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  • Are Basenji Good House Dogs? (Indoor Basenji Pros and Cons)

Are Basenji Good House Dogs? (Indoor Basenji Pros and Cons)

How good are Basenjis as house Dogs? We will be looking at this and more in this particular post. If you are considering owning a Basenji, this is definitely a thought that would have crossed your mind.

In short, yes Basenjis make great house pets. They are easy to maintain and you can expect a cleaner and fur-free environment. They will also maintain a tidy environment as long as they get their daily dose of exercise. The Basenji is also very affectionate with its family.

They are protective of their families and they are most like this with children. Basenjis only need about 30 minutes of exercise per day.

Despite having a reputation for being stubborn, they do make great pets. They are playful, fun, and lovable. They are energetic and they can stay with your children without any problems.

basenji dog eye wipe

Grooming a Basenji

One of the greatest traits of a Basenji is the fact that they require little to no grooming. They pretty much take care of themselves and only ever need attention in the most extreme cases such as when they get really dirty.

Most Basenji owners only bathe their B once every couple of months.

Basenjis are very smart and clean dogs. They don’t shed much of their undercoat. Just like cats, Basenjis groom themselves. They have smooth and short coat that requires little care. Just gentle and quick brushing is enough to keep his coat clean.

They don’t have a smell as other dogs do. So it’s not necessary to bathe him frequently. This is only necessary when they get dirty for some particular reasons like playing in the mud.

This breed doesn’t wear its nails naturally, so it is best to cut its nails regularly. Too long nails may cause difficulties in walking and run as they cause pain.

If you have a puppy, they need to be fed two to 3 times per day taking care not to overfeed them. This may lead to obesity which in turn can cause joint problems and other related issues. Make sure that they also get to move around the house as well as a walk outside or to the park.

Regular vet checkups are also necessary, especially in cases where you do not know the genetic history of your pup. Basenjis have a history of genetic illnesses that can affect them. Catching these on time may help make your B’s life a lot more comfortable.

Are Basenjis Trainable?

Training a Basenji requires much of your patience. These dogs are smart and they’re obedient too only when you are gentle with them. For the best results, train your B at a younger age when it is still eager and enthusiastic to please its owner.

The floppy face of a Basenji smiling

You must train your Basenji to learn basic things. Despite their difficulty to train, it’s all possible with patience and perseverance.

Teach them to behave well around strangers. And even around any other pets or animals around your neighbourhood. Start socializing them at a very early age so that they don’t get aggressive with strangers unnecessarily.

Take them to a park where they’re other pets and people. Unless they are well trained, always put them on a leash when walking with them. Early socialization will also allow the Basenji to be self-confident. It will also attain good social skills with both people and other dogs.

Why you Should Consider Getting a Basenji as an Indoor Dog

If you need convincing on why you should get a Basenji here are some advantages of owning a Basenji:

  • They are active, alert, and intelligent.

They have proved to be one of the smartest dogs in the world. They are independent and they can do things on their own. This, however, can be a challenge to owners when training them.

  • Basenjis around kids

They are really good around children since they are protective. Basenjis have a lot of energy that matches well with that of kids. You kill two birds with one stone by keeping your kids occupied and getting your Basenji their daily dose of exercise.

  • Basenjis are energetic.

They are well known for their high energy levels. Which can be good characteristics when choosing a working dog. If they are not let out they can cause disorder in the house. So it is best to let them use their energy outside in an open space.

  • They are affectionate and protective

They are the nicest dogs ever. You can find them cuddling at your feet or beside you on your bed. They will follow you around the house just to be close to you.

They form strong bonds with their family members. They are very protective of their families, children, and siblings.

Are Basenjis Aggressive?

an owner kisses a tiny Basenji puppy

The temperament of each Basenji is different. There are some aggressive Basenjis out there just as with other dog breeds as well as people. What you need to understand about a Basenji is that, from time to time, they will need their space.

When you infringe on this space, they may get aggressive as a way of letting you know. If you have kids, train them to know when your B is giving cues that it wants to be left alone.

They are friendly around their owners but can be suspicious around strangers. It is best to train them on how to be social around people


Basenjis are very good house pets. They need little maintenance and they are high-spirited, playful, and fun dogs. This can be a great breed for you to take. However, they are great escape artists, they need an environment that is well-fenced.