to your dog, including your bed and sofa.

  • If you are OK with your Cockapoos on the couch or bed, make sure you change linens and beddings every week.

  • Regularly bathe your Poodle mix every 1-2 weeks or have regular trips to the groomers to maintain the Cockapoo coat

  • Make sure you have allergy medication close in case you suddenly have a severe reaction to your pet.

Remedies for Dog Allergy Attacks

It’s established that Cockapoos are your best bet when you have a dog allergy. But it does not mean that you will not have any symptoms at all with this breed inside your home.

happy cockapoo puppy running

Photo by Ray Larabie /CC BY

A 100% hypoallergenic dog does not exist (not even a purebred Poodle), so do not be surprised if you still get the sniffles with your Cockapoo around. 

When you start to get that itchy, sneezy feeling, here are a few home remedies that you can try:

Saline sinus rinse – this kitchen-ready mixture of 3 teaspoons of iodine-free salt and one teaspoon of baking soda mixed in 8 oz. of warm water is easy to prepare. Just rinse your nostrils using this mixture using an ear dropper to ease your allergies.

Plant supplements – your allergy symptoms can be eased using plant supplements that have rosmarinic acid content on them.

What if these home remedies are not as effective or you don’t have some of the ingredients? There are over-the-counter and prescription medicines that can help in reducing your allergy symptoms.

Antihistamines – the primary purpose of this medicine is to block histamine. It is a compound that triggers your immune system and leads to allergy symptoms.

Nasal corticosteroids and decongestants – these medications will help lessen the inflammation caused by your immune system’s response to the allergens. You can breathe easier once these take effect.

Immunotherapy – these are also referred to as allergy shots that an allergist would administer. The need for immunotherapy is only done when the allergies are chronic or severe. By injecting allergens into you in gradual doses, you can strengthen your tolerance against them. These sessions can last for several months.

Final Thoughts

You can safely enjoy a companion dog Cockapoo in your home without having to fret about what your canine bud can do to your immune system. 

Remember that Cockapoos still shed like any purebred dog, and they still have some saliva. 

If adopting a F1b Cockapoo or F2 Cockapoo look for a reputable breeder with a proven track record of producing a hypoallergenic breed.

It is just that the Poodle genetics in them makes them keep their dander and drool away as much as possible, which makes them an excellent option for a hypoallergenic dog.